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Anyone else do "flu preparation shopping"?

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I didn't buy all those things, but I did stock up on fresh garlic and organic green tea. We have some guaifenesin on hand anyway, and I buy turmeric in bulk (as I do with many spices), so I have that... Otherwise, I don't think we'll do much differently than normal unless one of us really does get sick.

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I told my dh to bulk up on sanitizer use, he said he cant use anymore than he normally does. Which made me feel better.


I am gong out to buy yogurt to up probiotics. And garlic everyday.


That article was funny from Egypt. I was talking to dh and he said there is not a huge pork production in Egypt, Muslims dont eat pork. So he said culling 100 pigs aint nothing.

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I did and bought some things based on that blog's list-they were out of all masks at Wmart-I did find the surgical kind at Eckerd. We are in upstate NY so I was surprised the masks were gone!


I got bottled water, about a week's worth of extra food that is good for storage (beans, rice, etc.), tissues, basics like TP and paper towel, Zicam, Airborne, Tylenol, paper products in case we can't do dishes for some reason-really just a lot of basics like that and all stuff that we will eventually use up anyway.


I am not panicky at all but just felt led to prepare a little-can't hurt! I'd been meaning to start doing some preparedness stuff anyway.


Oh, yes, bought a gigundo thing on hand sanitizer (mainly because that size was the last one left!) Also we are taking steps to build immunity-we are mostly organic anyway, but we're doubling up on green smoothies, making sure to get our D and C and kefir and fish oil and other immunity building foods/supplements. This is all stuff we usually do, just being more vigilant about it!

Edited by HappyGrace
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I decided to stock up on canned goods, this was my biggest purchase. Went ahead and restocked our Vitamins, contact solutions, first aid kits, toilet tissue, beans, rice, dog food. I already make my own bread so I have plenty of wheat berries and baking supplies. We process our own beef so I am set there. Just doing it in case they have to close stores for weeks. I have most of the items on hand from the link list on how to prepare, except kleenex, mask, not sure I would use Gatorade.


We are about 4ish hours from the Mexican border and Texas has been declared in a state of emergency. We are surrounded by cities that have had confirmed cases and I worry if the numbers have actually been tallied up correctly.


Since we are so close to the coast this will just make me more prepared for Hurricane season:001_smile:


I am not one to prepare like this so I don't feel I am overreacting. I still need to find some mask, but I want them more if we do get sick so we can go out to the doctor, clinic and hopefully contain our sickness. Besides this we probably will not go out, and will decontaminate hubby when he gets home.


I went to Sam's to buy the big bulk bottle of Hand cleaner yesterday and there was nothing left but empty boxes. :eek: I decided to walk around to see how much tuna was and someone had abandoned a large bottle, to pick up the little ones (also sold out)that were on special. I considered it a sign from God that I needed to prepare. Ever have one of these moments?

Edited by cindyinTexas
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I'm going out to buy meat in bulk tomorrow, and I stocked up on meds today, but that is primarily because the local grocery store is having their bulk meat sale tomorrow-Saturday and my kids' allergies have been acting up. I'm not trying to find masks at all. The only real precaution (other than the obvious) that I am going to take is to get some Pedialyte to make sure we have electrolytes on hand should we get any sort of vomiting/diarrhea. We're definitely good on vitamins.

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Glad the link helped! Regarding the pigs in Egypt, I heard on the news tonight that there were 300,000 of them and that while officials realized that people can't get swine flu from the meat, they still decided to take this opportunity to get rid of all the pigs. I wonder if other predominantly Moslem countries have much of a swine industry?


Each family is different, so be sure to get the supplies YOU need, not just those on any certain list. One other supply I though about was plenty of toilet paper. I won't go into why.:001_huh:

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We don't have the close-by cases like you guys in many states are having (yet), but I still plan to round up some stuff just in case.. I think it may just be a matter of time...better safe than sorry. I have to do it a bit sneaky-like though, because dh still has sand up his nose.

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I just returned from my third shopping trip today making final purchases so I don't have to leave the house for four weeks...if I must. If so I'll be certifiable by the end of next month!


I bought food, medicines (the kinds left on the shelves, anyway), cleaning and sanitizing supplies, lots of water, and extra craft items to keep the kids busy.


I have to say I really am ashamed of myself for something. There were several Hispanic families shopping tonight and I felt so nervous walking near them. I did smile and nod when our eyes met, just as I do everyone. But I can't help feeling nervous, and feeling guilty for feeling nervous at the same time! :blush: :( ||hanging head||

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I liked that Simply Living Blog (just peeked at it), however as much as she talks about preparedness I didn't see any other lists besides the one for the flu preparedness. Does anyone else have a link to a concise list that I can use to start preparing my pantry? I pretty much shop week to week and it would be a disaster for my family if something happened.




