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CLE...I had NO Idea!

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Well, I have recently fallen in love with CLE. We are using math, LA, and Bible for both of my kids and having great success.


Well, yesterday, I decided to check out the Spanish they offer. I had NO IDEA they offered so much other elective type stuff. I spent a TON of money there last night - I bought an Art book for each child, a music book to try, and the Spanish set with CDs. I have my eye on the Research Paper set as well as the State Study. I was just really surprised to see so many neat things kinda "hiding" on the site.


Has anyone else noticed these "extras" and/or used them? What was your experience?

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Not to hijack your post, but I'm trying to decide on a grammar curriculum for my 3rd grader next year. We are finishing up GWG 1/2, and though it's a good program I feel she needs more review. I've looked briefly at CLE LA 3, but not sure whether to order it since I plan to use AAS, WWE and Zaner-Bloser for handwriting, so much for CLE LA will go un-used. Can you tell me what you like about CLE LA? I WAS planning to buy FLL3 thought, I'm a little hesitant, because dd is not auditory, but I like that it includes narration, dication etc...


Sorry to ask so many questions, but you sound so excited about CLE I just thougtht I'd ask! Thanks so much!

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I've heard a lot about CLE this year. I haven't tried it out yet. I'm not even going to that site cuz then I'll find things I'll just HAVE to get!:001_huh::tongue_smilie::lol:




I am not sure why CLE is being talked about so much lately. I remember going to the site and looking at the math before I decided on Singapore and I was totally not sold. It wasn't until I needed a new approach to the English/grammar (which I was royally screwing up with ds9) that I went back to CLE. Once I got that, I was sold. I went back for their Bible for younger ds and it, too, was perfect. :)


Now, I will admit that I do not like CLE reading (I use DITHOR instead because I much prefer living books and classics for reading), and I detested Learning to Read. It was not a fit for us at.all. And, because I like living book history and Science, I have not (and likely will not) tried their Social Studies and Science programs.


When I got on and saw all of the "elementary electives" though...WOW. I hope they are as great as they look. The music is meant to go through 8 years of school - one book a year. The Art is the same way...starts with coloring, cutting, pasting and moves slowly into more detailed stuff. Perfect for my kids who take art lessons from an artist at co-op and just need to keep up their skills through the year and in the summer. :)

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Not to hijack your post, but I'm trying to decide on a grammar curriculum for my 3rd grader next year. We are finishing up GWG 1/2, and though it's a good program I feel she needs more review. I've looked briefly at CLE LA 3, but not sure whether to order it since I plan to use AAS, WWE and Zaner-Bloser for handwriting, so much for CLE LA will go un-used. Can you tell me what you like about CLE LA? I WAS planning to buy FLL3 thought, I'm a little hesitant, because dd is not auditory, but I like that it includes narration, dication etc...


Sorry to ask so many questions, but you sound so excited about CLE I just thougtht I'd ask! Thanks so much!


We use WWE with CLE LA and it works well. :) I actually really like the spelling and handwriting in CLE LA 3 for my 4th grader. He is not a wonderful speller and CLE is not rigorous in that area...but it works for ds9. Handwriting - he learned cursive in ps, so he doesn't really follow the "style" of CLE persay...he just writes what it tells him to. Mostly, it is a continuation of copywork for him. FLL would definitely be redundant with CLE LA.


CLE LA has been a GODSEND for ds9. He came out of ps a struggling speller, writer, and knowing very briefly what a noun was (still has trouble with "idea"). I have a degree in English, so I first attempted to overload him bigtime. We did (at ONE time) Spelling Power, Calvert Spelling CD, Writing Tales 2, Growing with Grammar 4, and LLATL Orange. Ha...just typing all that makes me want to vomit. It was ridiculous. All of those programs are lovely...just please, never combine them all on a kid that can barely write a paragraph. LOL


About 3 mos ago, ds was given a sentence to parse in WT2. He totally couldn't do it. None of it. I was completely beside myself with what to do and someone suggested CLE. I decided to give it a try and I backed up a level to make sure I wasn't pushing him. Honestly, it was the best thing I could have done. I dropped formal spelling in lieu of CLE LA spelling. I picked up WWE, dropped handwriting and just let him practice in CLE. Now, he loves English and actually does his best work for me in the subject. Sometimes you just have to drop back and punt. KWIM?


My younger uses CLE LA 1 along with Phonics Pathways and Explode the Code. He will do narration and dictation from Heart of Dakota when he starts Beyond in the fall. So far, from what I have looked through, CLE and HOD are going to marry nicely too. :)

Edited by Tree House Academy
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Thanks! Does CLE LA teach diagramming too?


Yep. :) Slow and steady. ds9 is in LU 303 in CLE LA and he is doing very short sentence diagraming, mostly just breaking the subject and predicate and putting the describing words below the line. They aren't overwhelming him with titles right now...just very slow and steady progress.

