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Another Modest Clothing Question

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My daughter is very tall, so finding skirts that don't look indecent is tricky.

Now we are attending a more ethnic church where the women wear longer skirts. We both agreed that we feel more comfortable fitting in, and are both on the look out for longer skirts (I am tall too!). Problem is, I can't seem to find anything below the knee. I have tried the thrift store, but most skirts there are so gathered at the waist that I look like a character from Hansel and Gretel. DD is also thin, so things of the right length are swallowing her.


Help! Is there are place you know of that sells cute, slim, longer skirts?

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I wear mostly ankle-length broomstick style skirts, in bright colors and wonderful fabrics.


My favorite site is softsurroundings.com. Don't look at the regular site, though. The prices will scare you away. Go directly to their Outlet. They're having some good clearance sales right now (at least they were last week).



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OK, these are all great resources! Thanks. You know, I have been thinking about sewing lately.. maybe a few summer weight skirts would inspire me to dust off my machine. My mother is a fantastic seamstress, so I have been guilty of using her skills as an excuse not to develop my own. Might be time to step up!

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