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I hate Mother's Day

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I miss my mom. I miss her so much it's painful. I've cried yesterday and today. I'll cry tomorrow. I just about can't function right now, it's so bad. It's all mixed up with other stuff in my life, but missing my mom is at the top of my list right now.


I hate this weekend. Hate. it. I wish it was over.

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I'm so sorry, Rhonda. I'm feeling the same way. My mom died last October and it's still hard to believe she's gone. My dad died last year, too, so I'm not looking forward to Father's Day, either.



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Awww...I am so sorry! My mom really misses my grandma this time of year too...even 16 years later.


As I get older, and my mom gets older, I really am realizing how important it is that we put away any differences and I visit her more often. I know that one day, she will not be here for me to visit.



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:grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry. I think it's wonderful that you had a mom that you miss that way. I am not very close to my mom and I'm a little bit jealous of people who have a great relationship with theirs. I wish it were that way for me.


For me, Father's Day is sad. I miss my dad SO much. He was such a wonderful, loving man. He had such unconditional love for everyone. We were very close.


I cried all day on my birthday in December and couldn't figure out for a little while what was wrong with me (I really don't mind getting older). I finally realized I missed my Daddy.

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I'm so sorry that you're in such pain. I also want to tell you that I wish I could say I understand, but I don't. My relationship with my mother is nothing like what you had with yours. You and your mother were incredibly lucky and blessed to have had such a loving relationship. I hope in time that your pain eases and that you will be able to focus on that and remember the love and joy you shared together. :grouphug:

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I am so sorry that you miss her so much, and I'm so thankful that you had the type of relationship with your mom that fostered such love. She must have been a really special lady.




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I miss my mom. I miss her so much it's painful. I've cried yesterday and today. I'll cry tomorrow. I just about can't function right now, it's so bad. It's all mixed up with other stuff in my life, but missing my mom is at the top of my list right now.


I hate this weekend. Hate. it. I wish it was over.



Oh, I'm so sorry. :( I don't even celebrate mothers day', but I'm sorry you have lost yours. :grouphug:

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Been there! I lost my mom fourteen years ago. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh.


I used to cry and ache. These days I miss my mom deeply, but I don't hurt as badly....most of the time.


I never go to church on Mother's day....too many sentimental services and I end up bawling.


Do something that comforts you tomorrow and know that at least it is over for another year.

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Been there! I lost my mom fourteen years ago. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh.


I used to cry and ache. These days I miss my mom deeply, but I don't hurt as badly....most of the time.


I never go to church on Mother's day....too many sentimental services and I end up bawling.


Do something that comforts you tomorrow and know that at least it is over for another year.




It has been 5.5 years since I lost my mom. We were so close and I miss her all the time. I hate mother's day and have skipped church that day several times.


I can tell you that while it still makes me sad and makes me think of my mom and miss her, I cry less and remember with joy more. It does get easier.


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I am so sorry you are so sad this time of year. I really envy the sort of relationship you describe with your mom. Though my mom lives right down the street, we rarely go deeper than chit chat about the boys and the weather. It sounds like you have great memories.

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I'm right there with you. Mr. Ellie takes me away somewhere on Mother's Day because I can't bear all the warm fuzzy schmoozy stuff at church. My mother has been gone for almost 10 years, and I can still cry at the drop of a hat.


It's a sad club to be in.



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I just want you all to know that I am so sorry for you. I am sitting here crying reading all of your posts. I am saying a prayer for all of you and will continue to pray for you while I am at church this morning. Just remember your moms are in heaven and in the best place. Hard to embrace, I know. My sil has been gone 5 years and I always think of her on mother's day because being a great mom was all of who she was. Blessings to all of you.

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It always hits me so hard that my mother never got to meet any of my kids. I always wonder what kind of grandma she would be. :crying:



That's what gets me as well. My mother passed when I was just 6 years old, so not only did she not get to meet my children, she didn't even get to see me grow up.


One thing I do that really helps me to deal with my own loss is working with the children at Comfort Zone Camp. http://www.comfortzonecamp.org/


CZC is a camp for children (ages 7 - 17) who have lost a parent, sibling or primary caregiver. I've been fortunate enough to volunteer at two camps, and am on the list to help with a third the end of this month.

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My relationship with my mother is anything but loving. She is emotionally stunted and self-centered. And, she lives with me. So, I deal with a lot of little hassles every day depending on her mood and level of manipulative behavior. I do okay most days. Today is one of the hard ones, because I have no idea how to handle it "correctly" and no desire to express warm, fuzzy feelings toward her. I got her a card and called it done. I spent the day focused on my kids.


Yesterday I spent the morning with my whole family and dh's parents. His mom is extraordinary, and I love her dearly. I am so glad I have her. She has been more of a mom to me than my own mother.

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:grouphug: It is hard. My Mom passed away this past January, so this is the first Mother's Day I have spent without her. I miss her terribly, as she was such a sweet friend and a wonderfully, gracious lady. Everyone who met her loved her. I find myself crying at the oddest of times. At this point I'm also 1000 miles away from my sisters, so we are not able to support each other on this difficult day. It is encouraging to know that it does get easier with time.



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{{Rhonda}} How difficult this must be for you on top of all you are dealing with. My prayers are with you. And thank you for sharing your pain. It is such a poignant reminder for all of us to appreciate our mothers (and mother figures) in our lives while we still have them. I just realized today that my once-a-year business trip this summer falls on my mother's 80th birthday. I have already purchased the non-refundable tickets and everything. We are now planning a big bash before her actual birthday.

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