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Posts posted by wolfjax

  1. We tried IEW for writing and Grammar, but, I really struggled with them to do the work. My 4th grader struggles, well both really struggle, with forming good sentences and I struggle in teaching them. IEW is for me, challenging to use. I never did very good with writing, so to help them is a challenge.  We are reading through a couple classics that they seem to be enjoying but still won't do the reading on their own. My 4th grader needs someone sitting next to him most of the time to get him to do his work. We are trying Alpha and Omega's, Monarch online and I am not a fan but is something more then I can give them at the moment. I need clear scripted lessons at their level to guide them and me along. But choosing quality ones and at the right level is the challenge. Everyone claims their program is the best. I like the Classical approach, but will my boys? Will it be an ongoing fight? As for science we have tried the website ScienceLearningSpace.com and did a few experiments but again found it cumbersome and science is not high on the priority list and is often cut out. As for grammar (aside from IEW) and history they are really none existent at this point. I am still trying to figure those out. We tried Tapestry of Grace and found that super challenging for me, with lesson planning and getting them to read and, and, and, I could make a whole list of challenges with TOG. As much money as I have spent on failed curriculum I am reluctant to try new curriculum. but I know what I am doing is not enough. 

    I am not sure if I should place my 4th grader at the classical 5th grade level next year  or keep him at 4th. I am not sure he is at the logical stage yet. And my 7th grader struggles at writing so I wonder were to place him next year. 

  2. We are approaching the end of our first year homeschooling and I don't feel like I have done a good job of it. I have two boys one in the 4th grade and the other in 7th. I am working my way through "The Well-Trained Mind" book and planning for next year, but I am feeling like I need to roll the years back and do it over. But, seeing as how that is not possible. How do I decide where to start the boys? My 4th grader can read well but doesn’t like to.  He can write but has trouble coming up with what to write on any given topic. Math is not a problem and we have worked through a book and a half from “Math U See”. My 7th grader was reading in Kindergarten and used to read a lot, but has since lost that love of reading. He was in 6th grade honors class last year in public school. But based on our experience, I would not call it honors class. Again, Math is not a problem he will likely be going into pre-algebra later this year or early next year. I struggle with where to place them and how to implement whatever plan I come up with both of us work full time. I (Dad) work swing shift and mom works days so I am the primary teacher and only have about 3-4 hours per day for any instruction. I am seeking some sage wisdom from seasoned pros. Thank you in advance.

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