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Posts posted by VickiW

  1. If you get on the Barton site you can get a list of people who tutor with Barton. Some Skype if there aren't any in your area. You should also look for tutors that are trained in OG based systems in general. Also check if there is a Scottish Rite near you. Sometimes they can help. And you might consider trying to tutor him yourself in something like Barton or Wilson or one of the other OG Based systems. High Noon has worked for others here as well. Barton is the most user friendly for a layman but the others are good systems.


    Whatever you do, you might consider giving him the student screening on the Barton website. It is free, does not take much time, and is not that hard to administer. It doesn't test for dyslexia. It determines if a child/adult can successfully work through an OG based systems or if they have some deficits that have to be addressed first through a program like LiPS or Foundations in Sound. If you give the screening, you will need to do the tutor screening first. Again, easy to do. Just make sure that the area for the screening is quiet, there won't be any interruptions, you don't have to rush, you/student is well rested, not hungry, etc.

    And I have done both the teacher screen and the student screen on the Barton site at your prompting before. It may come down to this. The more I learn about it, the more I'm thinking my 6 year old would benefit too. DS might enjoy interacting with someone other with me for a while. I know I could use a break.

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  2. I know someone also who paid an education major to watch the Barton videos and tutor her son (she also purchased the sets) because he was an older age and she was a bit busy and just kind-of didn't want to do it herself.... it worked out good for her.


    It isn't as good as finding someone who has more background, but if you can't find anybody there may not be anybody.


    Or you might use Barton yourself. But if you would prefer tutoring and it just isn't really available -- I do know somebody who did this.


    I couldn't find anybody where I lived, either. It was just not available within a 2-hour drive.


    I don't think the phonetic window has closed. Kids make progress at older ages.

  3. We have the testing completed. Dyslexia -dysgraphia- ADHD is the diagnosis for my 11 yr old ds.


    I'm having trouble finding a Tudor. Does anyone have thought on Sylvan learning for a tutoring option. I'm asking questions at Sylvan but can't seem to make sense of it. I'm not hearing key words or phrase like "Barton, O-G system, systematic phonetic approach..." and it has me concerned. The guy just keeps talking about how great his software is. His approach for my kid is to build his vocabulary. He thinks the phonetic window has closed because of his age.


    I really trust the experience you all have here.



  4. It sounds like you have a lot on you and this kid really needs help. You need help too! If you are truly in the mental healthcare black hole you described, there is a good chance the public school system might not be prepared to offer the assistance your child needs either. This is what I'm discovering in my small town in conservative land as I'm just now going through similar testing for my son. Fortunately, I can travel about to a major hospital system to receive excellent care for my kid. But the doctor's recommendations for schooling was not in favor of public school simply because they don't always recognize issues like what we are facing. So they certainly are not well equipped to deal with them.


    I think that once you get through the testing phase of this with your kid and begin to pinpoint what's going on, the doctors will begin pointing you in the right direction. I hope you find resources close to home.

  5. By the way, I agree that there is great value in our kids knowing basics about classical literature. They should know who Robin Hood was and who King Arthur was. But you can introduce your kids to these literary figures through lovely picture book tales. There are some very good ones out there, and not just for beginning readers. You could read a few picture books about these characters to correlate with your history studies, but then use the bulk of your reading time with them on other books.


    There are so many, many good books to choose from. Don't feel locked in to what someone else has selected for their reading list. Feel free to make your own, geared to what will appeal to your particular kids and that is developmentally appropriate for their learning needs.


    I'll get off my soapbox now. I'm kind of passionate about children's literature (and have a degree in it), and I believe it is really important for reading to be fun, or children won't choose to do it for their own enjoyment when they are older.


    ETA: If your kids are loving the classical literature, by all means, keep with it! But it sounds like you are slowly moving in a different direction, and I wanted you to have some validation that that is perfectly okay.

    I really appreciate this! While I wouldn't have any trouble giving similar recommendations to another struggling mother, I often have trouble seeing through my own fog. I'm learning along the way too that, while educating my kinds is a good thing, I can twist it into something it's not meant to be very easily and begin to worship the idea of education just like a lot of other things that seem utopian.


