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Help me stay calm about airplane travel

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Good morning. I actually cried last night about this and need some help. My dh had been scheduled for a business trip to Chicago for several months now. It is fast approaching, and due to the potential swine flu at large airports, he respectfully asked his director if he could postpone the trip. A few days ago he received his answer...nope. Apparently this is a big deal to the director who doesn't like his tidy planning for the year to be changed. So my dh will be flying in a germy airplane that probably made a recent trip to Mexico, sitting in germy airport terminals, driving germy rental cars, staying in a crowded hotel, and eating in crowded restaurants. He does not want to go but apparently has no choice unless he wants to appear to be a wimpy little complainer. I cannot calm down. I feel paranoid and embarrassed and need some suggestions of what we can do to 'protect' him. He already carries a small bottle of hand cleaner in his pocket. That doesn't make me feel much better. I know I'm worrying too much, but still...


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My dh just flew out of Chicago to Minnesota and back on Monday. So far he seems fine. I was worried about him too but he took the usual precautions. I can't think of anything else besides using the hand sanitizer and avoid touching things as much as possible.

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who posted to a mom about dd flying to France (?). She was saying that the more important thing was what you touch. The mom was wondering about a mask. The attendant was saying gloves would be better, help fewer germs spread. Besides the gloves and hand sanitizer, what about clorox wipes to wipe everything down?



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Thank you. I wonder if he would wear a pair of hospital gloves if I could find some. Of course he might look like a serial killer avoiding sharing his fingerprints. I have a tub of Clorox wipes...but baggage checkers might think he was carrying a bomb. :D OK, I'm trying hard to be rational. Thank you for your suggestions. I hadn't thought of those.


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I'm not so sure about the gloves. Once you have them on you could still pick up a germ and touch your face. I think he would pay more attention if he kept his hands clean. The flu is mild now so I wouldn't panic. I'll be praying for health and decrease in anxiety. Let us know how he fares.

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If it helps reassure you, my oncologist's office has removed the notice listing the swine flu's symptoms next to the sign in sheet. Apparently they aren't finding it so dangerous for patients as they originally believed it would be. Instead they've posted the symptoms for the measles, of which we have a about 6 cases in the state.

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Well, I'm sending my 10-yo on a 6-hour flight across the ocean on Monday :blink: I'm actually feeling a lot less worried than I did last week. I actually have some N95 masks, but my mom's neighbor who's a nurse said there's no way you could wear those for 6 hours straight. I was thinking of making a cloth mask just so she'd remember not to touch her face, but as this appears to be not as serious as first thought, I'm thinking of just sending her with lots of disinfecting wipes for armrests and tables and such (I found some Germ-X ones small enough to pack in carry-on), hand sanitizer, and Lysol sanitizing spray (I was thinking for doorknobs etc. - after the plane, she's getting right on a train!). Hm - I'm wondering if I should send along a towel to put over the seatback so she doesn't have to put her head right where the previous passenger was breathing... even without swine flu I hate putting my head on those things...

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I feel paranoid and embarrassed


Don't be embarrassed (and you're not paranoid) - I know what you feel like.. we're flying across country for a visit (kids and I) in a week and a half-ish and I have the same worries about the viruses (virii?) kicking around in the plane. I'm taking two kids, one of whom has special needs and can't understand the importance of trying not to touch things & then his face. His hands are CONSTANTLY on things (he's blind) and he has an oral sensory thing - he rubs objects around his mouth, across his face... open season for germs right there.


(Yet - he's rarely ever sick. We all catch something nasty and it either skips him or makes him sick for a day. Theory - better immune system from all his extra exposure? Dunno, maybe.)


Anyway - I really don't have any suggestions aside from the wash hands sort, but I just wanted you to know there was someone else here stewing away about this kinda upcoming thing so maybe you mightn't feel so embarrassed about it. :grouphug:

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Question - those that are suggesting the wipes (like lysol wipes) ..can you take those on a plane?? Would they be considered as "liquid" because of the fluid in them? I've only flew three times since all these new weird rules came in and I didn't have any kind of liquid anything with me... I know the small hand sanitizer bottle should be okay, cuz they're only a few ml, but the packages of wipes I've seen were fairly big..... even the small pouch type ones were larger than what I would think they allowed....people were putting stuff in ziplock bags and throwing lots out at the security, I saw...

