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Posts posted by Goodallmomma

  1. I was concerned about using Saxon because they don't separate Geometry, which means she will not have finished it before its time for the SATs. I know that is a long way down the road, but I don't want to switch back and forth between math curriculum.

    And you did mention that you are happy with ABEKA Math but I am adding that we are using Saxon 7/6 as that is the level DD would be using in fifth grade had she stayed in private school.
  2. I really want my daughter to learn a foreign language (preferably Spanish or French). We tried Prima Latina and it just did not work for us. I never learned a foreign language. I opted to learn sign language in high school. As far as teaching it, I can't unless it's a program that can teach me in the process. I was wondering if anyone knew of a good self teaching program or one that would be easy for me to teach. I'm up for anything as long as it doesn't break the bank.


  3. For anyone who has used 1 or both of these...which is better? Are some subjects better with one and other better with another? My BIG decision is between the language arts right now. We're use Rod and Staff right now, but my dd is not that happy with it.

  4. I understand what you're saying, but some others might know of a few different things to try. Having a 1 and 2 year old running my house can make it difficult to teach every subject to the 11 year old. Some independence is needed.


    I think it's very difficult to find something that is simple AND well rounded AND not time consuming for a 5th/6th grader. With very few possible exceptions, I don't believe it exists. Children this age benefit from direct instruction in many subjects and are making the gradual transition to independence down the road.


    Not quite what you were looking for, but that's my opinion. I wouldn't be able to recommend any curriculum based on your criteria.

  5. I'm sure everyone has heard this question a MILLION times but if you could just answer it once more for me, I sure would appreciate it. Since we started homeschooling we have been through A Beka Book (full curriculum), Rod & Staff(English), Spelling Workout, Writing Strands, Mind Benders, Red Herrings, Story of the World, Prima Latina and a few others. I don't feel we have had great success with any of them except A Beka's math program. In your opinion what is the simpliest, most well rounded, least time consuming curriculum you have used for the follow subjects:

    Language/English (includes or does not include vobaculary, reading and /or spelling):

    History & Geography:



    Foriegn Language:





    I would prefer Christ based products, but willing to try something else if it's easier for my daughter (who is in between 5th and 6th grade).


  6. I'm sure everyone has heard this question a MILLION times but if you could just answer it once more for me, I sure would appreciate it. Since we started homeschooling we have been through A Beka Book (full curriculum), Rod & Staff(English), Spelling Workout, Writing Strands, Mind Benders, Red Herrings, Story of the World, Prima Latina and a few others. I don't feel we have had great success with any of them except A Beka's math program. In your opinion what is the simpliest, most well rounded, least time consuming curriculum you have used for the follow subjects:

    Language/English (includes or does not include vobaculary, reading and /or spelling):

    History & Geography:



    Foriegn Language:





    I would prefer Christ based products, but willing to try something else if it's easier for my daughter (who is in between 5th and 6th grade).


  7. I read after my kids are down for bed until I fall asleep. It's not every night or every other night, just when I fee like it. I loooove reading, so I try to make sure if I want to read I have a time and place for it. I also wake up at 5:30 or 6 am when I want to have some alone time for prayer and bible study. It's all about making time, not waiting for some random open spot to run and sit with a book. JMO

  8. I am beginning to buy our books for 6th grade and was wondering about the Jackdaw Portfolios. Has anyone used them and felt they were worth the $$? It's a little out of our price range and curious which ones to get if I was to buy 2 of them. Has anyone found somewhere to purchase them used? Thanks for any and all help! Happy Saturday!

  9. I tried microwaving eggs - in a bowl, with milk, like I was making them scrambled on the stove - and when I took it out [about 2 min] and put the spoon in to stir, they went POW!! Seriously. Eggy airpocket? I dunno! Egg went everywhere. On the counter, on the wall, in my hair... :001_huh:


    LOL Oh goodness I bet that was a blast cleaning up!

  10. I don't like cooking at all...especially in the morning after I just woke up. However, I want my kids to eat more than just cereal every morning. A couple things I do that has helped with that is I cook up about 2 pounds of bacon on Saturday morning. It is enough for all of us to heat up 2 pieces for breakfast and have some for sandwiches for lunch. Also, we microwave eggs. For each serving...In a bowl, crack two eggs and add a bit of milk. Whip it with a fork and cook on high for roughly 2 minutes. Eggs are cheap. :001_smile:


    I have never even tried microwaving eggs. Do they turn out the same?

  11. I'm trying to start meal planning on a rotating schedule for breakfast,lunch, and dinner. I haven't always been the biggest cook at breakfast and lunch meals. I was wondering if I could get a few ideas on some quick, healthy meals for both. My children are fairly picky eaters. If you have any suggestions on how to break them of that I'm all :bigear:. My 11 year old about died this morning because I made her eat two small orange wedges and I couldn't get the 2 year old to touch his. We are definitely on a budget so any low cost meals would be good too.


  12. My daughter keeps getting the least common multiple and the greatest common factor mixed up. Any tips on getting her to remember when to use each one?


    We had the same issue with adverbs and adjective, but I was able to come up with a way to help her remember the difference between them.

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