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Queen's Homeschool Order........Possible problem?


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Has anyone ordered from these guys? http://www.queenhomeschool.com/


I placed an order on April 12, and received an automated return saying my order was received. I haven't heard anything since. I'm not TOO concerned, but it's a fairly large order, so don't want to be out that amount of money! I'd just like to know when it was sent and when to expect it, so I can watch for it.


I've tried to e-mail them twice using the contact e-mail they list on their site. Both times it said to please check the address, it couldn't be delivered because the server is overloaded. I just now tried it again with the same result. I've also tried calling their toll free number twice--I got a busy signal both times.


I'm a little frustrated at the lack of communication, and that I cannot get in touch with them!


Any ideas? Thanks!

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I have read several posts on various hs boards about people having trouble when they order from them.:glare: So, it does not surpsrise me that you are having issues.


I have never placed an order from them, so I have no firsthand experience. I do like some of their materials, but if I want to order them, I find another company who carries the items and order from them instead.


I hope you get it worked out soon.:grouphug:

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FWIW, I have ordered from her and had no problems, but I only ordered two things. IIRC, they came in a reasonable amount of time.


Farm Country General Store sells some of their products, so that might be another vendor to use if ordering directly is a problem. :)



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I have ordered from them several times and never had a problem getting the order. It does seem to take longer to get orders from them. Also, it is the beginning of convention season so that might delay it a little more since they are out on the road. And yes it is mostly family in the business so probably they are short handed in the warehouse right now. I hope your order comes with no problems, but I don't think I would worry just yet.



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They have had some trouble with their website online ordering before. It generates an order, but it never makes it to the processing side of things. I would call, rather than email. This happened to me right before Christmas. I was ordering for 2nd semester and a few Christmas gifts. They graciously upgraded my shipping at no additional charge. I would definitely call.


And by the way, Queen is NOT the company I am having trouble with at the moment :001_smile:

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Thanks everyone! I wasn't too worried, really, I just usually hear from the places I order from saying they've shipped they items. So I thought I'd e-mail and/or call just to get an estimate. What started worrying me was when I couldn't send an e-mail OR get through on the phone!


Still can't get through on the phone, and still haven't received an e-mail back.


Interesting thing is, I ordered LoF Geometry for my ds on Wednesday, and we got it in the mail TODAY! I ordered some stuff from R&S on Monday or Tuesday, and we received it today. I'm sure they must use media mail, and that's very unpredictable..... All I want is some acknowledgement that they received the order, and a timeframe in which to expect it to arrive!


It's my first foray into these things, so it's good to hear that people like their materials! Thanks again for your thoughts on the matter! Hope it resolves itself soon!

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I had trouble with my order from them too. :glare: I placed an order on the web and received confirmation like you did, but my books hadn't arrived after almost a month. I emailed Queen and forwarded my confirmation to them. I was told they never received my order. :confused: I was asked to replace my order online, and then call to confirm it. After doing that, I received my order within the week.


I do love their language arts books, but I'll be following up future orders with a phone call.


I'd suggest to keep trying to contact them via phone.

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Interesting thing is, I ordered LoF Geometry for my ds on Wednesday, and we got it in the mail TODAY!


I ordered from LoF, too, and was amazed at how quickly I received my order. The author is such a friendly and helpful man, too!



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Wow, okay, thanks those of you who mentioned the call and them saying they never received the order! Huh? How does that happen? It seems like that would be something I'd have fixed the first time someone called and told me that!


Rats, now I have to wait until Monday to call them. :( Oh well, I don't need them until next school year, I just WANT them now! :)

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It's Monday--No package, no answering e-mail, and I still get only a busy signal when I call their phone number!:glare::mad:


So, based on what others have said, here, they may have not even received my order! But, I seem to have no way of finding that out because I can't get through to them. NOW I am panicking because it was a large order. I'm frustrated because I can't get through to them the only two ways they provide to contact them. I'm curious as to why this would be happening! I'm wondering why it's such poor service if so many have had great experiences?:confused:


I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO NOW! How can I ever get in touch with them? Even if I like their products (if I ever receive them!) I wouldn't want to go through THIS again!:thumbdown::banghead:

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So, based on what others have said, here, they may have not even received my order! But, I seem to have no way of finding that out because I can't get through to them.


