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Posts posted by Moniksca

  1. I think the motion activated sprinkler is out of my budget for now, I will try the sticks though.

    I told the hubby that he will need to go mark his territory and the boys were quite ecstatic about it.

    My compost is enclosed, it's in black bin with a lid so inaccessible but I think the smell is attracting them.

    Will dog pee work because we have a dog?


    I read about the roundworms and that's what freaked me out.


    I love this forum, because I can always find an answer to my problems, no matter what topic it is about.

  2. We've just moved into a new house, and we've noticed that an animal has been visiting our garden and pooping in it.

    After some research, it appears to be a raccoon. The poop is near my compost, which I will have to stop adding to until this is resolved. It poops all over the garden and now onto the grass.

    How do I keep it out. I'm worried about what disease/worms it may have with the kids in the yard.

    I hope to get planting soon so would eventually like to eat from my garden.

  3. I like the above amy's blog for blogging tips as well. I started out on blogger because it was free and there are a lot of options for themes, but have since moved to Wordpress. It's self-hosted, but I own it and don't have to worry about blogger shutting down or anything.

    Blog designing prices vary, you can get premade templates cheaper than custom designs which can cost hundreds of dollars depending on the the designer.

  4. We love love love them here. I seem to be alone here. My 6th grader uses them and has used thems since we discovered them in 2nd grade. I initially did all the cutting but since I was only schooling one child, it wasn't a big deal.

    Lapbooks are another way of having your child record their narration just like notebooking (which we also love).

    DS always has one history and one science lapbook going at the same time. He works on 2 or 3 minibooks each session. Once they are complete, he glues them into a notebook.

    I don't have space to store large file folders so we use spiral notebooks. this way I can also print out pictures to notebook about as well if there isn't a mini book on a specific topic.

    No fancy paper or ink, we have a black and white printer. He can color them if he wishes but he usually doesn't.

    Easy peasy


    My 5 year old has started working on preschool ones as well and he cuts them until he gets tired and then I take over.

    We love the free ones from homeschoolshare and the ones from hands of a child

  5. I need book suggestions for my ds. He's into humor and historical fiction. He doesn't like to read about murder and people dying unless it's in the context of war.

    He loves all the Roald Dahl books and Tintin. He's read the entire series of Chronicles of Narnia and Harry Potter. His favorite books are Magic treehouse, A to Z mysteries and Jack Stalwart and is now reading Diary of a Wimpy kid series for fun.

    But I'm looking for more challenging books. He did not like Percy Jackson or 39 clues books.

    Any suggestions?

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