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Posts posted by Lulabelle1009

  1. I did notice their scope and sequence is similar, but I do like the way ACSI TM is set up. With BJU we felt like we were moving so slow through the year. My dd loved the stories, but we just felt like the year dragged on in math- we lost motivation. I was constantly skipping over lessons with topics that she had already mastered and supplementing with online worksheets. Also, she came from RS so she uses some strategies that BJU doesn’t teach. While I think it is a great curriculum, I just felt it was not challenging enough for us to do it again. 

    I realize the way her brain figures out math will not be the same way it is taught in every math curriculum. We do still use RS, but more of a supplement- I feel there are some things it lacks using it as our main book. I was even looking into something like Abeka thinking a more spiral approach would benefit her, but I’m just so unsure! 

  2. Hello! Has anyone used the math program from ACSI? I am looking at it for my dd who will be in 3rd grade. We are going to be using ACSI spelling and science and the math intrigued me too! We did not care for BJU math and after searching through multiple curriculum ACSI looks to be a good fit (but I also thought that last year too!). This is only our 2nd year homeschooling so I am still trying to figure out her learning style and what works/what doesn’t. 


  3. Math has been a struggle to find that “perfect fit” for us! My daughter used Right Start in K and 1st (at private school) then we switched to BJU in 2nd (that’s what she would’ve used at school). I loved the layout of the program, but I don’t think she came away learning any new concepts and I noticed her mental math decreased (Partly my fault- you really do “use it or lose it”!).  So after searching endlessly through multiple curriculum, we settled on MLFALE 3 and Mathematical Reasoning level D. Also adding in some speed drills. 

  4. My daughter will be in 3rd this year and we are doing Purposeful Design from ACSI. It covers multiple topics from ecosystems to matter and a bit of health. I haven’t used it before, but it looks promising! We used Apologia astronomy last year and got bored after a while. I also purchased some God’s Design series, which looked great, but we just couldn’t seem to make it fit. I plan to use YouTube and other online resources to add in an experiment or activity to go along with what we are learning. 

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