Could you check with your credit card company to see if the items have been charged? At least then, if you have been charged, you know the order was received and processed, right?


I'm sorry for your frustrations. I've only ordered from them once but had a good experience. I only received the auto-confirmation, but then the item arrived pretty promptly.


I'm sure everything will work out, but I know it's a hassle in the meantime.

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It's Monday--No package, no answering e-mail, and I still get only a busy signal when I call their phone number!:glare::mad:


So, based on what others have said, here, they may have not even received my order! But, I seem to have no way of finding that out because I can't get through to them. NOW I am panicking because it was a large order. I'm frustrated because I can't get through to them the only two ways they provide to contact them. I'm curious as to why this would be happening! I'm wondering why it's such poor service if so many have had great experiences?:confused:


I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO NOW! How can I ever get in touch with them? Even if I like their products (if I ever receive them!) I wouldn't want to go through THIS again!:thumbdown::banghead:


I saw them at the GHEA conference in Atlanta this past weekend. I wonder if they know their phone isn't answering? I would think they would haves someone manning the phones while they were away though. I would be frustrated too.


If it helps any, I ended up ordering from Timberdoodle and http://www.bookpeddler.us/category/Queen-Homeschool-Supplies


I'm sorry your having such a terrible time.

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I think they have a child with cancer. I haven't kept up with all that was going on in quite a while. They were at a conference I attended a few years ago. Maybe that is the problem.



Yes, they do have a son with cancer, which is hard to deal with and scary! No doubt about that, and it's something I would NEVER want to go through!


HOWEVER, if they keep their business running through that time, and are attending conferences to generate interest in their product so people will buy it, then it seems it would behoove (sp???) them to keep up with their orders and phone requests, etc., right? If the son is needing his parents/family's time, then they should temporarily stop their conference schedule and put messages up that they are not taking orders at this time!


I hope that doesn't sound rude concerning their son, I certainly don't mean it that way in any way, shape or form!

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**UPDATE** I sent another e-mail titled "Important!!! Please Answer!!!" to try to grab their attention. The e-mail that finally did get sent Thursday afternoon/evening had all the info. in it, so this one I just stated the problem and that I needed to find out what was happening with my order.


This morning I GOT AN ANSWER! It basically just said that I needed to include the order number and info. (all of which I had put in my previous e-mail) so they could help me. So, I resent the e-mail from Thursday, and restated my request on the e-mail they sent to me this morning. Oh, they also said they're busy so to keep trying to call. I've called so many times! I wonder if they need another line or something if they are THAT busy that someone trying to call at all different hours for 3 or 4 days can't get through? Might be nice.


I'm hoping I get some answers today sometime. I haven't heard back yet, but at least I know the e-mail went through and they know OF the situation, and can therefore supply me with some kind of answer! At least I'm hoping so! :) Sorry for whining, I'm just surprised at how this is playing out, and not sure how they can run a business that way! But, as others have had no problems, I must've just been one that slipped through the cracks somehow. Anyway, we'll see what happens next!

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I just got through on the phone! I was so excited when it actually rang! The lady answered hello (as opposed to "This is Queen Homeschool or something like that), so I asked if this was Queen Homeschool. "It is, but they close at 4pm." I answered, "Oh, but...." She cut me off and said, "Can you please call back tomorrow?" Again I clearly stated, "But......" She said thankyou and hung up. Hmph. Okay, so I'm not known for my communication skills! ;) But now I'm frustrated cuz I won't hear anything until tomorrow, since they never answered the e-mail before they closed. I think I'm driving myself crazy, because I think this is very poor service, and I started out simply wondering when I could expect my order so I could watch for it.:banghead:


Okay, I need to just :chillpill::chillpill::chillpill:

Edited by Brindee
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I definitely understand your frustration!! I fought this same battle this past week with another company. My order of April 8 finally shipped today May 4.


