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Posts posted by Fallenqueen

  1. Thank you so much for your response.

    I am in the UK. I hope that's OK.. it was the first time I found a discussion (the orginal) like my son.

    We have a thing here called the nessy test, which is a short version for children taking the dyslexia test. All of his categories where below 40%.

    The school promised extra memory lessons to help him but yet still even reasking have not happened .

    The school is one that is kind ..don't fear cuddling children and look after rather than here the big schools he would become lost within the system..it is a public village school ...here in the UK although statisticly they have to show they have all types of children the help is very limited and they don't push too much as the more the are recognised with issues that need suport this in the end affects Thier percent of doing well as a school.

    I don't think he carries alot of the ADHD signs or autism...apart from being VERY LITERAL and these explosions and upset he is a normal child. (If such a thing)

    If you tell him something he believes it as it is..such as the dressing up at school ..


    Thank you "storygirl" I will try to find those challenge boards ... I am not very famiLur with forums...

    I haven't been to the gp as I thought these are things children go through stages... and where do I begin .. I also don't want to try get him a label when he doesn't need one and is only a "growing stage" but I greatly worry it will get worse for him in his head .. and cause problems in later life when the panic/worry/upset sets in maybe he needs someone to talk to ?..but I will I will call gp and ask ... as for the sensory processing issues he complains alot if his brother is doing something and he is trying to do his reading or times table and then the upset starts..crying shouting...

    I will also look up "the explosive child" we always read a book at bedtime and these will be good to discuss and read when calm and focused.

    I will also look up the Amelia bedilia series thank you moon hawke. Yes please.

    Thank you aLloyd so kindly for your time it is greatly appreciated.

    Me and my partner separated when my oldest was 6 so he was at a stage aware as my youngest was 3.. I feel although he doesn't nesassarily have issues directly related I wonder if the mass up heval has not helped around his literal thinking and life. My youngest is completely horizontal but also contributes to winding him up as siblings do...

    My youngest yesterday home poorly said "I don't miss (eldest child) tantrums but I miss him " that made me sad. Last night my eldest had a explosion of temper because it was my youngests turn to pick the game.. he became so overwhelmed crying trying to get his point across ripped up the box .. I kept calm, waited and explained it is now his brothers turn having had his. But his tears and upset break my heart because he is clearly feeling intense about what his going through.

    Thank you I will call the gp and look at the board .. I will let you know .. I so very much appreciate it all I'm glad I found you xxx

  2. Thank you so much for your response.

    I am in the UK. I hope that's OK.. it was the first time I found a discussion (the orginal) like my son.

    We have a thing here called the nessy test, which is a short version for children taking the dyslexia test. All of his categories where below 40%.

    The school promised extra memory lessons to help him but yet still even reasking have not happened .

    The school is one that is kind ..don't fear cuddling children and look after rather than here the big schools he would become lost within the system..it is a public village school ...here in the UK although statisticlynda they have to show they have all types of children the help is very limited and they don't push too much as the more the are recognised with issues that need suport this in the end affects Thier percent of doing well as a school.

    Thank you "storygirl" I will try to find those challenge boards ... I am not very famiLur with forums...

    I haven't been to the gp as I thought these are things children go through stages... and where do I begin .. I also don't want to try get him a label when he doesn't need one and is only a "growing stage" but I greatly worry it will get worse for him in his head .. and cause problems in later life when the panic/worry/upset sets in maybe he needs someone to talk to ?..but I will I will call gp and ask ...

    I will also look up "the explosive child" we always read a book at bedtime and these will be good to discuss and read when calm and focused.

    I will also look up the Amelia bedilia series thank you moon hawke. Yes please.

    Thank you aLloyd so kindly for your time it is greatly appreciated.

    Me and my partner separated when my oldest was 6 so he was at a stage aware as my youngest was 3.. I feel although he doesn't nesassarily have issues directly related I wonder if the mass up heval has not helped around his literal thinking and life. My youngest is completely horizontal but also contributes to winding him up as siblings do...

    My youngest yesterday home poorly said "I don't miss (eldest child) tantrums but I miss him " that made me sad. Last night my eldest had a explosion of temper because it was my youngests turn to pick the game.. he became so overwhelmed crying trying to get his point across ripped up the box .. I kept calmed and waited and explained it is now hospital brothers turn having had his. But his tears and upset break my heart because he is clearly feeling intense about what his going through.

