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Posts posted by kznelius

  1. Here is the current (but ever-changing) plan:

    Language Arts: MBTP 9-11, and MCT Town Level. I'll supplement writing with EIW 5 (just the second half, not the grammar) and/or Killgallon's Sentence Composing

    Math: He's finished Singapore 6 and TT7 but I don't really want to move him on to a formal pre-algebra/algebra quite yet - So we are going to try doing Khan Academy for 20 minutes a day, and then a child-led exploration. I'm going to buy a variety of resources and let him choose what he'd like to work on. I'm thinking Beast Academy Online, Murderous Maths, TOPS Math, Patty Paper Geometry, Adventures of Penrose, Challenge Math, The Cryptoclub, etc.

    Science & Social Studies: MBTP 9-11

    Spanish: Senor Wooley, Homeschool Spanish Academy once a week, Duolingo.

    Other activities: Hockey, Soccer, Rock climbing, Chess Club, Battle of the Books, Piano

    Of course, this is a lot. But we'll experiment a bit and go with what works best.


  2. Moving Beyond the Page has a few unit studies that might be of interest. Not sure they are exactly what you are after. The first link is to the purchase page of the complete package, and the second link is to the summary of skills page that might give you an idea about what is in the unit study:

    Age 9-11 : Poetry (Looks like this one may focus a bit more on writing poetry)- 



    Age 11-13: British Poetry - 



    Age 12-14: Great American Poets - 





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  3. On 4/2/2019 at 7:41 AM, Farrar said:

    Yes, the pretend play of, "we're going to do this giant project," is super common for middle schoolers, I think.


    Yes! At first I couldn't think of when this change happened for me personally. But this helped me to put it together. We went from building elaborate grass fort houses and and chasing imaginary friends in the forest, to creating strobe light/black light music videos and making the the movie "The Nightmare on 12th Street." I think this change probably happened around age 10 or 11. 

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  4. My rising 5th grader completed Singapore 1-5 at the end of third grade. After struggling a bit with the curriculum Go Math at the beginning of this year (something I got from his teacher advisor), I decided we'd take a year to cement some skills in a low pressure way by having him work through Texting Textbooks 7, which he is just about finished with. I'm trying to figure out what I direction I want to go with him next year. He is intuitively pretty good at math, though not a particularly confident problem solver when he is confronted with something that he doesn't know the "procedure" for. This very likely has something to do with his maturity level more than anything else, but leads me to the decision that I don't want to move ahead with him too fast because I don't think he's ready for it yet. The other piece of this is that, although he is quite good at math, he is starting to say that he doesn't like it. So, I'm hoping to spend next year working on some problem solving techniques, and also letting him have a little fun with math. Anyone know of any great resources that might accomplish both of these tasks?

    I've read through some great threads, but many of them were focused on students that are a bit older or more mathematically advanced, so I thought I'd see if anyone has any middle school specific resources that they think might fit the bill.

    Some that I've got on the list are: Murderous Maths, Tops Math, The Cryptoclub, The Adventures of Penrose the Mathematical Cat. Any comments on these resources or ideas about others? Thanks!

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