Customer Service is a lost art - at best it is missing in action. I have actually been made to feel like I was bothering a company if I made an inquiry about order status that was way overdue.


I am not sure what the response should be. Obviously, not using the company again is a start.


If companies are unable to process an order within stated time, then they should at least respond. Something simple even on their website like: "due to overwhelming responses from conferences, we are running 2 weeks behind on shipping", "due to problems at the publisher", "due to health emergency". Something to inform the customer of the setback. THen, the customer can decide if they want to wait or cancel their order and place it with another distributor.


Just my 2 cents worth.

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I definitely understand your frustration!! I fought this same battle this past week with another company. My order of April 8 finally shipped today May 4.


Customer Service is a lost art - at best it is missing in action. I have actually been made to feel like I was bothering a company if I made an inquiry about order status that was way overdue.


I am not sure what the response should be. Obviously, not using the company again is a start.


If companies are unable to process an order within stated time, then they should at least respond. Something simple even on their website like: "due to overwhelming responses from conferences, we are running 2 weeks behind on shipping", "due to problems at the publisher", "due to health emergency". Something to inform the customer of the setback. THen, the customer can decide if they want to wait or cancel their order and place it with another distributor.


Just my 2 cents worth.

Thanks Holly. I'm so sorry you had to go through that as well! I'm confused as to why this is so hard for them! And with a large order, you'd think they'd want to please the buyer, NOT scare them away!:tongue_smilie:
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NEW UPDATE: I never did get a reply from the e-mail, but I finally DID get through on the phone this morning! The person that answered (probably one of the kids) did a great job of taking information, I gave them the order number and they said they would look up information on it and call me back. Sure enough they DID call back and said their records showed that they sent it out a couple of days after they received the order. Since I hadn't received it yet, they are going to send a replacement shipment out today by Priority Mail! Then they apologized that I hadn't received it, and asked that if I get two shipments that I refuse one of them so it will go back to them.


I'm very pleased with this outcome! I wish it would've happened sooner, but I'm impressed with how this person dealt with it, and spoke well on the phone, and that they're willing to send a quick replacement for my order! So if they keep their box clear so messages can be received, answer e-mails promptly and people are able to get through by phone, I'd be even happier! :D


I am back to being willing to recommend Queen Homeschool again! Thanks for putting up with all my ranting! I will post when I get the items, just to close it all off with a happy ending! ;)

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NEW UPDATE: I never did get a reply from the e-mail, but I finally DID get through on the phone this morning! The person that answered (probably one of the kids) did a great job of taking information, I gave them the order number and they said they would look up information on it and call me back. Sure enough they DID call back and said their records showed that they sent it out a couple of days after they received the order. Since I hadn't received it yet, they are going to send a replacement shipment out today by Priority Mail! Then they apologized that I hadn't received it, and asked that if I get two shipments that I refuse one of them so it will go back to them.


I'm very pleased with this outcome! I wish it would've happened sooner, but I'm impressed with how this person dealt with it, and spoke well on the phone, and that they're willing to send a quick replacement for my order! So if they keep their box clear so messages can be received, answer e-mails promptly and people are able to get through by phone, I'd be even happier! :D


I am back to being willing to recommend Queen Homeschool again! Thanks for putting up with all my ranting! I will post when I get the items, just to close it all off with a happy ending! ;)

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and hesitated to post on this thread about it, but I will...


I also made an order with them and received an email about confirmation of said order. After three weeks I emailed them and never received a reply as to why I hadn't received my order.


Like you, I continued to email until I became desperate and also made a phone call. I received a voice mail in to which I left my message.


I got a phone call a few days later and they claimed that they had computer problems and never received the original order...oh kay...


Well, they mailed it out and I finally received it a few days later, but I will never do business with them again.


I know they are busy, going through a lot, yadah, yadah, yadah...but I've read my share of complaints on this and other boards and this is no way to run a business.


I will not be doing business with them again, but would buy their products at Rainbow Resource or at Timberdoodle.