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If he has hand sanitizer and can wash his hands periodically, he will be fine. I am sure he can not touch his hands to his face for a flight. Use the hand sanitizer before he eats anything. Once he gets off the plane he can wash his hands.


Air planes aren't as dirty as people think. A movie theater seat, restaurant seat, rental car/public transportation, grocery cart handle....are all just as dirty.


I am sure the airports are being a little extra careful right now anyways..just like everyone else.


Have him take extra vitamins for a few days ahead of time to boost his immunity. Remind him to be careful, kiss him and send him on his way.

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Question - those that are suggesting the wipes (like lysol wipes) ..can you take those on a plane?? Would they be considered as "liquid" because of the fluid in them? I've only flew three times since all these new weird rules came in and I didn't have any kind of liquid anything with me... I know the small hand sanitizer bottle should be okay, cuz they're only a few ml, but the packages of wipes I've seen were fairly big..... even the small pouch type ones were larger than what I would think they allowed....people were putting stuff in ziplock bags and throwing lots out at the security, I saw...


You can't bring more than so many ounces of a liquid - the wipes are damp paper. The pouches I found, though are really small - I think it's 12 individually-wrapped wipes (normally something I'd think of as highly wasteful). They were in the check-out line at Walmart.

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My DH and I went to a meeting last weekend that had 35,000 people from all over the world. I was a little worried about going (esp since I am pregnant) but decided that there's always germs lurking everywhere! We can't live in a bubble.


I washed my hands often and avoided touching rails and doorknobs when possible. If I heard anyone coughing I avoided that area (which surprisingly, I only heard a few coughs among this massive amt of people).


At the hotel I did wipe down knobs and surfaces.


We went out to eat too and really didn't worry about anything.


I think taking general precautions and washing hands often are the key. I really think your DH will be fine-try not to worry too much.


PS-My Dh also flies from the midwest to the west coast at least once a month-this month it's twice. He didn't think twice about flying, he just said he does wash his hands more.

Edited by Ann in IA
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Question - those that are suggesting the wipes (like lysol wipes) ..can you take those on a plane?? Would they be considered as "liquid" because of the fluid in them? I've only flew three times since all these new weird rules came in and I didn't have any kind of liquid anything with me... I know the small hand sanitizer bottle should be okay, cuz they're only a few ml, but the packages of wipes I've seen were fairly big..... even the small pouch type ones were larger than what I would think they allowed....people were putting stuff in ziplock bags and throwing lots out at the security, I saw...


You can have up to 4 oz of liquid per person. I always have sanitizer on the plane and often hand cream.


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There is a section in Walmart, Target or Kmart where they have travel sized odds and ends. In that section are these small packets of Clorox wipes. Get a couple and send them with him. Clean your hands and what you touch often. It helps a lot.


Other than that, are you this freaked out by regular flu? It's "just" a flu. Stock up on truly good vitamins, especially vitamin C. Clean things and be aware of what you touch, especially before eating. I've flown twice already since this came up with a couple connections each, so I've been on several planes and I'm not sick. Be wise but don't be panicked. It doesn't make sense to be more panicked about this than any other flu season.

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Thank you all so very much for your wisdom and suggestions. I really do feel better. I hate the flu...any kind of flu...but especially the kind that can put a healthy person into the hospital. I'll be looking for small packs of sanitizer wipes to go into his pocket. I always open doors with my elbow and avoid touching grubby things, but guys don't always think of that. :D I imagine he will be extra careful, for me peace of mind. I'll try not to worry, and tank him up on vitamin C. Thanks so much for your help.


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My dh had been scheduled for a business trip to Chicago for several months now. It is fast approaching, and due to the potential swine flu at large airports, he respectfully asked his director if he could postpone the trip. A few days ago he received his answer...nope.


My husband flies several times a week, including internationally. I'm much more worried about terrorism than the flu. Realistically, I realize the chance of either (or mechanical failure) is low.


The odds of your husband being injured or sickened by a single flight must be very low.

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