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Ma Lisa

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Posts posted by Ma Lisa

  1. Also, UT said if you, as a "school," value, say, English 1301, a one semester community college class, as high school English 3, a year long class, they would agree. A semester of college work, in general, to them is worth a year of high school work. It seems the high school transcript is a different animal than the college transfer transcript. 


    Callthe admissions and transfer student office of your child's top three schools to find out specifically what they like to see on the homeschool transcript. They are pretty cool people! 

  2. I live in Texas and Year-round school my kids. We don't keep official track of number of school days, except for course they take at a co-op. We are pretty relaxed about scheduling as long as they finish before the beginning of the new school year.  I'm sure History usually takes them over 150 days to complete. I am not sure if that is acceptable with NCAA, or if the length of course time regulations only apply to public schoolers. Has anyone had experience with this? 

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