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MFW for high school.....anyone?

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As you can see from my signature- I have not used it. A friend of mine from church did though and she absolutely loved it! She had nothing bad to say about it at all. The writing was a little difficult for her child, but they got it by the end. They are going to use the second year program this fall.

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I, too, can't speak from experience. I bought Ancient History & Lit at convention to use next year. Last night was the first time I've had a chance to sit down and look through it. It looks very thorough. The writing (argumentative) will be difficult for my dd with Asperger's. It is very Bible intensive. The program will be weaving the Old Testament in with all the history and lit. The weeks are still set up with a "lighter" Friday. That really works for us because we have two co-op days a month. There is also a parent/student meeting on Friday to discuss what they've been doing.


I like what I see, though it is more challenging than I had first thought. I may have to make a few modifications for my aspie dd, but then again, there is the possibility she will rise to the occasion.


For what it's worth, I've scoured the MFW message boards for info on the high school program. I think that very few of the families that use high school, use those message boards. You will find some info, but not a lot. I spoke with one of the ladies at the convention whose dd had used the high school program, and it helped me see it a little better.

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For what it's worth, I've scoured the MFW message boards for info on the high school program. I think that very few of the families that use high school, use those message boards. You will find some info, but not a lot. I spoke with one of the ladies at the convention whose dd had used the high school program, and it helped me see it a little better.


Yes, the MFW Message Board will have some info but keep in mind that the high school years are fairly new so you may not find a ton of info. The second year just came out a month or so ago. I like what I've read so far on the MFW Message Board about it. We are using ECC this year and CTG next but we are planning to go all the way. Don't forget to check out the samples on the site too.

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For what it's worth, I've scoured the MFW message boards for info on the high school program. I think that very few of the families that use high school, use those message boards.



bingo. (and agreeing about seeing and talking about it at convention too.)

I have several friends in real life who just never post on the mfw board who are using it. Working great. They like how the student learns to keep up with reading and follow the syllabus. The dad of one of those families has just loved how his son has done in the program. Strong kid in school and got scholarships for engineering university. Lots of growing up in the kid too from Bible reading. They've enjoyed the helps and hints in the manual for learning to write argumentative essay and even research papers.


I'm looking forward to it in another year:)



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Oh, sorry... missed the first part of your question. Yes, we've used MFW for a few years now. I love how it builds from year to year to make my dd an independent, responsible learner, and strengthening her faith just a little more each year. By high school the student should be able to make their own apologetic for Creation science, as well as just being able to defend their faith in general. The program also has built into it a strong encouragement to get out there and *serve*.... with a thorough understanding of history and the reasons WHY our kids need to be serving Someone other than themselves.

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