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Posts posted by emptynester3

  1. On 6/17/2021 at 11:57 PM, NittanyJen said:

    “…while they accept course descriptions, they ask that they not exceed five pages…” BWAHAHAHAHA. Sorry, Charlie. But at a solid paragraph per course, plus massive booklist for every class, I would have to write that in a 2-point font to squish that onto 5 pages. The one-page summary chart yes, we do do, for the TL;DR admissions folks who only want to read what they took and how they did. But no, we are not going to create a DIFFERENT annotated transcript to meet the requirements of each college. The Common App only wants you to upload ONE transcript that everybody gets.

    We’re not applying to Hillsdale, but that 5 page thing struck me as pretty hilarious. I don’t think the book list alone would fit on 5 pages, even in a double-column. 

    Could I write a one-page-per-major-area course description? Sure. But that’s not what OTHER colleges ask for. I remember one college even wanted number of “hours spent per subject, who taught it and their qualifications, materials covered, how the course was evaluated, what kind of work was turned in, and all books with ISBN numbers” listed, for each course. So . . . It’s either write up a separate transcript for every college, or write up the most detailed transcript needed for the pickiest college, and everybody gets that one.

    Sometimes you have to wonder who writes these things.


    I created these documents for all three of my children, but no one ever asked for anything like this. They only wanted a one page transcript. That and their test scores were good enough. I just wasted so much time doing all of that.

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