    Thank you!

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  6. We have been using graph paper for math to help with organizational skills. One digit per square. Everything lines up nicely. I was required to use very small graph paper in college when my math problem might take three pages to solve. For my kids, I get quarter inch size. If you haven't tried it yet, you might want to give it a shot.


    As far as the botany interest. It's a little quirky (raised eyebrows concerning Aspergers) but his knowledge is vast especially concerning cacti! He also enjoys reading about reptiles and amphibians to some degree. He keeps an aquarium and terrarium. We are letting him dig a large koi pond in the backyard. That helps with the H part of the ADHD and feeds his interests.

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  7. Hmm, does he like medieval history? You mentioned Robin Hood. Is there anything like that you can harness? If he likes medieval, you can go more broadly. He's still young enough to enjoy Jim Weiss. He could listen to SOTW2 on audio. There are more versions of Robin Hood as well. Some of them, like the Pyle, have a really high reading level that may or may not be a good fit with his comprehension.


    Do you do read alouds? There's a Great Illustrated Classics series that you could read him. It's a low enough reading level that he would probably pick it up and take over for himself sometimes. It's nice to have that happen. :) He's at a good stage to get exposure to longer classics without necessarily struggling through all the language.


    If you get the BARD/NLS catalog, they will have listings for *non-fiction* as well. You can get that kind of variety. My ds is kind of varied and surprising, so I just throw all kinds of things on there. Like right now he's listening to the Rush Revere books. With him, simple can be really good! Simple sometimes gets through and makes a big impression! But he also likes the Great Courses that you can get on Audible for a credit and he'll listen to those. He likes some adult level non-fiction. You just never know, lol. It's nice to cross genres is what I'm saying.


    For my ds, it's really helpful to start with a video and then go to the book. I haven't done that with fiction, but we're doing it with non-fiction. It's a really effective strategy for him when maybe the comprehension is harder or the material is more abstract.


    The only pleasure reading he might do would be on the topic of botany. He is not a big reader as you might guess. We have been doing classical education from the start and this year was Middle Ages for both dd and ds. We started off strictly Memoria Press but now have a nice combination of MP with WTM. Every year I stray further and further from MP. X

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  8. When you say you had already done a lot of the things she would have recommended, you mean for other subjects or for reading? I'm just asking, because that's some pretty severe dyslexia or indicates additional things are going on if you've been doing an OG program for years and are still way behind. What was his reading level? Some tests will kick out a decoding reading level and an overall reading comprehension level. Depending on other factors, there can be a big discrepancy there.


    Sometimes there are some subclinical but pesky things with language, or there can be vision or APD issues that a psychologist wouldn't necessarily catch. So even with the really good evals you got, there still can be room for a few more referrals. You can see if they did language testing like the CELF.


    I think Barton doesn't even suggest trying any other writing until like level 4 or 5, right? I forget. Until you get his reading up, just oral composition will do. Around here, OG tutors will use the Diana Hanbury King materials and whatnot as part of their sessions once the kids get to a certain point in their reading. So in an hour they might hit 6-10 things, doing all of them for just a few minutes each, boom, boom, boom.

    For instance, he writes in cursive. We started cursive handwriting in first grade. We try to approach learning from lots of different angles, sensory, visual, auditory..... We are beginning to incorporate more technology. (Looking for a good keyboard program now for the iPad - it has a keyboard attachment).... I'm allowing him to keep a city of the multiplication table at his desk to refer to. We would have called that cheating for my dd. But she never needed it.

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  9. Does he have tech yet? If there's a holiday or something coming up where people are thinking about giving him money or gifts, collect that and consider a kindle fire or ipad. His age and developmental ability to use the features will decide what you go with. The kindle has great speakers, will run BARD and Learning Ally as well as Audible and can have apps turned off. For someone like my ds, it's really ideal. I love mac products, but the kindle is superior for him right now. I can't have the level of control with an ipad that I have with the kindle.


    Learning Ally is paid, and we don't use it right now. It has its place. We LOVE BARD/National Library Service. You'll need to take your written report to the ped and have him sign the paperwork from NLS, but it's worth the hassle. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE NLS.

