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Posts posted by hoku

  1. This site has been very helpful. I thought I'd offer what little I can for either comic relief or so you can have

    a better experience than what we just went through (correction, still going through).


    REMINDER (Yes! Everyone who has ever said not to wait till the 11th hour is absolutely correct)

    DO complete and submit counselor and student essays well BEFORE the submission deadline!!


    I thought we were on track to meet last night's  early application deadline. Wrong, oh, how wrong I was!


    I don't know if it was because we tried on a Mac but...

    There were so many problems encountered trying to upload docs and docs that were cut and pasted into those boxes.


    When I tried to upload the transcript doc, nothing happened. There was what looked like an error message advising to answer/respond to the 

    question, I kept asking, "What question?...Where is the question?" (I am guessing it was referring to the type/size of the doc being

    uploaded.)  I kept changing the doc to meet the specs listed (e.g., .docx, pdf, dotx--stuff I wasn't used to saving as). Each time

    the same message appeared. Next to the message was an "x," which I tried to click on, but nothing would happen.


    Finally, about 30 min. and after several attempts to upload the various versions I saved the transcripts under, just as I was going to seek, yet another, desperate

    alternative, it appeared one of the docs had uploaded; however, it didn't look like my doc. The info was correct, but the doc was spread over three pages. So much

    for all the hours spent to put on 2 pages.


    Everything else I worked so hard on to look/read well, (e.g., ed profile...grading) when cut and pasted in needed to be heavily edited to fit in the box and re-typed because information looked 

    like it got cut from one area and pasted into another, some information was deleted. I tried it a couple of times and got the similar results.


    As a result, my recommendation letter was sent twice, once as an upload, but the system didn't realize it had accepted the doc, and the second was the letter cut

    and pasted, so the system would let me submit the page (the doc looked terrible once it was pasted in) but I needed to get past that page so...


    I tried calling the CA phone number I found online (mailbox full), also tried to "schedule a call," but when I clicked on the button, it took me to CA sign-in, when I did,

    it opened up the CA site. If there was something else I needed to do, it wasn't obvious. So another dead end.


    I forgot to mention that there are limits to the sizes of docs (500kb)/typed text (1000kb).

    Mine were smaller (23kb docs and 500kb typed), the site still said they were too large.


    Hope this makes sense. Hope this helps.


    Thank you WTM community. 

    Hoku :)





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