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Posts posted by catie_mac

  1. In my opinion, slow it down to his comfort zone. Break it into smaller chunks. I think its better to have shorter lessons and move at a slower pace with a kid who feels good after reading vs. accelerating through and forcing those longer passages, but have a kid who does not get any pleasure or sense of accomplishment from it. For a first grader.


    If it helps at all, my kids tend to read a little on the later side because we take it more slowly than some people. But they jump up to novels very quickly from readers. My third and fourth graders can read anything and enjoy reading. My first grader, is just starting to read. I only have him read about 2 pages of his first grade reader per day because that is what feels good. Sometimes we hit a third page, but any longer than that and he just feels tired out and loses focus (I should say each page is a few sentences). I'm sure some other first graders are capable of doing more, but I really believe it'll even out in a few years and won't matter who read early.

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  2. My fourth grader will have an unusual fall term because he'll be doing different language arts for those few months so that his brother (who is 15 months younger) can catch up. My plan is around January to be teaching them all language arts together using the Phonics Road Level 3 (which covers spelling, grammar, reading, composition, vocabulary, and Latin roots). For the fall I'm tentatively planning to have him work through a Wordly Wise book and also have him continue to read aloud to me and do dictation. I'm debating whether I need to make the vocabulary lists also spelling words every week. It would be more challenging that way, but we've done so much spelling, I wonder if it would be OK just to have a break for the fall! Our other plans:


    Math: he'll continue Seton Math 3 (also with his younger brother). I think they'll finish part way through the year. After that I'm considering the simply charlotte mason business math, or jumping into Saxon 5/4.


    Morning Basket rotation: this will cover religion, and also some picture study and literature. We also say prayers and sing a simple hymn. I'd like to add more memory work but haven't totally settled on how we'll do that.


    Lunch rotations (I read aloud while they eat): this will cover history (finishing up SOTW 1), poetry, and astronomy (just from a living book). We do narration for all this, rotating through my 3 boys.


    We also always have a read aloud going and I'd like to throw some Shakespeare retellings in there and watch a few performances as a family.


    Another thing I may try is to do some composer study and picture study using simply charlotte mason during our Advent break (from thanksgiving to the week or so before Christmas). I'd like to get something done during that time without doing all the normal subjects.


    My schedule seems complicated typed up in this way, but it's actually really simple. I have fallen into the trap of piling too much on us and want to avoid that. I want to cut as much busy work and time consuming projects so that we don't feel so frazzled all the time.


    Extras: weekly catechism at church and martial arts.

  3. I just wanted to say that I can relate! Ever since my fifth was born, it's been a real struggle. And this year, we came really close to deciding to send them to school, but eventually decided against it. I second what another poster said about not doing co-op. We are in one this year, but will take off for next year. My plan is to have pretty much no weekly commitments during the school week next year. Being out of the house, even for just part of the day is so disruptive, plus it really zaps my energy sometimes. Instead, I am going to use our freedom to go on outings more suited to us, like visiting with family and friends. We are in a homeschool group that does field trips occasionally throughout the year. I'm really hoping these changes help me feel more in control. We're also going to do more of a year round schedule so that we can take time off when it's best for us through out the year. Ultimately, you'll have to figure out what's best for your family.


    A seasoned homeschooling mom of 11 gave me some good advice last year when I was just about to lose my mind with homeschooling. She said that homeschooling isn't ideal! A shocking statement really! BUT, in our current time and culture some of us must choose homeschooling because it is the best option. That doesn't mean the next 18 years have to be a misery though. Spend some time figuring out what changes could be good for you and your family. Prioritize. Don't compare to others.

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  4. Hello all!  This coming school year (which will start in the summer for us, since we school year-round), I will have a 4th, 3rd, and 1st grader.  With the 2 older ones, I have been doing SOTW Volume 1, which I'd like to continue doing and have the 1st grader start to join in.  I think it will go pretty well.  Half way through the year or so, we'll move into Volume 2, which technically is for 2nd grade and up.  Should this be a problem?  I haven't seen any of the activity pages yet for the 2nd volume.  Can anyone give me any insights into what types of pages there are?  Will I have to be creative in making it more accessible for him or will there not be a need?  Thanks in advance!  

  5. The Phonics Road Level 3 (this covers phonics, reading, composition, handwriting, vocabulary, spelling)


    Math: Seton Math 3 plus multiplication drills using flashcards and some other resources we've accumulated


    History: half of SOTW 1, before moving onto 2. We also listen to an audio book on American history in the car


    Geography: memorizing states and capitols


    Science: Memoria Press Astronomy


    Morning Basket time: prayer, sing a hymn, poetry memorization, and one reading alternating between a faith reading and a classic myth


    Arts: this would be new for us, by t I'd like to start picture study and composer study (just one at a time) and a weekly hands on art using a book I found on amazon


    I hope this covers it all. It's definitely a simplified version of TWtM, with some CM influences.

  6. I've been lurking but enjoying reading everyone's plans. Here are ours so far, definitely subject to change :) I should add that everything except his Phonics Road, he will do with his 4th grade brothers, and some of it including the 1st grader too.


    The Phonics Road, level 2 (this includes spelling, grammar, reading, writing, composition, vocabulary). He'll probably begging level 3 in spring 2018.


    Seton Math 3 (not 100% decided)


    SOTW1, continued from this year with his brothers. My goal for this coming year is to have him do more assigned reading in history, using the encyclopedias or other books from the list.


    For American history/geography, we're listening to the audio book version of This Country of Ours about once a week in the car and I'm having him and his brother work on memorizing states and Capitols and finding them on a map.


    For science we'll try MP's astronomy


    For literature:

    -poetry memorization from The Harp and the Laurel Wreath

    -me reading from Classic Myths to Read Aloud (twice a week)

    -a handful of kids classic lit books aloud. We're reading the Crimson Fairy Book now and I'm looking forward to reading Charlotte's Web next :)


    Faith (each of these will be once a week)

    -A Life of Our Lord for Children

    -saints stories (finishing More Once Upon a Time Saints and then moving into another book)

    -catechism class at church


    He is reading well himself. He's working his way through Little House in the Big Woods through the PR. In his free time he reads Calvin and Hobbs, Garfield, and library books (I catch him reading the history and battle type books). He isn't quite at the point of wanting to pick up a chapter book and read it to himself yet.


    Any type of fine arts is new to me, but I am thinking of looping through these three things so we are only working on one at a time:

    -composer study and picture study from Simply Charlotte Mason (with the goal being of doing 1 of each over the course of the year)

    -and a hands on but seemingly simple art like this http://www.chalkpastel.com/product/chalk-pastels-art-space/


    As for extra activities, I would love to buy a piano and have at home lessons for the kids, but haven't figured it all out yet. We've thought about a sport, but with five kids it's a major ordeal. We'll have to think on it and look around.

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