    We have begun working in some technology this year. I have turn an old iPad mini into our educational iPad for the kids. His literature was difficult for anyone (Robin Hood) but he was enjoying the story. So I downloaded audible and have been letting home read the digital version side by side. I plan to do the same for King Arthur.


    He is also struggling with memorizing the multiplication table. I keep looking for just the right app to assist with that. I'm trying to incorporate more visual and auditory methods for his schooling. After talking with his Dr yesterday, it sounds like I'm on the right track.


    Any suggestions you have for apps you love? I'm all ears!

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  10. Wow, thanks so much for all the helpful responses! I apologize for leaving out some of our critical details. My son is 11 and in 5th grade. The testing revealed he is writing at a late 3rd grade level. The dyslexia profile fits him to a tee. We have been going to Vanderbilt for his testing and I do have a great deal of confidence in the level of care he has received there. The Dr. we met with yesterday was very pro homeschool and praised his progress thus far. We had already done many of the things she would have recommended as part of his course work over the past 5 years and she could tell all of that effort had brought him farther than he would have come had he been in a public school setting. I was quite encouraged by this since my last 5 years have seemed like such a struggle.


    I was given a list of resources and I'm busy pouring over it all. I know Tennessee homeschoolers do have access to some level of assistance from the public school system. The Dr. feels as though very few schools here do a good job of recognizing dyslexia and fewer schools know how to help kids overcome it. Also, I'm not in Nashville. I'm in a small town over an hour away with even fewer resources.


    You all have given me many other ideas and suggestions as to where I might look for assistance. Thank You!

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  11. Dyslexia- Dysgraphia- ADHD


    I started asking question many years ago concerning this child and was told "he's a boy", "give him time", "this is not unusual"..... Last fall I decided I had to push through and try to find out more. Yesterday we finally made it to the one appointment I have been waiting for since September. Our current diagnosis is the aforementioned trifecta. I'm not surprised. I'm kinda relieved. I'm also exhausted from years of trying so hard to just wait it out with no resources and everyone telling me there was nothing wrong.


    So, here we are. We are moving forward as of today. In all honesty, we shifted our homeschool experience over the past months to more oral work already. We dropped some of the rigor. It's just that now I have confidence that this is perhaps the right direction for this particular child.


    My question concerns the tutoring that was recommended. Part of the reason we homeschool is because private school tuition is not within our family's budget.


    Are there funds available to help offset the cost of tutoring a child with dyslexia/dysgraphia? If so, how would I go about finding those resources?


    Thanks in advance,


  12. I've been homeschooling for several years but now the baby is starting K and I've stalled in choosing a phonics curriculum. My other two kiddos went to the MP school in Louisville when they were younger and when we moved, we took MP school in a box and worked it from home. Over the years we have gradually transitioned to some other wonderful curricula such as PHP. I thought this year I would simply come online and purchase K in a box from PHP. 


    In all honesty, i'm burned out and exhausted. I need a break from the rigor the MP demands. Looking at their phonics program makes me want to throw up. There has to be a more gentle way that doesn't involve 27 books and a secret decoder ring. 


    Can anyone identify?


    Help me choose a phonics program for the DD. Suggestions please!

  13. We have been using MP literature for 4 years at home and three years before that at the school in Louisville. They are intense but very rich. My advice, depending on the child of course, is to not feel obligated to fill in every blank. The amount of work can be daunting if you feel compelled to answer every question and fill every blank. Often we answer just a few key questions in written form and orally go over the rest. An older child might accomplish more of the work. A younger child might need help in reading the difficult passages and will enjoy the enrichment sections. The studies do offer a deep level of study and excellent discussion. While I'm moving away from some MP curriculum, I will retain the literature portion in our studies.

  14. My DD has completed both. DS finished the insects study last year and will be moving on to Trees this year before Birds next year. They are beautiful, lovely and and encouraged both of my children to take in interest in studying nature on a deeper level. Now the 5 year old feels compelled to take her field guide along with every walk around the neighborhood.

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