    Thank you I will call the gp and look at the board .. I will let you know .. I so very much appreciate it all I'm glad I found you xxx

  3. Thank you so much for your response.

    I am in the UK. I hope that's OK.. it was the first time I found a discussion (the orginal) like my son.

    We have a thing here called the nessy test, which is a short version for children taking the dyslexia test. All of his categories where below 40%.

    The school promised extra memory lessons to help him but yet still even reasking have not happened .

    The school is one that is kind ..don't fear cuddling children and look after rather than here the big schools he would become lost within the system..

    Thank you "storygirl" I will try to find those challenge boards ... I am not very famiLur with forums...

    I haven't been to the gp as I thought these are things children go through stages... and where do I begin .. I also don't want to try get him a label when he doesn't need one and is only a "growing stage" but I greatly worry it will get worse for him in his head .. and cause problems in hospital life when the panic/worry/upset sets in...but I will I will call gp and ask ...

    I will also look up "the explosive child" we always read a book at bedtime and these will be good to discuss and read when calm and focused. I will also look up the Amelia bedilia series thank you moon hawke. Yes please.

    Thank you aLloyd so kindly for your time it is greatly appreciated.

    Me and my partner separated when my oldest was 6 so he was at a stage aware as my youngest was 3.. I feel although he doesn't nesassarily have issues directly related I wonder if the mass up heavl has not helped around his literal thinking and life. My youngest is completely horizontal but also contributes to winding him up as siblings do...

    My youngest yesterday home poorly said "I don't miss (eldest child) tantrums but I miss him " that made me sad. Last night my eldest had a explosion of temper because it was my youngests turn to pick the game.. he became so overwhelmed crying trying to get his point across ripped up the box .. I kept calmed and waited and explained it is now hospital brothers turn having had his. But his tears and upset break my heart because he is clearly feeling intense about what his going through.

    Thank you I will call the gp and look at the board .. I will let you know .. I so very much appreciate it all xxx

  4. I came across this forum by chance..

    I been schrolling the Internet looking for answers.. and a topic came up CALLED THE EMOTIONAL,SELF CENTRED,LI.. where a member MOM21&j started a topic of her son aged 8.in 2011


    My son is the SAME, His now 9 ..and his emontial state is very erratic.. I took it that he had followed from me as I am a highly emotional person... but he is a very very literal little boy. His tantrums are out of control at home but OK else where (home he feels safe I guess)

    Although like MOM21 I came across and considered asperjez but he doesn't fit the bill.

    Although he has tantrums if we change plans when out he gets emotional upset to the point his erratic and wants to keep getting his point across... his flash in the pan temper means he will throw things name call and occasionally hit.


    I have tried sending him to his room but he won't go and now his defience is "I don't need to listen to you " or "tell his younger brother not to listen"... but on the otherside he is a very compassionate child so considerate and well aware of how others feel and tends to them if upset he truely relates and comforts others in their upset.considerate compassionate.


    He sooo loves animals and has a amazing relationship with them all even ones he don't know... but I worry I worry for how I react also..I try to keep my cool I do so I fear half comes down to myself . Some days I can keep my calm and others I just have to shout knowing full well that this does nothing at all for the process..


    we have reward charts.. where he falls far behind his brother and sees he is behind and gets disheartened by the process.

    He now says when upset "I don't want to be a bad child I can't help it .. I can't stop I really try" this breaks my heart and mass guilt fills me that I am failing him at such a young age and that I will fail his future.... it makes me cry ..


    We have a rule we never lie and we have stuck to it but recently he says things that aren't true and won't take blame like all children I know .. but I am sure it's because he knows I become cross and we have discussed that truth is better and not so bad than the lie...

    if we go shoping and it's more than for what we discussed or another shop he has counted he gets fed up starts to act up and the whole shop becomes such hard work from having a tantrum to dragging the trolley... that I want to avoid going shops with him. ..

    He is so highly emotional that he is so very sensitive,vulnerable in himself and words hurt him his a thinker and takes it all in ponders over it ...


    he was made to wear a headband to school due to long hair to keep off his face as roo short for a pony tail; the tears episodes we had to get this transition to happen ...that the class/year he is in had to be spoken to not to mention it.. like me he hates change. So i put it down to having similarities like me.. but I do fear that when he grows I won't have control and he won't listen ... his a good child but it's got to the stage his tired I am tired and I have thrown in words such as comparing the children ..my younger don't do that like eldest.. wrong ! I knoe and as soon as I say it i hate myself... I tried to change my method when he out grew the quite step which he didn't need to much but now he won't use his room to calm.

