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Posts posted by cflovinlife

  1. I posted a month or so ago about wasps in the house we are renting. That got taken care of (finally), but now we have a different minor problem. Our mailbox is broken and our landlord won’t replace it. It was broken when we moved in, but he says that we knew it was broken when we moved in so it is our responsibility to fix it. Also, he considers it “minor maintenance†like changing light bulbs which would be our responsibility. We got a notice that if it isn’t fixed the post office will quit delivering our mail. Is it really our responsibility to replace it?


    I’m just so frustrated. We put in a new mailbox when we sold our last home and it was about $70. Why won’t the owner just get a new one? I’m thinking about just duct taping it together. Ugh, I was so looking forward to not owning a home. Renting has definitely not been what I had hoped (and I know this is a really petty problem).

    I have rented for years. I would replace it and then deduct it from the rent and send him the receipt. Save a copy for yourself. Its a MUST have not a non negotiable. You can choose to replace a light bulb or not.


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  2. Our daughter is now in her third year of college. We suggested that the first two years she stay in town and go to the State college. The first two years are just core classes ie....math, sci, eng.... She did so well academically, that she had colleges coming after her (she was not a real good student in HS) She finished debt free. Now she is in a private college finishing her degree. She has learned independence by being close to home yet not at home. Her studies are what are most important to her. She received quite a few scholarships and other aid to go. She is working full time and school full time. We pay for what is left on the college bill she pays all other expenses. Car, rent, books, food,.... Its her life. She is doing it her way.


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  3. I get that. The coach is throwing the party any the parents are volunteering to bring things right? Why should you have to pay to? When a coach throws a pizza party for the team that is usually because they are proud of the team and want to show their appreciation. That shouldn't cost the parents anything


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  4. 4 & 5 year olds will not eat much pizza. I say 50 -75 at the most. You can buy 5 dollar pizzas. Maybe $5 per child. Doing it cheaply. Why is she have you pay for it and provide stuff? If she wanted to throw a party then she should pay for goodie bags and pizza.


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  5. I bought a new phone, went on tracfone bought a SIM card. Phone and card came today...put the 2 together...doesn't work. Called tracfone and found out that this phone won't work in my area... I need a verizon phone...and I was under the understanding that this unlocked phone would work with verizon, at&t sprint and t-moble.


    but for some reason, I still really don't understand, this phone won't work in my area.


    we are leaving in a couple days for DC and i was really hoping for a better working phone...now it looks like that wont' happen.


    I am SO frustrated!!! I have wasted so much time on this...and now it's for nothing.

    Get a virgin mobile phone. No contract and unlimited services for cheap. Works all across the country. They are backed by Sprint.


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  6. I see a post about acne every so often so I thought I would weigh in.


    I bought Differen over the weekend, $14 for a small tube. I have used it maybe four times and I already see a difference! I don't get a lot of zits, mostly blackheads, so I can't speak to that. I swear my pores look smaller on my nose. In only 4 days!

    Apple Cider Vineger w/the mother works great and it's natural. Also cutting back on milk products.


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  7. My DD is very interested in psychology and is thinking she'd like to have a career in psychology or counseling. She'd like to do a psych class starting in 9th, and I'm wondering how I'd progress that through the following years. We're aiming for dual enrollment for at least senior year, so I'm thinking we'll use Psychology and You in 9th. What would I then do for 10th? Would it be redundant to then use the Sonlight/Myers combo in 10th, or would it just take everything she'd already learned to the next level?


    I picked up the Myers book today at a used book sale, so it got my gears turning. I was thinking I'd have some time to consider it for, say, junior year, but she told me today that she'd really like to start studying it in 9th instead. I'm not sure she's ready for Myers just yet, which is why I'm hoping to save it for a bit later on, if possible.


    If anyone has had kid who studied psych for more than one semester or year in high school, I'd love to hear how you handled it.



    Silly question but what do the initials stand for? DD?


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  8. You mentioned you take your son to church, my suggestion would be to take this to his maker. Who knows what would be better for him then the one who made him. Pray over him. Don't let this world tell you there is something wrong or he needs drugs. My son who is now 13 used to be the same way. (He's a normal 13 year old - the attitude and mouth)They wanted to label him as ADHD and drug him. Thankfully I took it to prayer and God showed me that my son was a loving and kind young man who sometimes gets frustrated.


    I hate to say it but on one account your MIL may be right. Sometimes you have to walk away and ignore the behavior. The more we pay attention the worse they can become. Oh those break downs in the grocery store were the worst. I made sure if a break down happened we left. Most times that meant going shopping once dad got home.


    Listen mama you know your son better then all of is. Sometimes it as easy as paying attention to the timing. One of the biggest things that helped us was when he was playing or doing something he enjoyed I always gave him a heads up. Ten minutes and we have to go, then 5 minutes. This gives them the control to be prepared. Most times it works. We still use it today .


    Remember with God we can do all things!


    Praying for you and your son.


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  9. It seems like the first suggestion is always hummus, which is not this kid's favorite. lol Also, a lot of bento box, separate individual foods that look like a veggie tray.


    This is a picky kid so I need to maybe think outside the box. (Like, she loves baked potatoes! But she'd NEVER even bother with them without cheese and/or sour cream! So if an item usually has cheese in it or on it, she tends to not want it at all sans cheese. *sigh*) If I can just get a few good options she can rotate through we'll be golden. Like colby cheese... Oh, sorry! [emoji14] I don't mind cooking up batches of something--or making her do it--to have on hand for the week. She's tired of soup, but maybe a heartier stew or even chili would work.


    Anyway. Help.

    Smoothies made with Almond milk. They do make milkless cheese. Some you can't really tell the difference.


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  10. Like a typical mom I spend most of my time in the kitchen. My laundry room is in the kitchen so all laundry staging and folding happens there too. Really, until I settle down for some TV around 9:00 pm I am in the kitchen.


    My teens continually walk in the house and start in with "where's mom?" or they wander the house looking for me calling "mom! Mom?"


    I'm in the kitchen! I'm always in the kitchen. Why do they not try the kitchen before exploring the rest of the house?


    They are smart kids. I promise.

    OMG here to, we have a 6 room house and no one seams to be able to find me. Unless I'm trying to have quiet time, then they know right where I'm at.


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  11. Try swishing your mouth with straight Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother in it. It works miracles on infections. Look for Bragg's brand in your local grocery store.


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