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Rod & Staff Grade 2 Math - 1st 40 lessons are review!


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I'm doing a bit of planning today inbetween the activities and I pulled out my son's next math book and it says, "Lessons 1-40 are basically review."!


(I have one kiddo in MUS, for which 40 lessons for the entire year)


Anyhoo..... planning on skipping the review lessons as we'll be rolling into our summer sememster



just had to say that

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Only skip them if your dc is completely solid on their math facts to 10. This is the last time they'll practice them intensively and they really need to be completely automatic after those lessons. They're also presenting the facts differently, instead of fact families (all the facts that sum to 8 or 9 or 10) they're teaching them as triplets (10, 6, 4) so now you're learning the relationship of 10 with 4 and 6 with both addition and subtraction facts together. That's not very clear but take a look at the boat chart and you'll understand what I mean.


R&S and MUS are very different programs, but they both have their own logic. If you like the R&S approach, follow the book as closely as possible because it very subtly introduces concepts that you will need later. If you skip too many activities, you might have to backtrack later. I really admire R&S, but it's just not a good fit for ds right now and dd loves Singapore and Miquon, so we're not using it anymore.

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My dd is in R&S Math 2 right now, about halfway through the first unit. She is very solid on her math facts, and I considered skipping that first unit since it's all review (especially since we haven't had a long break since she finished R&S Math 1), BUT, she wanted to do the review unit since it's easy! Right now she does the R&S math a couple of days a week, and Singapore 1B a couple of days. She is enjoying her schoolwork, so there's really no reason to rush through it and skip things.

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It will be the same for R&S 3. At first, I was going to have my son do them anyway, but it was so easy for him, it was ridiculous. I realized it would just be a waste of our time to spend 2 months doing that. I was so excited about skipping all those lessons because it gave us a litle more flexibility with our scheduling.


Now, I'm looking over R&S 4 and I don't think I'd want to skip more than the first 30 of this book and there are even a few things buried in those lessons that I will want to cover with my son. What's nice about R&S 4 though, is that there are tests every 10 lessons, so I can give him the tests and make sure we're not missing anything. Plus, it will also be a quick little review for him.



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It will be the same for R&S 3. At first, I was going to have my son do them anyway, but it was so easy for him, it was ridiculous. I realized it would just be a waste of our time to spend 2 months doing that. I was so excited about skipping all those lessons because it gave us a litle more flexibility with our scheduling.


Now, I'm looking over R&S 4 and I don't think I'd want to skip more than the first 30 of this book and there are even a few things buried in those lessons that I will want to cover with my son. What's nice about R&S 4 though, is that there are tests every 10 lessons, so I can give him the tests and make sure we're not missing anything. Plus, it will also be a quick little review for him.



Tests! I was just looking to see if those were buried in the blackline masters I didn't get. I'm glad to hear they show up in grade 4. I do like tests. The kids get a kick out of getting them graded too.

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