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Posts posted by Steffa

  1. 21 hours ago, chiguirre said:

    I don't think there are any major drawbacks for a homeschooler to DE and then take the AP. If your son is attending a public school, however, it is essential that he not take any DE that would count into his high school GPA before the cut date for the top 6%/top 10% rankings. The public school will pull the DE A in as a 95 and you might lose your automatic admit with that kind of a ding.

    We plan to be completely homeschooled but that's good to know in case something changes.  Do you know if there's a certain number of Dual Enrollment credits a high schooler could take that would put them into a transfer student application instead of regular admission?  Wasn't sure if there's a limit in order to still be considered an incoming freshman.  

  2. We’re in Texas and my son will be a freshman next year.  High schoolers here have the option for taking dual enrollment classes at local community colleges.

    I’m trying to figure out the best course of action.  Has anyone’s kids taken a dual enrollment college class and then self reviewed to take the AP exam for that class?  Seems like that'd be the "best of both worlds."  Are AP classes better if applying to highly selective schools?  

    Son will be applying for some selective out-of-state schools' programs but also many in-state.  Dual enrollment seems better if you’re attending in-state since it may not transfer out of state.

    Any insight would be great.

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