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Spelling Program for Visually Impaired


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Apologies for the cross-post. I've asked several times on the Special Needs board and this one for spelling recommendations for my daughter who has low-vision. She is reading, but we usually need a magnifier and it is slow work. I asked DH who also had vision issues what he thought I should do about spelling and he said "Face it, she'll always be a bad speller." Don't get me wrong, he's all for homeschooling and he wants her to excel. But since he's a poor speller (or thinks he is) and doesn't know much about the curriculum choices available, that's his default.


Someone here recommended All About Spelling and we began the year with is. It's a great program and we enjoyed it, but I have other kids. The fact that it takes so much time means it usually doesn't get done. Even when I have time, the thought of getting out the letters and cards and figuring out where we were just doesn't motivate me. I don't mean to be a wimp here. We just have a very full schedule and I know there has to be a better way.


So, is there any sort of a computer program that has audio and would allow us to make the print size larger?

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