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First Day with Apples and Pears Spelling


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Please, oh please tell me it will remain this good!


Our lesson took 15 minutes (because it took me a bit to 'get' the teacher's notes). It might be wishful thinking, but I swear I thought a light bulb came on for ds. Dd used her best handwriting *ever* and they actually enjoyed the bingo game.



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What level(s) of apples and pears did you use? Did you use the same for both? I have a 7 yo and an almost 10yo, so close to your dc's ages. I just started homeschooling, so if they have any training in "spelling" I wouldn't know what it was, as you may know, we parents are not privy to what is taught in PS!! ha, ha

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There is a placement test on the website here. You can also see just about every page of the student books and teachers books by clicking on each book. This might tell you if the style works for you. We have bombed on so many spelling books that I just about knew how we would do from looking at the samples. So.. we are bad spellers around here, and we tested into the end of book A. I ended up buying the whole set. A gamble, but hopefully it will pay off! Several factors influenced my decision: similar daily routine and non-distracting format (good for ds with LD's), levels rather than graded texts (good for sensitive ds who spells below grade level), short daily lessons, uncomplicated teacher's notes, no manipulatives (my kids are fed up with all the manipulatives we use), and decent cost. I am doing to two older kids together now, may eventually separate them when i get my feet under me, and will start the youngest in the fall.


It is a bit premature for me to give it a thumbs up, I know. I just know how we *usually* do with spelling, and today was remarkably different. I hope I can say the same good things in a few months! Do read some threads from people who have used it longer before you take my ravings!:D

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DS is currently halfway through book C, we started the series about 1/4 through book A. I wouldn't say DS jumps with joy when spelling comes out, but even he admits that Apples and Pears has made a huge difference in his ability to spell. Actually, he didn't HAVE any ability to spell prior to this curriculum!


Plus, occasionally the sentences used for dictation give us a laugh and we comment on how they would never be found in a U.S. spelling book. Some recent examples:


My dad gets up at dawn and eats raw eggs.

My dad likes to stretch out with a drink of scotch.

I bet your mother couldn't drink seven glasses of wine.


Michelle T

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Plus, occasionally the sentences used for dictation give us a laugh and we comment on how they would never be found in a U.S. spelling book. Some recent examples:


My dad gets up at dawn and eats raw eggs.

My dad likes to stretch out with a drink of scotch.

I bet your mother couldn't drink seven glasses of wine.


Michelle T


Thanks! And yep, those sentences will make us crack up!

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