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April showers bring May flowers, so what do May showers bring?

I miss Florida! Rains every afternoon for an hour or two and back to your regularly scheduled sunshine.

Here in Tennessee it is raining when you wake up, raining when you go to bed......


Not at all impressed.

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April showers bring May flowers, so what do May showers bring?

I miss Florida! Rains every afternoon for an hour or two and back to your regularly scheduled sunshine.

Here in Tennessee it is raining when you wake up, raining when you go to bed......


Not at all impressed.


Yeah, it's not always like this. But I have to tell you, I rejoice with every rain. Our water tables have been so desperately low in the past years, and this is catching us up just a little bit. I worry terribly about drought. Farmers in our area lost a lot of livestock in the past years, and horses suffered awfully. Lots of people lost their beloved horses because of lack of ability to feed them.


I'm sorry it's not to your liking, though. :- )

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And like a pp said, once it does, you may be wishing for the clouds!


I don't know where in Tn you are, but here in my neck of the woods in N. Al., it gets far more humid than where I grew up in Bradenton/Sarasota in Fl. The humidity just gets 'trapped' by the mountains and settles in. I can't stand it, and we actually find it more pleasant in Fl in the summers. Go figure!!


We, too, are sick of the clouds and rain, but are happy to see it, as we've been in a serious drought for several years. Although, when my backyard is swampy with standing water several inches deep (and we live on the down slope of a mountain 90ft above the entrance to our neighborhood!), I'd say we've had plenty of rain. :glare:

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When I moved to Nashville from Dallas I was DEPRESSED! I swear it rained everyday for a month! I was used to quick showers, but not days and days of r-a-i-n!


It does seem like it has done nothing but rain, but we're actually pretty on target for rainfall this year. Last year we had a terrible drought and while I appreciated the days and days of sun - I'm not so sure the farmers did.


Don't worry - the sun will shine and SHINE and SHINE! Doesn't seem that way now, but you'll probably be looking forward to the rain to cool us off a bit in the summer.

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This is our seventh straight day of rain/clouds here in NE OK. I am going insane. Literally. And the worst part is that I know in another month at the latest, the clouds will clear and we won't see them again till September. Why, oh why, can't there be a middle ground?

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