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I've heard a lot about CLE this year. I haven't tried it out yet. I'm not even going to that site cuz then I'll find things I'll just HAVE to get!:001_huh::tongue_smilie::lol:


:lol: Yes, do NOT go there unless you have money to spend! ;)


Now, if the curriculum were extremely pricey, then that would be a deterrant, but it is so well priced that it's hard to say no.


[Hmph...off to check out these electives for myself! :w00t:]

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I am also a HUGE fan of CLE! It is the best ever! It is so gentle, yet very solid academically. I love that my boys can be independent, but I can help if I need to. The Math is by far the best I've ever seen or used. And, I also love that all the LA is in one place--all different workbooks for each child drove us nuts--especially me! It is also very solid--my oldest is in the 6th grade and it is pretty challenging.


There are some samples on the site - they are new, though, and not all there yet. You can also just order a sample, also. There are other samples on the yahoo group home page for Christian Light.

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Did you buy Speedy Spanish? Let me know which one and after you get it, your review. TIA


Sepeedy Spanish I with the CDs. I will let you know how it goes, but from looking at the samples, I think it is EXACTLY the approach I want to take to Spanish with ds.


I've been looking at the CLE Spanish and Music also and would love to hear a review after you get a chance to look through it.




I sure will. I am looking forward to starting the music with the kids over the summer. :)

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I've been the the CLP site. Is there a "preview" or "search inside" option anywhere? I can't find it.


Linda the samples are a little hidden. If you go into the subject/grade you're looking at and move your cursor over the lightunit numbers you should be able to click on them and then on that page there will be a link to click for the samples.



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Guest 4boys

I should go to the site and look this up, but Rebecca, how do you like the music? What does it all teach? I am giving Bailey piano lessons but I am looking for something to reinforce what he's learning, like theory and such. Let me know how you like it.

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We love CLE math and Learn to Read here. Sorry that LTR wasn't your cup of tea, it's the only thing that's worked for dd here. She also now loves math, we were using Saxon but it was so slow and boring in the lessons but the flashcards were too much at one time. CLE introduces them 1-2 at a time instead of 5-10 at a time like Saxon. My dd now has many of her addition and subtraction facts down pat. She really enjoys the lessons and loves the calendar book as well. We'll start CLE LA 1 in a couple days and she can't wait.

You really can't beat the price, although like many mentioned because of that the website can be quite a temptation.

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As long as we're talking about CLE, I bought their 4th/5th grade science text called God's Marvelous Gifts and it's wonderful! From SWB and CM definition of a Living Book, this would qualify. It's written by one author named Faythelma Bechtel and includes Introductions for the parent/teacher and for the student. It is written directly to the student and weaves an interesting story of God's Creations. I like it so much I've already read most of it just because it's fun to read. I can't wait to use it with my DD next year for narration (we're not using the Light Units) and she is going to enjoy the numerous, simple experiments. There are also black & white photographs on every page.


The 62 chapters cover some of the following topics:


Heaven & Earth (Light, Night, Firmament, Clouds, Water, Planets, Rocks & Mountains, Oceans & Seas, Lakes & Rivers)


Botany (Grass, cacti, Ferns & Mosses, etc....)


Firmament (Sun, Moon, Stars, Constellations, Seasons, etc...)


Living Creatures (Fish, Sea Animals, Amphibians, Reptiles........ Mammals...... Insects, etc.....)


Anatomy (Body, Blood, Heart, Nervous System, Eyes, Ears, Lungs, etc....)


It's a great general science book for this age group.

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Love2Smile Would this be suitable for a 6th grader?


I just had my 12 yr old 7th grader look through God's Marvelous Gifts and she says "yes." I asked her if any of it looks babyish and she says no, that she would be willing to read it. In her words, "it covers everything."



Hope that helps,


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And, because I like living book history and Science, I have not (and likely will not) tried their Social Studies and Science programs.




I said that at one time ;) this coming fall will be our second year using textbooks for these subjects.


We used R&S this year and will switch to CLE in the fall. I have grades 2-7 and they are actually very good.


My dd will use almost all CLE next year. Only thing we are adding is spelling & writing. We will omit these from CLE LA


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I have not received the music I ordered just yet. When I do, I will be glad to give a review. :) I like that it starts basic and grows...not by grade really, but by skills. We are starting at basic and I am going to do one book with both kids. If ds9 "gets it" faster, then we will move faster than ds5 and I.


That art is what I really love the looks of. It is so complete! And starts from very basic and goes into much more difficult concepts...one book at a time. :)


Linda...LOL! I am hoping HOD will help me get myself together with the "living book" appraoch. If not, then CLE will definitely be where I turn for those subjects as well. :)

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