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They just announced on the news here in TN that there is a strain of avian flu in TN.

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I just caught the commercial so I don't have any details but I thought it was interesting. I'll try to get more info at 10:00.


On our 10 o'clock news (in TN also) it was reported that our governor said a child in Williamson County has been diagnosed as likely having the first case of swine flu in the state.

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No, it said avian. This was before we had a probable case of the swine flu. Per the news report below, it now appears that there are cases of regular late season flu, avian flu and now one case of swine flu here in TN.


Well, crap.

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Low path avian influenza shouldn't be a big problem.

NASHVILLE - State and federal authorities are responding to an indication of low-pathogenic avian influenza on a single farm in Giles County, Tennessee. The strain poses minimal risk to human health and is not the high-pathogenic strain associated with human and poultry outbreaks in other countries. Nor is it related to the novel flu virus, commonly referred to as swine flu.

On April 24, preliminary test results during routine surveillance indicated the possibility of an avian influenza virus. Subsequent testing by USDA’s National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Ames, Iowa indicates an exposure to the H7 strain of low-pathogenic avian influenza.

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