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Posts posted by SharoninTennessee

  1. Just a note, if you do drive, allow plenty of time. We just got back from DC this past weekend. Our daughter was staying at the Cosmos Club in the Dupont Circle area (she was there receiving an award) and we stayed at a hotel in College Park. It was only 10 miles from our hotel to her, but due to the traffic set up (street lights at every city block, crazy roundabouts, and tons of pedestrians and cabs everywhere), it took us over an hour to get to her awards ceremony. It's not difficult to maneuver about DC, but you do need to allow more time than you would ever dream possible.

  2. How are you supposed to handle scholarships on your taxes? Do you list the scholarship income and then list the expenses or do you just list any scholarship income that is in excess of tuition? What about books, do you factor in their expense? If you do include scholarship income, where on the tax form do you list it?


    We were told that you didn't list scholarships since they're covering expenses, but the FAFSA very clearly asks how much scholarship income you claimed. Want to make sure we do it right.




  3. Don't give up hope. My daughter also struggled with math. It was so frustrating for both of us, but no matter what curriculum we tried, nothing made sense to her. When she finally finished algebra 2 with a very low C, we were ecstatic. The state schools here in Tennessee seem to only require 1 math for humanities majors and that can be Math for Liberal Arts, so that's what she took her first semester of college. Well, suddenly it clicked. And not only that, but she actually enjoyed it. She ended up with a 97 average and decided to take Statistics just for the fun of it. Now she's working ahead in it and loving it. She's even considering taking Calculus for Business so she can minor in Marketing.


    So just know. There is hope.



  4. I know community college so often gets a bad rap, but I just wanted to share a positive experience. My daughter was totally not ready to go away to college this year and so she chose to go to the local campus of a community college. She felt good about her decision until she watched all her friends going away to college. Then she began feeling like a second class citizen. That feeling lasted until the first day of class when she realized what a perfect fit it was for her. Now she's done with her first semester and it's been obvious the entire time that she is exactly where she needs to be.


    The campus is brand new and it's a beautiful building. The school has eight thousand students, but this campus has only 500, a perfect number for a homeschooled, timid girl. She received the college's academic scholarship award which requires all scholarship recipients to work 5 hours a week on campus. 3 other students received the scholarship at her campus, 1 of which was another homeschooled girl. Working at the front desk with those other girls helped to make her feel like she truly belonged.


    Because it's a small campus, the classes are small. Which means she's been able to rise to the top and really connect with each of her professors. They love that she comes prepared every day, knows about the subjects, cares about the subjects, and participates in discussion. It's not been easy learning time management and figuring out that you have to work ahead sometimes in order to not get behind, but she's finally mastered it. Final grades haven't been posted yet, but she'll either have 3 A's and 2 B's or 4 A's and 1 B. There's a slight chance that she could end up with straight A's!


    Next fall she'll be going away to the state university an hour from here, and she'll be ready. She'll have had this entire year to prepare and go out with confidence and excitement.


    Oh, and what's really cool is that with the state scholarship and the school scholarship, her entire school costs this year were covered, including books, plus she ended up with another $400+ in cash left over!


    Hope this helps anyone who feels like community college is the right choice for their child, but is feeling pressure to send them away prematurely. Community college doesn't have to be a lesser choice. For some, it can be the best choice.

  5. Just a proud mama update to say that at Nationals last week my daughter was awarded the Legacy Prize. http://creativity-found.org/legacy-prize/ Which means she's representing NHD along with representatives from the science fair, Harvard, some inventors contest, a school of the arts, and some music college. In April she'll go to DC for a reception at the Smithsonian and an awards ceremony at the Cosmos Club. Then they have a roundtable with Nobel Prize winners, Pullitzer Prize winners, and other recognized scholars. How cool is that? We were totally shocked when they announced her as the winner.

  6. Sebastian,


    Just wanted to let you know that the national competition is this upcoming week and starting Sunday you'll be able to go to the website http://www.nhd.org and check out the websites and paper entries. My daughter's website is in senior individual website and it's on "Ephraim McDowell", the doctor who performed the first ovariotomy in 1809 (or sometime around then.) After the contest they'll delete the links, but if you bookmark the pages, you can come back to them later. That's what we did and really studied the websites that won. It was VERY helpful being able to do that. Also, on Thursday morning, History Channel will be streaming the awards ceremony on their website. Even if you don't want to watch the whole thing, I would encourage you to watch the parade of contestants at the beginning. It's a really neat thing to witness, all the kids in their state shirts carrying their state flags.

