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Chalkdust Geometry... likes/dislikes?

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I'm considering Chalkdust Geometry next year for my 8th grade dd. I was wondering if I could get some input on those that have used the program their likes & dislikes? It is worth the $$$?


dd is finishing up Lials Introductory Algebra and said it was "fine". But, she did get a little stuck in some places and DVT helped, but many times they didn't explain why they did a certain step. So, I'm thinking of using Chalkdust next year. Plus I'd like something she can do independently, but still come to me with questions...


Also, can someone tell me how they used the program... do you watch the DVD first then do problems (section at a time) ?


Thanks very much! :)

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I did Chalkdust Geometry with the Old textbook. My dd does pretty well in math and I still had to watch the DVD's with her in order to be able to help when she had problems with the sets. The textbook was pretty bad. There were many instances when there was no explanation given for a few of the problems. I didn't feel the explanations of the concepts was clear either.


The new textbook may be better.

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Two of my sons used the old Chalkdust geometry and went through the course entirely independently, doing well on the tests. I think Mr. Mosely is a good teacher. The book is widely used and known, so I felt fine about using it. I'll use it with my next two ds's.

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I have absolutely no complaints. I do not watch the lectures with ds, but am sort of hanging around in the kitchen. He had very few problems with it, but we did contact Professor Mosely if he got stuck. If you buy from them the technical support is included in the price you pay. If you buy used, I *believe* (call or e-mail them and ask, 'cause I am not certain) you can get technical support for $75.


I had heard not great things about the old geometry, but the new one has the lectures that are specifically designed to go with the text.



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My son is just finishing it up. He's done great and really likes it a lot. We have the newer text and, truthfully, he hardly ever watches the DVD, the text is very clear. I love D. Mosely's teaching. I've purchased Algebra I and Geometry used and haven't paid for support yet. Can you wait to see if there is a problem before buying the support I wonder?

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she thought the old one was too busy. The font size in the new book was too small for her, and although not as busy, still too busy for her. She prefers the uncluttered pages of TT and Saxon...go figure...


We never got past the textbook issue to even consider using the cd's. I've heard Dana Moseley is an excellent teacher.



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