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Posts posted by greenwonder

  1. This is my first year of homeschool and as I'm gearing up to start I'm wondering how other parents organize their child's work for homeschool reviews? We wont' be working under an umbrella. Someone told me they keep a dated log of everything their child does each day and brings a binder of work to support it. Is that what most people do? It sounds like a lot but I'd rather start with good habits then play catch up later. 


    Thank you!

  2. I took a look at easy peasy but that seems to only be language arts and math. For the recommendation for bookshark and moving beyond the page, what would you recmomend for math then? My main concern is having access to a curriculum "guide" - versus having just a textbook/worksheets with no real direction on how to teach the material. 

  3. Thank you all! I should have provided more information:


    - why you are homeschooling for 1 year: Taking a year to spend quality time together, engage in more experiential spontaneous learning and we may relocate within the year. I wanted to really make sure he has a good foundation for learning. He is on grade level in every subject and above for reading but sometimes in our school he gets lost in the mix (so many students, one teacher).

    - what your goals are for that year: See above

    - what kind of learner your student is / what kinds of needs your student has: My child is independent and motivated. He loves to learn new facts about science/history.

    - what kind of teaching supports will YOU need: I need a guide, I need structure. I can be spontaneous but I'm not creative. I like things to be laid out and straight forward so I can take it to the next level if he is interested.

    - what kind of time will you have to put into homeschooling: I will be resigning from my job so will be full time into this!

    - do you prefer Christian or secular materials: I am leaning towards secular but if there were great Christian materials I wouldn't be opposed.


  4. Thank you all! Since I'm new to this and only doing for a year, I thought a whole curriculum might be a less overwhelming option. I do realize though that it doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room but I was hoping what it might do is give an easy to follow outline for the year. 

  5. Reading through some of these threads. Good lord am I overwhelmed. I'm likely homeschooling my 2nd grader next year. I have no idea where to start curriculum wise. I've read blog posts (what kind of learner is your child, what is your style etc), searched curriculum online, but overall it's so overwhelming to me.


    How do you choose between subjects? Does anyone purchase a complete curriculum package from one source? Can I go to a learning store and purchase books there as "curriculum?" How do you make sure you are adhering to common core (I saw some curriculum do not teach this)?


    Help me...

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