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Tell me about LLATL...

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FAR FAR superior to LLATL. I used LLATL 1 year and it's a year I'd like to get back. Nuff said.


Christian Light Education's Language arts has everything and in much greater depth. Take the diagnostic test (free download from http://www.clp.org ) and take it first. There's sample pages online to look at for Sunrise versions.


They also have Reading programs that go into literary analysis much earlier than many other curriculums. Very good IMHO. And the stories are pleasant and character building, also.





I am looking for an all in one language arts program for my 6th and 9th grade daughters...


Is LLATL really an all in one?

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I'll speak up for LLATL!! I have five children currently using it and I really like it. I like the way it is based around literature and includes copywork/dictation etc. I like the way it builds writing skills and covers a variety of genres. It offers variety and, over time, builds on skills. From about the Orange book onwards, children are able to work independently also (other than spelling tests and dictation, of course.) I find it a creative way of developing English skills for my dc.


That's just my 2 cents :)

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When I used LLATL, I only liked the novels and the dictation part. IMHO, everything else was....missing. Also, my daughter at the time was in 5th. She's about 2 years ahead of her peers, so I expected that I'd have to consider another level. Well, I kept browsing and going up and up and...finally I found one that was at her speed. That should have been a red flag, but I read the rave reviews by Duffy and thought maybe I'm missing the point or something, and bought it anyway.


Other than reading the books and doing the dictation, there wasn't much grammar or spelling and frankly, IMO, the book studies were very weak. I supplemented Natural Speller so she'd have some spelling to do every week. I had her write papers on the side. But I made the mistake of not doing much grammar on the side with her...


She knew her grammar, etc pretty well going into the program. At the end of the year she remembered nothing of the year before and had lost a lot of her grammar skills and punctuation, etc because of not using it in LLATL. Even my daughter said it was too easy and not enough work--she'd say "Mom, I'm done!" about 10 mins after starting and I'd say, "No way..." and sure enough, she was done for the day. If a KID says this, well...enough said.


Maybe there was a serious printing error and the third page of every lesson was missing? I don't know. I know people like LLATL, but it just wasn't enough IMO for a LA program in my house.


I'm just thankful I found CLE. I wish I'd found it in 1st grade; I'd have used it all the way through. It covers everything very very thoroughly, and she knows more grammar, diagramming, etc now than I did at college level. You should see the diagrams she can do; multi-level things that look scary. She's finishing up the 700 level this year and we're eager to hit 800 next year.


It includes grammar, spelling, diagramming (starts in the 2nd grade, I think), article writing, expository writing, copywork of historical events, memorization of scripture, punctuation exercises, a novel to read (Mennonite, but historical and true), etc and all of it geared to build character in a godly way. Very gently of course; not preachy at all. It's mennonite, but I haven't found anything objectionable at all. Just straight scripture.


I found one novel not enough so she's read other works through the year on her own. No big deal. The Reading program is very good and the reader contains short stories that are character-building as well, and the program goes into a lot of literary analysis, IMO for 6th and 7th graders!



Okay, it's time for bed. Take care, all~!



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Because it's not so intense. I can do a short lesson each day and reinforce it in other subjects and everyday life as we come across it elsewhere.




We are using it for grade 5 & 6 this year, and the children ( and I), are really happy with LLATL

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I have used both.


I like LLATL Blue. Beyond there, LLATL is just not enough, IMO. My older son really learned nill from LLATL orange and we are now having to backtrack with CLE LA 3 to learn grammar. English is not his best subject and CLE is really helping him figure it out.


That said, the programs are night and day different. CLE is not "all in one" - it as great grammar lessons and decent spelling and handwriting practice. It does not incorporate reading and composition. For those, I use DITHOR (reading) and WWE (composition). The three marry beautifully and are working great for my ds9.


For ds 5, we started in LLATL blue not realizing that once you start, you are kind of stuck because the second half of phonics is taught in LLATL Red. (It takes 2 years to finish Phonics!). This was unacceptable to me, so we finished Blue and did not move on to red. Instead, we are doing Phonics Pathways to finish up phonics, ETC to keep practicing with phonics, CLE LA 1 because it is just darn GOOD, read alouds and Emerging readers for Heart of Dakota "Beyond" for reading, and copywork/dictation/journaling for composition. Again, the marriage is beautiful and seamless.

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I used LLATL for 3 years up to 7th grade. It was recommended to me by the woman who tested my children. I highly regret sticking with it for that long. It was not strong enough for my kids. My daughter begged me to change saying she's not being taught well enough. She and my other kids were very weak in grammar after using the series. I had to work very hard to get my 7th grader caught up before attending high school. I have since changed my philosophy and use a very strong English program with great success.


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