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Smart Art Club

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Posts posted by Smart Art Club

  1. Hi I was wondering if this club is still open. 

    I have a small business of 1.  I am a certified art teacher in a public school that now also teacher art online to homeschool students.  Here is a little bit about my business.

    Smart Art Club is online art classes for homeschool students. 
    • Ages range from 5 to 14 years old.
    • Classes are taught by a Certified Art Teacher.
    • Classes are educational and are not crafts or Pinterest projects.
    • Classes are broken up into age groups and skill levels.
    • Students will learn about art history, art terminology, techniques, artists and art skills.
    • Classes incorporate other subjects into each class. Some subjects are reading, science, history and math.
    • Classes are online and are taught through videos.
    • Finished artwork can be uploaded to Smart Art Club Community, where other members can view and comment about their work.
  2. Have you got her eyesight checked out?  I teach in a public school and also teach art online for homeschool kids.  I have seen this behavior before with some of my 1st graders.  She can see fuzzy or out of focus letters and guess at what they are because she associates the fuzzy word with the words you say.  She can't spell them because they look like a blob to her.  She can't see the individual letters.  Go to the eye doctor and get her an eye test.  I really do think that she just needs glasses.  Like I said, I have seen this same behavior in school and it was fixed with glasses.

  3. Hi.  First off let me tell you why I'm here.  I have 2 sisters that homeschool their kids.  While they do that, I teach Art in public schools.  One day they mentioned to me that they couldn't find any art classes for their girls to take.  They didn't want to teach the art lessons to them, they wanted someone else to teach the girls art.  They also didn't want the girls to just do crafts.  They thought that this wasn't educational for them. They looked everywhere for the girls and came up empty.  There were places they could drive to, but they were over 60 miles away.

    That's where I came in.  I mentioned that I could teach the girls the same lessons that I teach my classes. (Kindergarten to 8th grade) They jumped at the opportunity.  They knew that I didn't teach the kids to create crafts, but actual art projects.  They also knew that I love to incorporate other subjects into my lesson. 

    One such example was when I was having my 1st graders draw Nesting Dolls and arrange them to show perspective, details, patterns and proportion.  To introduce the project, I had a book that I read to them, then I brought out 2 actual Nesting Dolls from Russia.  They gathered around one of the tables, so that they could all see.  Then I showed them how the dolls worked and why they are called nesting dolls.  It also so happened that the dolls from the story was painted in the same style as one of my nesting dolls.  The kids were so excited about getting started and drawing their nesting dolls.  They kept that excitement throughout the project, which was about 3 weeks long. I only get 40 minutes a week with the kids. 

    So, after I taught them, they wanted more classes like that.  They also told other homeschool friends about my art class. So that go the juices rolling.  I could help other homeschool students experience educational art classes from their own home.  I could record the projects and they could watch and follow along with me to create the projects on their own time. 

    So I came up with Smart Art Club to do just that.  And here I am sharing my art classes with other homeschool students and families. Right now the classes haven't be open yet and so we have a waiting list to join.  I hate SPAM so I would never SPAM you.  I am offering some discounts for those whom sign up.  The classes will open in July.

    Sign up form

    Thanks for letting me rant.

    Ms. Cutler your future Art Teacher

    Smart Art Club


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