  7. My daughter has competed for the past 4 years and is hard at work on her project for this year. She's competed at the district, state, and national level and her desire is to make it to nationals again this year. National History Day has been her favorite activity in school. She's had a wonderful time creating the projects and has learned much not just from her research but from other students' projects as well. National History Day also opened up the door for her to have a week internship with our state Secretary of State.


    District competitions won't start until January or February and so they won't open up registration until a month or so before the contest. However, you can go ahead and contact your state or district coordinators and they'll send you a packet of information. I'm not sure what state you're in, but here's a link to our state page with plenty of helpful information to get you started including sample projects. If you scroll down to the bottom of the sample websites, you can see my daughter's website from when she competed at nationals.



    Let me know if you have any specific questions. I've worked with 23 students, 12 who made it to state and 5 who made it to nationals. It's a great program and homeschool friendly.

  8. Debbie,


    We're also in Tennessee with an umbrella school, and I've been wondering this very thing. I'm pleased with our umbrella school, but I'm not crazy about the formatting of their transcripts. Also, one of the scholarships my daughter is applying for requires that students include their ranking. Our umbrella ranks based on ACT since so many homeschoolers have 4.0. However, I don't feel that is a fair ranking compared to how other students are ranked.


    I would love to just do a homeschool transcript and not use the umbrella, but I wasn't sure if we could do that since technically in Tennessee we're considered private school students and not homeschoolers. How have others dealt with this?




  9. My daughter took the psychology test this summer and will be taking humanities and government this year. The best source we found was http://www.free-clep-prep.com/index.html . She had taken psychology at a tutorial, then she spent about a week and a half using the REA book and taking the online practice tests. She got a 72, which we were pretty excited about since she's not a great tester. She came out saying let's do more!

  10. Each year my daughter has some passion that she obsesses with and so our electives tend to reflect her interest for that year. We've done HTML applications and web design, historic costume construction, graphic design, filmmaking, historic filmmaking, apologetics, and American Civil War. These have all been home-based courses and most have involved participation in related contests such as National history day, Civil War Challenge, and film contests. We've also done drama, art, psychology, and journalism via tutorials.


    She wants to double major in history and political science so next year she'll be doing Constitutional Law and Confronting Liberal Bias in the Study of History with Potter's School. Potter's School has some amazing sounding electives.


    This summer she's spending a week at 1861 Girls School where they dress and live like it's 1861, so we've spent this year studying the period in depth. Not sure whether we'll call it a class or an extra-curricular. Oh, and since she has dyslexia, she's looking at doing a speed reading course this summer.



  11. If you are specifically looking for a Christian college, Belmont may not be what you're looking for. I live in Nashville and know many people who went there, work there, or are going there, and the general concensus is that while it's a good school, there's nothing particularly Christian about it. In fact, they're working pretty hard to get away from conservative values. You may want to research the recent incident they've had with a coach to get a feel for where they stand.

  12. For my daughter's AP American history class they're using an online college text that she's finding very easy to read. Here's the link. http://www.digitalhistory2.uh.edu/ It kind of takes a little bit to figure out the site, but you click on the history era, then click on textbook. Then it has the different chapters or sections. It's a common AP text.


    Interestingly enough, she was working on an essay about oppression in the colonies and didn't feel like she was fully grasping the topic. I got out a middle school textbook I have from 1940 (I collect antique textbooks) and it explained it so perfectly and more in depth than the modern college text. If you have access to old textbooks, check them out as they do a much better job of covering history in a more interesting and in-depth manner.

  13. My daughter is planning to go to Cumberland University in Lebanon, which is about 30 minutes east of Nashville. It's a small, private university and they offer a lot of automatic scholarships. It's very personable and close knit and they have a lot to offer for such a small school. They're also building a new freshman dorm building that will be ready for next fall. Even though my daughter's just a junior this year, we went to their preview day last spring and she fell in love with it, and we were very impressed. I'm pretty sure I saw that they had preview days coming up in October.

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