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Posts posted by blessdmommy

  1. We also have the Excaliber 9 tray and love it. Our family loves dried pineapple from it, tastes like candy. The cons are that it is large and takes up space but beyond that I think the pros far outweigh the con. It is quiet and fast. I like having 9 trays for large amounts but still run small loads (just leave out some trays). The trays don't fit in my dishwasher, but they are easy to sink-wash. Unlike other brands with the fan at the bottom, the Excaliber has the fan at the back so food doesn't drip or fall into it. The adjustable temperature and timer are great too.

  2. My oldest just started VT after using CLE for the last 3 years. He completed up to lightunit 707 and moved into Videotext without any problem. I felt like the 700's of CLE brought some greater depth into several areas (percent, fractions, & geometry come to mind). I appreciated the amount of "consumer math" that was included in the 600's and 700's CLE (sales tax, discounts, etc.) I thought it was an appropriate amount.


    I am glad that we didn't continue with CLE 800's just to switch into VT later since I think he had already achieved a solid foundation for algebra. We are finding the beginning of VT to be a very nice review of concepts already taught by CLE and the transition has been smooth. Take into account that we are still only on Unit 1 of Videotext.


    Would he have been able to jump from CLE 6 to VT? Honestly I think it could be done but I'd definitely be involved daily. Watch the videos together, have your student then take the course notes and narrate the lesson back to you before they start on the problems. Work a few problems then check the answer key to see that they are on track before doing all the problems. (this is all mentioned in the introductory video anyway)

  3. You're not crazy' date=' but I would think that getting one now and waiting until he's about 3yo and more settled, and then getting another puppy would be better. Older, well-trained dogs tend to help train the puppy by showing them how it's done. :)[/quote']


    I agree with this idea and maybe even waiting longer between additions. The dog needs to bond to his human family as his pack. If he has a puppy cohort, training might be much more difficult. I understand wanting the pair of brothers but I wouldn't do it.

  4. My kids want (need?:glare:) a new gaming system. Our GameCube finally bit the dust.


    So I was looking at the Wii or the Kinect.


    Do you prefer the Wii or Kinect? Keep in mind I would like something ds2 (will be 3 in a month) can use if possible.


    Why do you prefer one or the other?


    If you wanted to use it as an incentive for chores/school how would you go about it? I was thinking something like $1 a day goes in a jar if they get everything done and use a sliding scale if they don't.


    So... lay your best ideas and opinions on me.

    I would probably go with the Wii. You can use your gamecube games and controllers with the Wii to play your old games.


    I have no info on the Kinect. We enjoy our Wii very much.

  5. I would add....and I don't have to buy the teacher a present (unless I want to;))


    As a homeschooler, I don't have to participate in bake sales, coupon-book sales, wrapping-paper sales, or any other school fundraisers. Yay!


    I don't have to buy for my child all the stuff on each year's "school supplies" list, which would duplicate all the supplies I'd want to keep at home anyway: child scissors, pencils, ruler, notebooks, crayons (a certain brand, a certain size box), tissue boxes, handy wipes, etc., etc., etc.


    I don't have to buy an extra pair of "gym shoes" and an extra set of "gym clothes" for my child to keep at school.


    I don't have to buy special pajamas for my child to wear to "pajama day."


    I don't have to pay for school-selected field trips.


    I don't have to pay for school lunches, or buy peer-pressure-approved lunch food to pack for my child.


    I don't have to pay public-school book fees, science lab fees, or other fees.


    I don't have to save egg cartons or toilet-paper rolls or cereal boxes for classroom crafts. I don't have to buy wood and nails and paint and help my child hammer together and paint a lighthouse (or whatever) because the third-grade teacher decided this would be a fun project for all the students' parents to do.


    I get to decide what educational materials to use and pay for, and what not to. I can pay for my child to take homeschool-group classes, or not. Yay!


    I am very happy NOT to have a tax break on what I choose to buy for my child, because that means I do not have to get a government representative to approve of any of it. I decide. :)

  6. I would eliminate these. They aren't what I considered novels when we read them.


    The Explorer's News - Johnstone SL2 (good for what it is; not a novel)

    Sir Small and the Dragonfly (reader; only topical because there is a knight character)


    I would include these (we have read these and enjoyed them)


    Castle Diary: The Journal of Tobias Burgess by Richard Platt (enjoyable description of daily life for a young boy in a castle)

    Castle Diary - Platt SL2 (in your list twice)

    The Whipping Boy by Sid Fleischman- Amazon (short story; interesting plot)

    Eric the Red & Leif the Lucky - Schiller SL2 (Vikings)

    The Viking Adventure - Bulla SL2

    Pedro's Journal - Conrad SL3 (Columbus)

  7. We have an insect lore kit going right now. The caterpillars are so big and I think any day now they will make their chrysalises. We've done butterflies before but this year we also added in a praying mantis kit.

  8. Are you absolutely, positively sure it is styrofoam? I have seen material in our gutters that I think came from our shingles as they slowly degrade over time. It is white and crumbly and looks like the plant food specs in potting soil.


    That was my first thought as well. After we got a new roof we also found "dirt" with "sand". It was from the new shingles. Also those leaves compost nicely up in the gutters if they haven't been cleaned out every year or so.

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