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Posts posted by momtokea

  1. Are you familiar with the Becky Higgins style of scrapbooking?  It's pocket scrapbooking and it's fast and easy and I think it looks nice.

    It's called Project Life.  I have been scrapbooking like this for a few years now and it gets done!

    Here is a link:  https://beckyhiggins.com/about-project-life/


    I also subscribe to the Project Life monthly kit from Studio Calico.

    Here is a link for that:  http://www.studiocalico.com


    There are other companies that do monthly kits, too.

  2. I had one last August.  It really wasn't that bad, a bit of pinching and cramping that lasted less than a minute, and then a couple of days of bleeding.  i didn't take anything because I didn't know i was having it when i went in.  If I had known beforehand I would have taken a bit of ibuprofen, but really it wasn't needed.  

  3. Just because a dc can suck it in, expend extreme amounts of energy, and do something under duress for a short amount of time doesn't mean he can do that ALL the time for ALL his work.  


    My dd's handwriting improved a percentage with VT, because part of the problem was vision.  Her motor control is still not solid for writing, per the psych.  Something clicked this past year (8th gr) just as I was about to totally give up, and overnight it improved radically.  So what wasn't vision was developmental.  


    Well thanks. I felt like crap to begin with, now I feel even worse.  

  4. Well, I totally wigged out on my ds this morning.  His writing was so poor while labelling a map.  He has adhd with a very low processing score so I don't expect it to be perfect but I know he could do better. 


    I told him that his poor writing


    1.  makes himself look bad

    2.  makes me look like a bad teacher

    3.  makes all of homeschooling look bad

    4.  makes grandma feel she's right that you should go to school and not homeschool


    The rest of his work was done in very nice handwriting.  


    Why can he handwrite with no problems after I wig out??  Why can he behave (and appear to not have adhd) after I lose my temper with him??


    It wasn't a great morning around here either.

  5. Well, I totally wigged out on my ds this morning.  His writing was so poor while labelling a map.  He has adhd with a very low processing score so I don't expect it to be perfect but I know he could do better. 


    I told him that his poor writing


    1.  makes himself look bad

    2.  makes me look like a bad teacher

    3.  makes all of homeschooling look bad

    4.  makes grandma feel she's right that you should go to school and not homeschool


    The rest of his work was done in very nice handwriting.  


    Why can he handwrite with no problems after I wig out??  Why can he behave (and appear to not have adhd) after I lose my temper with him??


    It wasn't a great morning around here either.

  6. If your young teen had some friends that your child felt ignored him/her a bit when all the kids were around another, third group of friends but seemed to be good friends when they were all hanging out alone together, would you encourage this friendship? Would you work to get them together more often, or would you encourage your child to let the friendship go?


    IMO, there are good reasons to keep the friendship going (namely, that these will be kids the child will be hanging out with through the rest of the teen years, and they're good kids, but I'm not fond of this behavior), but there are also reasons I'd be willing to let the friendship go (that I can't go into, but that are valid). I can see that my child is being left out when the whole social group is together--not maliciously, but no one is making an effort to be inclusive--but I can also see that when my kids and the other kids (formerly good friends) are alone together, everything is great and everyone seems to be caring and has fun.


    WWYD? (Sorry I'm being so vague, but I don't want to give too much away publicly.)


    Thank you!


    If no one is being mean to your child, or intentionally excluding him, I probably wouldn't do anything.  I would leave it up to my child to decide if he wanted to spend time with these friends.  If he asks to get together with them I would help him arrange it, but I wouldn't initiate anything or encourage or discourage anything. 


    My 15 year old dd is awkward with friendships and is sometimes excluded, but no one has been mean to her or purposely excluded her.  I have had to "coach" her on how to be more friendly and include herself.  Smile, say hello, ask questions, listen, etc.  I have observed her and have come to the conclusion that her reactions bring it on herself.  She needs to be more open to the kids around her.  They are not excluding her but there is only so much they can do to include her.  It's a two way street and she has to do her part.


    This is how it is with my teen.  If someone was intentionally mean and purposely excluding her I would have a very different opinion.

  7. I haven't thought much about this.  It's a bit bizarre to me.  If you can't afford to go on a date and you can't even drive yourself maybe you shouldn't be dating yet.  I have two teens right now and that'll be the day I fund and chauffeur their "dates".


    I guess I would go with "pay your own way", otherwise the parents are paying for your child to eat and/or watch a movie, and that doesn't feel right to me.

  8. I missed that thread.  Could someone provide a link please?


    I haven't read the thread, but As far as sleep overs go, we had some with cousins when the kids were younger and with close friends.  Now that my kids are teens I have put a complete stop to them.  I have never felt comfortable with them, and I cannot understand why teens need sleepovers.  Little kids play, and for the most part, are supervised.  Teens do not play anymore, and are not supervised well, even when parents are home.   I just don't see what teens could be doing at a sleepover.  It just sounds like bad news to me.


    Just my opinion.

