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Posts posted by Jsommer7345

  1. I am very late on replying to this thread. In the End License Agreement, which can be found on Rosetta Stone's website, it clearly states that the license granted to those that buy the program is "nontransferable". Clearly, once you are done with the software (which is the license in physical form) one is to simply throw this away and NOT transfer the license (the software) to another else. You agree to use it the software for yourself and those inside of your household unit and then discard it. While in our materialistic society this seems absurd, clear to throw it away is the only way to not transfer to license to someone else, which is against the agreement signed and thus against the law. 


    I am not giving legal advice here, but merely reminding you to read through the End License Agreement and you see that I merely have reposted this agreements that are agreed to upon entering Rosetta Stone learning. I hope this might have helped!!

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