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Posts posted by Macyelm

  1. Hi, 

    Anyone here from NSW, Australia? 

    I don't have a high schooler yet but am looking at how WTM aligns with the History HSC or high school curriculum in general. Is it possible to teach history classically and still get approval to home school by NESA/BOS? 

    If this question better fits elsewhere, please suggest to me where I can post it. Thanks!

  2. Hi,

    Can anyone recommend scholarly articles or books that suggest that starting a second language early isn't always best? A lot of the research focuses on the benefits of learning two (or more) languages from birth (especially for bilingual families). I'd like to see research that supports the idea of delaying formal education in a second language. 

    I personally want to focus on English for a few years before exposing my son to his second language. Would love to read the research to back this idea up. 


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  3. Thanks for your replies. 

    What I meant by starting later, is starting a formal education in Arabic at a later stage. I don't write or read in Arabic myself, and don't feel the need to outsource it at a preschool age. I will, however, expose him to it through song and interaction with extended family. 

    I will post this question in the other threads, as recommended above. 



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  4. Hi,

    Can anyone recommend scholarly articles or books that suggest that starting a second language early isn't always best? 

    I personally want to focus on English for a few years before exposing my son to his second language (grandparents speak Arabic). Would love to read the research to back this idea up. 


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