Well, that is my very personal and humble opinion and I just think it's fair to warn others that this is becoming a pattern lately with this company.






ps no flames please, it's my opinion and my experience. You may feel free to post your wonderful experience with them, but also please post when you haven't received your product in months/weeks and have had a bad one. Others deserve to know the chances they take.

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Sorry for the double post, I have no idea how that happened!:confused:


Yeah, if it's a pattern, then it probably would be better to order from the other sources. It's too bad, I LOVE supporting other homeschoolers! I hope they can "get their act together" enough for people to be able to trust them enough to order from them!

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I GOT THE PACKAGE TODAY! The stuff looks good! HOWEVER, they forgot to put in one of the study guides! So, tomorrow I'll have to call them and see if they can send it out soon! I'll be glad when this is over!:tongue_smilie:

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This happened to me last year when I tried to order from them. I don't think my account was ever charged even though I received a receipt of my order. I tried sending her e-mails, but she never responded. I never did receive my order and never heard anything from them.


I think her son is battling cancer and maybe she is just REALLY distracted? I don't know. I do wish my order had went through though because I really wanted those books!!

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This happened to me last year when I tried to order from them. I don't think my account was ever charged even though I received a receipt of my order. I tried sending her e-mails, but she never responded. I never did receive my order and never heard anything from them.


I think her son is battling cancer and maybe she is just REALLY distracted? I don't know. I do wish my order had went through though because I really wanted those books!!

Someone else mentioned that their order somehow hadn't gone through, but when she called, they put the order through, or something like that.


I didn't get any good response to my e-mail. Once I FINALLY got through on the phone, the person sspoke well, and followed through with getting my order out to me. It's just that now I need to try to call AGAIN to get this last thing.


I understand some problems they're going throught with their son. Hope he does okay!

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Good grief! I tried calling off and on all day, and it always rang and rang. There's no answering machine to leave a message. It rings 15 or 20 times then goes into a fast beep so you have to hang up. I sent an e-mail an hour before they closed, and got no response. I think I tried calling about 6 or 8 times, and got the same ring-then-beep scenario every time.


I'm getting more and more frustrated! This is just no way to do business! I looked at their stuff and it looks great to me! Why would they jeopardize people buying from them with such lousy service?!!! I just feel there is NO WAY I'd want to go through all this again, so I'd HAVE to find their stuff elsewhere. Such a good product, such lousy service----it seems they're shooting themselves in their own foot! :(


Now I have to wait until Monday, again, to try to get through to them to get them to send my other Study Guide! This is really too bad, cuz I would've been very happy to share their name and product and tell people to order from them---But NOT NOW!!!

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Guest sarathan

Ugh, I can't believe what you have had to put up with!! I placed a fairly large order (about $100 worth) a few weeks ago and luckily everything went smoothly for me. I really like their stuff, but I am SERIOUSLY reconsidering if I will order from them again after reading this thread. I have very little patience when it comes to dealing with the sort of thing you have been dealing with. It would drive me crazy!! :cursing:


Anyway, you have my sympathies. :)

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Why does none of this suprise me? ...it's what I've come to expect lately after reading post after post about experiences like this, mine included.


So sorry.


I know Timberdoodle sells some of their stuff, and I believe Rainbow Resource has started to carry some of it as well.


Good Luck,





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Good grief! I tried calling off and on all day, and it always rang and rang. There's no answering machine to leave a message.


I'm getting more and more frustrated! This is just no way to do business! !


maybe there is someone around here who is attending the CHAP convention this weekend and could tell them for you? They are a vendor there this weekend. I don't live in that state though.


I agree with you that it is no way to run a business. I've only bought from her directly at a convention. I was confused that they practically closed their booth early with 15 minutes left after last general session. I was able to get my little booklet from her, but it was weird having to ask if they were still open or not when none of the other vendors had packed up early.


:grouphug: for all you're going through.



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Guest sarathan

Someone should e-mail them a link to this thread. Seriously. I'm really sorry about their son having cancer, I really am. I can't even imagine how all-consuming it must be. But that is NO WAY to run a business and there really is no excuse for the lack of customer service. It seems if they aren't able to properly run a business then maybe they shouldn't be in business at all??