    .he tries he does but once that cloud of emotional panic sets in there's no calming him, shouting his words full of tears..I did start to hold him which helped but some days I end up in this mess and my temper rises.. then my balance of being the parent fails us.

    His a good boy and I don't want to lose who he is...

    On a occasion such as when we are out with friends he and one other have a love hate relationship one minute they play then it's tell Talls (friends since 1) but now the other child finds even the smallest thing to try get my son in trouble to me .. and this upsets him they argue .. he gets blame and then reacts.. even to the point I been at friends and their son is telling me my child hit him and I have to say he is not even here.(because he wasnt).

    I know it's not one sided, it's not one or the other but enveitably my son gets the main blame ..he doesn't tell tall he reacts to one who does to him and yes like children take part and also does things wrong..

    I always told him if he lies to me I won't be able to trust him in situations like this ..how will I know if his telling the truth and it worked for a while but I think he has be told off so much he has lost this belief.. it's a struggle to get back alot of them time (not all).. his also dyselxic and has a memory level of less that 10% he can be told something,walk into another room forget and just start doing aomething else.. he can't concentrate in a task if someone is making noise or something is going on which causes him to get frustrated and lose it.


    he is also a visual learner(as I) .. he has to be shown and explained how and why to understand a task and his school although lovely and small just doesn't have the funds to give him the one to one.they then over look how they should or what they should be doing with him as they have 30 other children to contend with. We have though of moving him but currently if ee do and he doesnt like the new school it will make him more fragile at prrsent he likes school .

    With his literal personality he takes it exactly how you say ... one day for example it was fancy dress as school and his teacher had said "he must make a effort and can't come In normal clothes" so my eldest that morning refused to put normal clothes on underneath and then didn't want to dress up and was adiment he couldn't go in and it had to be school uniform. .. this rose to him being in a state and I tried to explain calmly that the teacher ment he couldn't just go in jeans .. but try have a costume.. he won't have it, for half hour to 40mins crying panic he didn't want to go in school wrong be laughed at.. stand out .we had tears upset panic .. I tried messaging mums as he wanted proof ,I had to wait till someone arrived at school to phone and ask ..so that he could see I checkEd and then he calmed ..but this is also because I (wouldn't say I have learning difficulties)but I do get things wrong alot.. I have very bad time management and I am mildly dyslexic...so between us for him it is very difficult at times... but I tell him these aren't excuses to be lazy at all..

    When he is focused and enjoying something he is a calmer collected happy child but I canot nkeep him focused all the time I have to do things also .. life. .

    But I do worry for his emotional state his inability to control his upset because for him is very real and important at that moment.and it is his a child..his 9 ... ... I don't want him to feel emotinally all over the place.. I don't want to fail him... he is a lovely child.. I need to well balance and calm his mind ... I saw these book links on the orginal feed


    These all relate to him the on temper worry (he is a big worrier,)and others.. they maybe a good read but with his dyslexia some are not easy for him to Follow.. anyone read these think their any good .. we could read together.. but they must also be fun otherwise his attention span is gone...

    X thank you for reading this essay .. xx

  5. I came across this forum by chance..

    I been schrolling the Internet looking for answers.. and a topic came up CALLED THE EMOTIONAL,SELF CENTRED,LI.. where a member MOM21&j started a topic of her son aged 8.in 2011


    My son is the SAME, His now 9 ..and his emontial state is very erratic.. I took it that he had followed from me as I am a highly emotional person... but he is a very very literal little boy. His tantrums are out of control at home but OK else where (home he feels safe I guess)

    Although like MOM21 I came across and considered asperjez but he doesn't fit the bill.

    Although he has tantrums if we change plans and gets emotional upset to the point his erratic and wants to keep getting his point across and his flash in the pan temper means he will throw things name call and occasionally hit. I have tried sending him to his room but he won't go and now his defience is "I don't need to listen to you " or "tell his younger brother not to listen"... but on the otherside he is a very compassionate child so considerate and well aware of how others feel and tends to them if upset he truely relates and comforts others in their upset.considerate compassionate. He sooo loves animals and has a amazing relationship with them all even ones he don't know... but I worry I worry for how I react also..I try to keep my cool I do so I fear half comes down to myself . Some days I can keep my calm and others I just have to shout knowing full well that this does nothing at all for the process.. we have reward charts.. where he falls far behind his brother and sees he is behind and gets disheartened by the process. now sayswhen upset "I don't want to be a bad child I can't help it .. I can't stop I really try" this breaks my heart and mass guilt fills me that I am failing him at such a young age and that I will fail his future.... it makes me cry ..

