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Posts posted by ncaip

  1. The state has given each district the ability to determine whether or not homeschoolers residing within its district can partially enroll.  My district permits partial enrollment, but I believe in my district the homeschooler has to be in 6th grade or above. 


    Another option that you may want to consider is asking for an early release each day for your son so you can work on reading with him.  Some districts permit early release of its enrolled students, but don't permit a homeschooler to partially enroll.


    Good luck in find a solution that works for your family.



    Thanks!  Yes, I think early release would probably be the closest thing to what I am looking for.  They also have an enrichment period built into the day where kids are grouped according to reading level and review takes place (no new concepts are taught).  That would would probably be a great time to pull him.  I am going to talk to our district and see what might be allowed. 


  2. Just as a total aside, how is the REST of the day going? What a torturous mess to receive poor intervention in LA. LA is showing up in ALL the subjects by then. 


    Our ps is like that, with no one OG-certified. It's astonishing. Neighboring schools are fine. It's really just the school, sigh. My ds has an IEP because we take the state scholarship.


    Towards the middle of the year we finally got the IEP in place and since he had accommodations (non-reading related tests read to him, more time, etc.) by the end of second grade he was doing quite well in all the other subjects.   We live in one of the highest rated school districts in our county and there is no one that seems to know a thing about dyslexia (much less OG certified) in the entire school.  


    I have thought about homeschooling completely and we also have an excellent school for dyslexic children about 20 minutes away (we would definitely need the Peterson scholarship...yikes $$$$$).  Those options are definitely not off the table, but we want to try to explore all options within our district before going either of those routes.  He is doing great right now, it's just a lot to try to keep up with during the school year.  My hope is that I can prove to them that the program I am using is successful and they will be more likely to be flexible with me and my requests.  If I am not allowed to remove him from school for a portion of the day to complete Barton then I will probably have to let them know that he will be completing little to no homework at home.  IMO the OG tutoring is absolutely critical and there is only so much I can expect of him when he has already worked all day at school. 

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  3. My son is 9 and entering third grade at a public school in Ohio.  During the second grade year we had him privately tested and learned that he is dyslexic.  I began using the Barton system almost immediately and have seen really great results with the program, however doing at least two hours of Barton Tutoring per week plus the normal homework he receives at school was very challenging last year. He was tired and burnt out, and I noticed many times that the instruction he was receiving at school would contradict the instruction he was receiving from me regarding Barton, which then left him confused. 


    I am unhappy with the reading/intervention program that he is receiving at school and would love to be able to pull him out of school during the reading portion of his day and have him complete that requirement by using the Barton system at home with me.  Is this possible?  I love our school district and would like for him to continue to be a part of the rest of the school day.  Can anyone give me any guidance regarding whether or not this is possible?  I want to make sure I fully research my options and know what's legally possible before approaching the school.  Any advice will be greatly appreciated! 

  4. We started at age 8 and have been using the system since October, 2016.

    We are on level 4 lesson 5. 
    My goal is to make it all the way through level 10. 

    My child is entering third grade and is reading just a little below grade level.  At the end of second grade he was reading about 78 wpm (benchmark for second grade is 82 wpm).  The improvement we saw after getting through level 3 was dramatic.  He attends public school and his standardized testing scores for reading increased 22 percentile points between winter and spring testing.  He does not enjoy the Barton program, but like others have said he is starting to see how great it has been for his reading ability. 
    He still does not enjoy reading yet (hopefully someday), however he loves audio books.  Learning Ally has been an awesome thing for him. 
    We haven't used anything at home besides Barton.  They use Reading Horizons at school and I feel Barton has been a far superior program, which is why I began supplementing at home. 

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