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I think farm country general store sells their stuff.
But somewhere I read that a couple of people had had a hard time, like mine, ordering from farm country general store. I'll have to check threads and see if I can find that.
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maybe there is someone around here who is attending the CHAP convention this weekend and could tell them for you? They are a vendor there this weekend. I don't live in that state though.

Thankyou Crystal! Where is CHAP? I'd LOVE to have someone mention it to them, that'd be GREAT! I have no clue who would see this and be willing to tell them though! NOTE: If anyone can tell them about this, PM ME! I will give you my order number to tell them about it!


Someone should e-mail them a link to this thread. Seriously. I'm really sorry about their son having cancer, I really am. I can't even imagine how all-consuming it must be. But that is NO WAY to run a business and there really is no excuse for the lack of customer service. It seems if they aren't able to properly run a business then maybe they shouldn't be in business at all??
I had considered pointing them this direction! I honestly really like their product, so I just can't figure this kind of service out! I'm sure there's SOMEthing they could do to better their service for others! They could at LEAST give a discount if I DO buy from them again! If I owned a business I'd offer them a coupon for a certain amount if someone had gone through this kind of thing! I know that when I was a teenager, working at McDonald's, my managers were very aware of customer service, and if something didn't go right with a customer, they'd give out coupons for free meals! In a scenario like mine, not just because it's happening to me, I'd think that a good company would be willing to "atone" for poor/REALLY BAD service in some way, to try to keep their customer happy and coming back!


Okay, anyway, HOPEFULLY I get through to them on Monday!:glare::tongue_smilie:

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I wish that I had seen this thread last week as they were at CHAP! Although I have not ordered from them in years I often buy a few things from them at the convention. I like to support companies like theirs and I would have mentioned this thread to them! After hearing this I doubt that I will ever order from them again :glare:


I did not see Sandi though I did see her husband and 3 of the older children.


As for their son having cancer- it is a hard thing. Several times when things were very bad for our son my husband was able to take some time off from work so we could focus on our family. I feel for them that they do not have the same opportunity.

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I wish that I had seen this thread last week as they were at CHAP! Although I have not ordered from them in years I often buy a few things from them at the convention. I like to support companies like theirs and I would have mentioned this thread to them! After hearing this I doubt that I will ever order from them again :glare:
Thanks Liza, I wish you would've seen it too! ;) Oh well, tomorrow I try again and see if I get anywhere!:tongue_smilie: I don't think I'll ever order directly from them again now either. I honestly was trying to keep and open mind, but I'm homeschooling and doing day care, I don't have time to spend hours trying to get this worked out again!


I may e-mail them and send them a link to this thread, or something. I wish I could get through to them how important good service to customers is:

Good Product + Good Service = Happy Customers telling others, who then become happy customers, etc.!

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I DID get an e-mail from Sandi after I wrote the above post saying that they were sorry for the trouble, they are sending the study guide I didn't receive, and a free gift by priority mail tomorrow. GOOD OUTCOME! :D The e-mail was very nice, and, as I said their material look really good to me! I am writing them an e-mail with a suggestion or two and the link to this thread, for info. for them. I'd LOVE to happily tell others how good their materials are, and have them order from them, so I hope they can figure out the communication thing! :) Maybe they'll even respond here?

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I wrote an e-mail to the Queens, explaining what had been happening, and about communication problems I experienced.


I received an e-mail back from Sandi. She apologized for what had happened with me, and explained everything. I think that I was just one in a thousand that accidentally fell through the cracks. It happens. Nobody's perfect! I'm sorry I complained--I was just wondering if anyone had ordered, because I wondered the background of the company, having never ordered from them. When I continued to have problems, I shared them as an ongoing saga, but I didn't mean to put them down.


I have accepted their apologies, which, to me, means I trust that it was just a mistake and it won't happen again! So, PLEASE don't NOT order from them based on my experience (did I just slaughter the English language with that statement? :tongue_smilie:)! I suggest you try them out, support them as fellow homeschoolers! I would bet that you will have a great experience!


When we are done with the materials I ordered, I WILL be ordering from them again---if I can do it, you should! :D

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