    We have a rule we never lie and we have stuck to it but recently he says things that aren't true and won't take blame like all children I know .. but I am sure it's because he knows I become cross and we have discussed that truth is better and not so bad than the lie... if we go shoping and it's more than for what we discussed or another shop he has counted he gets fed up starts to act up and the whole shop becomes such hard work from having a tantrum to dragging the trolley... that I want to avoid going shops with him. ..

    He is so highly emotional that he is so very sensitive,vulnerable in himself and words hurt him his a thinker and takes it all in ponders over it ...

    he was made to wear a headband to school due to long hair and the tears episodes we had to get this transition to happen that the class/year had to be spoken to not to mention it.. like me hates change. So i put it down to having similarities like me.. but I do fear that when he grows I won't have control and he won't listen ... his a good child but it's got to the stage his tired I am tired and I have thrown in words such as comparing the children ..my younger don't do that like eldest.. wrong ! I knoe and as soon as I say it i hate myself... I tried to change my method when he out grow the step which he didn't need to much but now he won't use his room to calm..he tries he does but once that cloud of emotional panic sets in there's no calming him, shouting his words full of tears..I did start to hold him which helped but some days I end up in this mess and my temper rises.. then my balance of being the parent fails us.

    His a good boy and I don't want to lose who he is... when we are out with friends he and one other have a love hate relationship one minute they play then it's tell Talls (friends since 1) but now the other child finds even the smallest thing to try get my son in trouble to me .. and this upsets him they argue .. he gets blame and then reacts.. even to the point I been at friends and their son is telling me my child hit him and I have to say he is not even here.(because he wasnt).

    I know it's not one sided, it's not one or the other but enveitably my son gets the main blame ..he doesn't tell tall he reacts to one who does to him and yes like children take part and also does tings wrong..

    I always told him if he lies to me I won't be able to trust him in situations like this ..how will I know if his telling the truth and it worked for a while but I think he has be told off so much he has lost this belief.. and it's a struggle to get back alot of them time (not all).. his also dyselxic and has a memory level of less that 10% he xan be rild somerhing walk into amotjer room forget and just start doing aomething else.. he can't concentrate in a task if someone is making noise or something is going on which causes him to get frustrated and lose it.he is also a visual learner(as I) .. he has to be shown and explained how and why to understand a task and his school although lovely and small just doesn't have the funds to give him the one to one.they then over look how they should or what they should be doing with him as they have 30 other children to contend with. With his literal he takes it exactly how you say ... one day for example it was fancy dress as school and his teacher had said "he must make a effort and can't come In normal clothes" so my eldest that morning refused to put normal clothes on underneath and then didn't want to dress up and was adiment he couldn't go in and it had to be school uniform. .. this rose to him being in a state and I tried to explain calmly that the teacher ment he couldn't just go in jeans .. but try have a costume.. he won't have it, for half hour to 40mins crying panic he didn't want to go in school wrong be laughed at.. stand out .we had tears upset panic .. I tried messaging mums as he wanted proof ,I had to wait till someone arrived at school to phone and ask ..so that he could see I checkEd and then he calmed ..but this is also because I (wouldn't say I have learning difficulties)but I do get things wrong alot.. I have very bad time management and I am mildly dyslexic...so between us for him it is very difficult at times... but I tell him these aren't excuses to be lazy at all..

    When he is focused and enjoying something he is a calmer collected happy child but I canot nkeep him focused all the time I have to do things also .. life. .

    But I do worry for his emotional state his inability to control his upset because for him is very real and important at that moment.and it is his a child..his 9 ... ... I don't want him to feel emotinally all over the place.. I don't want to fail him... he is a lovely child.. I need to well balanced and calm his mind ... I saw these book links on the orginal feed


    These all relate to him the on temper worry (he is a big worrier,)and others.. they maybe a good read but with his dyslexia some are not easy for him to Follow.. anyone read these think their any good .. we could read together.. but they must also be fun otherwise his attention span is gone...

    X thank you for reading this essay .. xx

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