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Posts posted by teachingtowheads

  1. I think I want to try a new math curriculum with my daughter (age 7 - 2nd grade). We are using Christian Light Education and Addition/Subtraction Facts That Stick. I like CLE and have used it with my older son for years. Math comes naturally to him and I barely have to teach the CLE, he just gets it. Math does not come as naturally to my daughter. It seems she needs more instruction than CLE offers (or CLE tells me to do). Even skipping problems, the lessons take a long time for her and we add in math facts on top of that. What elementary math do you recommend for a student that is not super mathy? Something that is simple, clear, still with lots of practice and review but doesn't take too long. Thanks!

  2. Has anyone's child used Mr. D. Math? I'd love to hear your thoughts and pros and cons. Also wondering if it's appropriate/rigorous enough for a kid who excels in math and wants to be an engineer. Thinking about trying it for my son who is getting ready to begin Pre-Algebra but it would be great if it was good enough to follow the sequence all the way through HS. I know I'm going to need help teaching math from here on out. Thank you!

  3. I'm using the Pre-K with my newly 5-year-old. He's not quite ready for AAR 1 and needs review on his numbers and shapes too. It has been perfect for him.

    I used the science and history this year with my 4th and 1st graders. This was my fifth year homeschooling and the first year ever that those subjects got done consistently. I find it very easy to teach, engaging, and my kids have retained a lot! We did History Year 1 and the Space Science, Human Body, Energy, and Arthropods units.

    I also just started using the handwriting for my 7-year-old. We love the handwriting book. Simple and a fun little art activity on each page. 

    I'm actually considering the math for my soon-to-be kindergartener and 2nd grader. I was really impressed by the samples. I've loved CLE but my almost 2nd grader didn't pass the placement test for TGATB Math 2 and now I'm questioning how much she learned/retained.

    Looking at samples, I didn't feel the phonics and spelling are as solid/comprehensive as AAR and Apples and Pears so we haven't pursued TGATB LA. But I have really, really enjoyed the other stuff. 

  4. What age/grade do you start teaching basic computer skills (Word, Powerpoint, Google Drive)? Digital citizenship? And how/what do you use to teach these things?

    What age/grade do your students start typing papers, etc. on a computer?

    I've started teaching typing in 3rd grade but have no clue after that...my oldest is now 10.

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