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Posts posted by TricieW

  1. She just turned 13, has lived with us since she was almost 8, home schooled since 9. We use Classical Conversations Foundations materials now. The repetition with songs is helpful as she retains it better. The FASD causes a terrible short term memory problem, and she struggles to express back what she learns, or understand what it all means. But she is the only one of the 5 kids who can recite the 45 US presidents in order! We do not do Essentials from CC as it is too much for her. We do use Fix It! Level 1 from IEW. She is in the orange Math-U-See book. (Beta, I think). She reads to me from Christian Liberty Nature Reader book 1. We are attempting the elementary chemistry from Apologia,  which is written for 1-6th grade. She loves the experiments but struggles retaining and not confusing vocab and concepts. So she basically functions academically around a 1st-2nd grade level, but still differently, due to memory, comprehension, and expression struggles, and she has poor vision and irlen syndrome. 

    I have read Simply Classical, and I find the lady inspiring. How does she do it all?!

    Life can be so exhausting at times, raising a kiddo with these struggles. We took her camping and she nearly blew up my husband.  Not out of meanness. She did not connect action and consequence in her head. He was leaning over the fire cooking, and she thought the fire should be bigger, so she went to spray lighter fluid on the flames!!! We both saw her the second before she did it and hollered,  "NO!!! STOP!!!" and thankfully, she stopped. 

    I also struggle with our school district. They help with supplies or services, but want to know what grade she is in. In their way, she would be in 7th grade, but does not function in any area at that level. But they stop services at 18, so then she is just officially "done"?! 

    That was a long share! I would love to hear from others and how they manage concerns, see learning improve, etc!

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  2. Not sure if you're even still on this forum, as I just found it today. We have an adopted daughter with fetal alcohol and drug exposure,  with similar issues to your daughter. She has other problems, as well, though your post sounded like you were describing our girl. Not just FASD cause these issues. Any frontal lobe injuries can cause these sorts of brain damage. They impact the amygdala as well. 

    We find ourselves repeating and repeating and repeating ourselves a lot! There is also a lack of understanding what she has memorized. She struggles with common sense. 

    If you're still here, I'd love to talk. I could say so much more, but will hold off until I know we have connected.

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