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Just a Jen in Mississippi

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Posts posted by Just a Jen in Mississippi

  1. My friend's son started getting terrible, debilitating migraines about the time he hit middle school. They would hit him fast, and he would be out of commission for the rest of the day, often vomiting his guts out. It was horrible. His doctor prescribed a type of medicine that he could take the moment he felt a migraine coming on. He was very anxious about this, because he was not allowed to carry medicine on his person, and by the time he made it to the nurse's office, and she made all the appropriate phone calls to okay the medicine (if there was even a nurse on campus that day), it would be too late for the meds to be effective.


    This family is extremely conservative, very respectful of authority and not at all rule breakers. You can see how this would be a dilemma. So the doctor leaned in and looked right in this boy's face, and told him that she authorized him to keep the pill in his sock. If he felt a migraine coming on, he simply had to be excused to the bathroom to take the pill, and for heaven's sakes, don't get caught!


    I was so saddened that this is what we've come to. This whole thread is distressing.


    Big hugs to those of you who have to deal with all this weirdness.


    This is the first year all my kids have been in public school and I've been pleasantly surprised. My high schooler can self medicate and bring advil or whatever with her. She can use her cell phone any time she is outside or at lunch. I have been able to pack whatever I want them to have for lunch and they can talk at lunch. It's not been bad at all and they've loved it. I'm sure it varies by state and school district, but our schools so far, are much kid and parent friendlier than I ever remember.

  2. I really am glad so many of you responded to this thread. We are starting this adventure, but I am waking up with panic attacks at the thought of it.

    Much prayer and discussion went into this decision, but I will miss them soooo much

    I'm so with you! After 10 years of homeschooling, all four of mine are starting public school in a few weeks! I wouldn't have even believed this two weeks ago! It's been a pain locating shot records and getting them enrolled! I have joked that it was easier for me to get a teaching job (got a sub position to teach 2nd grade starting in Oct. when a teacher goes on maternity leave) than to get my kids registered! But we've homeschooled since the beginning and it's been a way of life for us. So, I too am having my moments of anxiety! Luckily, I have received a lot of positive support from church friends. It's just such a major change in our lives and I can't help but be a little scared when I'm so used to having all control and my children under my wings.

  3. I don't like accepting credit card Paypal payments because I feel the charge is too high. For instance, I accepted one where I was paid $7.50 but was deducted .67 because they used their credit card. That's not that much, but I wished I had known that before setting my price. After that and shipping, I really didn't come out so well. And the more you get paid, of course, the more Paypal deducts.......I can't remember the percentage, but I'm just not willing to cut into my profits that much.

  4. When I was 15, my dad had an affair with a young, also married, woman. She got pregnant, not really knowing who the father was. She and my dad ended up staying together (and still are after 18 years!). Her ex was furious with hatred for her and signed away any rights to that child before she was even born. My dad has raised her as his own in every way. But I firmly believe she isn't his. My dad and step mom both have blue eyes. The child has brown.....like the ex. She's always sorta felt different, but to this day does not know. I just think enough folks know that one day it will come out and she's going to feel deceived. She has a half sister out there too. Years ago when I was still a teengager, I confronted my dad about it. He was very defensive, but knows that biologically she wasn't his. But he has loved her and been more of a dad to her than my brother and me.

    Anyway, I hope you come to peaceful terms regarding your situation with whatever you decide.

  5. It's that way here too.....mostly. You'll encounter the occasional person that turns his head to avoid "seeing" you so he doesn't have to let you out, or the occasional person who doesn't give the proper gesture of a wave in recognition of you letting them out. But mostly, that is standard practice here in the south as well.


    However, I agree with the poster that said big cities are less friendly. It always shocks me when I encounter rude and selfish drivers since I'm so used to the other.

  6. Well, I'm a born and raised southern girl, so I do not know any different. What I do know is that it was always so weird to be around my "Yankee" grandfather, who was always a little too brash and direct for my taste.


