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Thought you would enjoy a spelling error laugh. . .

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I am trying to find a company to ship my mother's car and as I was entering a zip code for a quote I got the following error message. . .


Rate for Shipping 1 Your pickup zip code could not be found or the city was miss-spelt. Please go back to the previous page and enter a correct zip code or city.



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That is funny hahah!


I have to say, that I am a huge fan of spell check! Although it does not guarantee every mistake is caught - it has saved me from a lot of embarrassment over the past few years in my professional life.


I am a pretty fast typer, but I have to go back and correct errors. As a recruiter, spell check has helped me caught THIS error that could have caused a lot of laughter at my expense:


"candidate has 5 years sexperience in the following areas:"


Now THAT would have been really bad! hahah!

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Saw this hand-printed sign taped on the door of a local Mc Donalds Playland.


"Socks must be warned at all times".

Took me days to stop laughing at that one. The dc and I kept coming up with different warnings we could give socks...

"Hey, watch out here comes a really sweaty foot" for example.


Oh and I once bought a new air mattress which had these directions for care:

"Clean with soup and water".


Never could decide if chicken noodle or tomato did a better job. :tongue_smilie:


Edited by JustGin
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