  9. I've been struggling what to do with my Kindergartener for math.  I had her do Saxon k in last year (preschool) because is was so simple and she loved the manipulatives.  Well this year I had planned on using Saxon 1, but fell into the trap of getting the "better" "more popular" math and bit the bullet when Homeschool buyers coop had math mammoth at 50% off.  without thinking much I bought the light blue series planning on using it as my main math program.  Well now I'm torn.  We've gone through 3 weeks of lessons and they haven't been hard yet, but It's a lot a writing.  More than my daughter is ready to do, so I've been doing the writing for her. I decided to go back to Saxon 1.  I sort of wished I didn't do Saxon K last year and did it this year so math was more layed back. 


    I noticed on this forum that an outstaning number of people have their kids doing math a grade a head.  When looking over at the kindergarten forum, they were all SM1, MM1, or R&S1.  Is this a thing that is normal for homeschooling? 


    I wish I had waited for saxon 1 or math mammoth 1 for 1st grade.  Anyone done a grade a head and regreted it?


    Now that I have both and am not really ready to do either, what suggestions do you have for me on what to do?  Is there anything out there for the kindergarten age that is really inexpensive (or free), hands on and fun for them to do? 


    I read these boards and fret a lot over math.  I have always assumed that my children were behind in math because of what I have read here.  Last year my 9th grader was doing Saxon Algebra 1, and I was fretting because I thought she should be doing at least Algebra 2.  Then she told me she really wanted to go to high school for grade 10.  I called our school board (we're in Alberta) and asked how far she needs to be in Saxon math to be ready for 10th grade math.   They told me by LESSON 32 IN SAXON ALGEBRA 1!!!  By that time she was already on lesson 60, beyond prepared for 10th grade math.


    I don't know why I didn't call the school board years ago.  I fretted for nothing.  I fretted because I read these forums.


    If I were you I wouldn't do anything for math this year, other than play card games, dice games, or other math games, and let her play with manipulatives.  I would wait for first grade to give her first grade math.  What's the rush??

  10. I'm in Canada, so maybe things are different in the states and what I have to say is irrelevant.


     My dh is a dentist and imo the best job out there is a dental hygienist (not dental assistant, but hygienist).  My dh's dental hygienist makes a TON of money working 9 - 5, four days a week, scraping teeth.  She goes home every evening without a care in the world.  


    This year she made $95 000, working 4 days per week.  She took about 3 weeks off for vacation.

  11. Finish the book. Zoom through Math 76 until he reaches a point where he can't zoom any longer. :-)


    Thank for your reply.  Yes, this is what I think I will do.  The first part of his new book looks so much simpler than the last part of his old book.  I think he would miss out on some concepts if I don't do the last part of the book.  

  12. I have an 11 year old boy and while he doesn't carry his stuffed animals around with him, he does have some that he loves and keeps in his room. He is somewhat immature (according to society's standards) in other ways, though.


    My daughter carried around her favourite baby doll until she was 12. People told me that wasn't normal, but she's 15 now and somewhere along the way she discarded it on her own.


    I think there are many 11 years old who would love to carry around their stuffed animals but wouldn't dare. Kids without peer pressure don't have these hang ups and mature naturally.


    I played with my Barbies secretly in my basement until I was 13. Secretly, because I went to public school and had to protect my image LOL! My mom threw them out because she thought it wasn't normal :(


    I say let your son mature naturally at his own pace. He won't be carrying his stuffed animals around on his graduation day or at his wedding ;)

  13. What kind of "exciting" do you enjoy?


    For me, exciting is simply not being needed for a weekend. Do you have the freedom to schedule yourself a mini vacation? Seriously, I know it sounds ridiculous, but renting a hotel room in the next town and knowing that everyone will survive with Dad is so freeing. Paint your toenails while listening to a book you've been wanting to read, browse a hobby shop, or go shopping with a girlfriend. Exciting doesn't have to be extravagant.



    I agree with this. When my kids were young it wasn't really that I needed something exciting, but a break would have been nice. Everyone assumed that I needed to get out of the house, and while it is good to get out, sometimes I would have preferred if everyone else got out instead so I could have some peace and quiet in my own home.


    On the other hand, renting a hotel room would be a good idea because then I wouldn't have a mess and laundry staring at me.

  14. Yes, I have noticed increasing rudeness, but not just with kids. It seems to me, at least where I live, that young people (under 30) are socially inept. They are entitled, have no class, and cannot speak properly.

  15. My oldest daughter is 15 and rarely wears makeup. When she was younger I always allowed her to play with makeup if she wanted to. When she was 12 she wanted to wear it regularly, so I bought her some new makeup, and since she was home schooled I didn't think it was a big deal. If she wanted to put on a pile of makeup every morning and sit across from me at the kitchen, so be it. After a few days she realized it wasn't worth the trouble and gave up on everyday makeup. Now at 15, there are times when we are going out that I actually suggest she put a bit of makeup on (she's very pale). It seems the novelty wore off, or something.


    I guess if she was putting on too much I would set limits, but there hasn't been need.


    I think at 11 I would be careful not to make it a forbidden fruit. I know several girls who just wanted to try it, and soon the novelty wore off.

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