    I also think it matters what part of the south you are in. I live in northern MS, in a relatively small city. I traveled to Atlanta (still in the south of course!) last year and was amazed at the difference in drivers. We sat in heavy downtown traffic with our blinker on forever trying to change lanes and NO ONE let us over. We also got ugly looks. That just wouldn't happen here! Even when a convention or something is letting out here, I always notice that most cars will let a car out in front of them. I do so appreciate that part of southern hospitality!:001_smile:

  7. I too am a fairly conservative person, but my mp3 player is full of songs from Prince, George Michael, Poison, Guns N Roses, Whitesnake, Bob Seger, Motley Crue, Nickelback, Sarah McLachlan, Matchbox Twenty, Elton John, Norah Jones, Van Halen, ACDC, etc. It soooo motivates me in my workout routine and makes me feel young because most of the songs on my playlist are from my teenage years! It also gives me the warm fuzzes towards my husband because he introduced me to most of these songs way back then! I'd be a little embarrassed if some of my acquaintances got a hold of my player! LOL

  8. Could it be that the treadmill doesn't keep an accurate mileage? I enjoy running in 5K's. I consider myself a slow runner, coming in around 30-32 minutes. But when I'm on my treadmill, it takes me much longer to run a 5k (according to the mileage meter on there). So, you might want to run at the track or someplace where you can know for sure how far you have run.


  9. I watch the show sometimes. I've seen her be ugly, but like others have said, if there was a camera in my house all the time, I probably wouldn't be liked either. However, I was super appalled at one episode where her friend (not sure which) kept the kids and gave them gum. Later Kate found gum on their belongings. Kate called her friend and crawled her butt about giving 3 year olds gum. Her tone was awful and I can't imagine being talked to like that. That would honestly have been the end to my friendship with her after I had kept ALL those kids!!!! If she has indeed lost friends, this could be an example as to why!

  10. I vote for a Sandals in Jamaica. We went to Jamaica for our honeymoon, and it was awesome. So beautiful there...beaches, mountains, rainforests. We took an excursion where they drove us to the top of the mountains overlooking Kingston, and then we biked downhill through the rainforests. I think it was like 25 miles. It was one of the most amazing things we've done(and it was raining at the time, adding to the effect).


    You know, I took an online quiz and it said I should go to Jamaica! I've read that the people are so friendly there. It's definitely in the running.

  11. My sister loves cruises! I'm afraid of water and ship-borne diseases that seem to happen so often, so have never been on a cruise. My sister has been fine every time though!


    The place we stayed on St. Croix was VERY nice, I LOVED it! If you like the personal, one-on-one "royalty" treatment, though, my sister says a cruise can't be beat for that!


    LOL, that's exactly the reason I haven't wanted to go on a cruise!!! Or the missing/thrown overboard cases!! But I know of folks that go every year and love it. I guess I need to look into it. My 13 year old is begging me not to go on a cruise because of "Titanic"!:lol:

  12. Have you considered taking a cruise? You could cruise the Caribbean (or the Panama Canal). Depending on the style ship you pick, you can have lots of activities or a very quiet, relaxing time. Food is almost always awesome, views are gorgeous, and you get to sit back & relax & still wake up in a new location every day.


    If you do go to the Caribbean, you could also look into Puerto Rico. There, you wouldn't have to worry about exchanging money & the language barrier would be less.


    Hawaii is also wonderful. (You could also cruise there, but I think a land vacation there is better.) I love the Pacific (much, much more than the Caribbean).


    Of course, there are so many wonderful places to vacation (depending on what you're looking for & the distance you do or don't want to go).


    Can your recommend (or anyone) a website to look into cruises? There's just way too many choices! :001_huh:

  13. When dh and I went to Hawaii, it was rather touristy, so you'd need to make sure you find a place that is not that way. We were on Oahu most of the time, though, so knew it would be that way. It didn't bother us, but if you want to be away from too many people, that wouldn't be the place to go, imho.


    You live on the East coast somewhere? Our Honeymoon was to St. Croix--not a long flight from Florida at all! It was out of the way, quiet and not as touristy, had a beautiful beach area, and enough tours and things to keep us busy for about 5 days--which was how long we had, so it was perfect! We are vegetarians, and there was even a place that made to-die-for vegeburgers! :) We loved it there!


    Just thought I'd throw that idea out there......I can give more details if you wish.


    I live in Mississippi, so not too far from Florida. The touristy thing is what I'm most afraid of. I guess it's not being around a lot of people that I'm afraid of, but I do want a more hands on helpful approach from the servers/hotel staff, etc. When we landed at Disney, I felt we were thrown to the wolves with the rest of the folks. We were lost even trying to find our room at the mega hotel. I'd like things a little more personalized, where ever we end up. We're not opposed to a cruise either. In fact, dh would like that very much. I guess I'm just a little more afraid of them.

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