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I did.


I figured this is a good reminder to replenish and rotate our disaster supplies anyway. I bought food, extra vitamins, medicine, hand sanitizer. I think I'll make some freezer meals too. I figure if we use common sense and stock up on products we already use, we'll either be really really glad we prepared, or we won't have to buy bulk foods and over-the-counter meds for a while.



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Well whaddya know. Despite our province having "only" two confirmed cases and not having any of the big school closures and such, look what I just found posted on a local chat board (members mostly all live here in town):


So I'm doing some renos on my house. My previous employer was big on home safety and let us take supplies home for personal use and I had an old box of dust masks. I only had 1-2 left so went to a certain safety supply store in town today and showed them the dust mask and asked to buy a box, and this is what I was told....


Apparently my dust mask was an N95 type which is the type used to protect against viruses...and as a result they've been told to pull all them off the shelf and NOT SELL ANY TO THE PUBLIC!!!! They were also told to pull all their sterilizing wipes, washes, etc. They are saving them in case the outbreak gets bad!


I posted back to this guy, asking *who* (if he knows) gave that order.. I wonder if it was the store owners/whatever or something else. (I don't know what store he's talking about - we haven't lived here all that long)...

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We stay stocked up on food. We fill a chest freezer and an extra pantry closet all year long - always stocking and rotating. I am confident that my MIL, FIL, Dh, the kids and I could live for up to 6 months on the food we have stored...not to mention the food we grow. We just picked the first round of baby greens from the garden today. Yummy!


As for medicines...I made sure we had tylenol, Aleve, Vitamins for the kids, Vitamin C in 500mg doses for all of us. We love garlic here and eat it like it is going out of style. Maybe we will stink too much for anyone to get near us and give us the swine flu. LOL


I have gloves, lysol, food for my animals, and I purchased gatorade.


Other than this, I really have not gone out of the way to "prepare."

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Well whaddya know. Despite our province having "only" two confirmed cases and not having any of the big school closures and such, look what I just found posted on a local chat board (members mostly all live here in town):




I posted back to this guy, asking *who* (if he knows) gave that order.. I wonder if it was the store owners/whatever or something else. (I don't know what store he's talking about - we haven't lived here all that long)...


Whoa. And I bet the store mgr or employee who told him that would get in so much trouble if whoever ordered it found out they had leaked it...


Unfortunately, I think this is probably common...even here in the US. People panic, they buy up all the supplies, and when/if something happens, there are none left...but one buffoon is sitting there with 900 N95 masks. :glare:

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Gatorade and potassium chloride (Nu Salt) for dehydration - I never understood why you would need Gatorade.

Acetaminophen - check

Ibuprophen - check

Guifenesin (expectorant) - check

Cough suppressant - check

Thermometers - check

Rubbing alcohol - check

Nasal tissues - check

Paper plates and cups, bedside pitchers - excellent idea, add to list

Trash bags - check

Latex gloves - why?

Sudafed - check

Sambucol (elderberry extract - antiviral treatment) - not using

4/28/09UPDATE: use caution with this product, elderberry extract may cause increased cytokine production which may be associated with "cytokine storm" immune response. See this link for more details http://www.fluwikie.com/index.php?n=Consequences.Elderberry)

N95 face masks - not using

Flavored gelatin - check

Saltines - check

Chicken noodle soup - check

Chicken broth - check

Cream of Wheat - well, oatmeal instead

Juice - check

Disinfectant - check



I have been stocking up for six months now so I am good on most items. I do need to stock up on a couple of cases of bottled water and then basics like milk, bread, eggs and some paper goods. Otherwise I think I am good to go.

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I liked that Simply Living Blog (just peeked at it), however as much as she talks about preparedness I didn't see any other lists besides the one for the flu preparedness. Does anyone else have a link to a concise list that I can use to start preparing my pantry? I pretty much shop week to week and it would be a disaster for my family if something happened.






Here's my list:






Baking Powder

Baking Soda



Powdered Milk & Buttermilk



Hot Chocolate

Brown Rice







Ramen Noodles




Garden Seeds


Cooking Oil




Condensed Milk



Tomato Products

Peanut Butter


Protein Bars

Root Vegetables









Household Supplies


Toilet Paper

Paper Towels

Feminine Products


Aluminum Foil

Zip Lock Bags

Garbage Bags



Dish Soap





Insect Repellant


3 Months Meds Supply

Cat Food

Dog Food

Cat Litter





Batteries (all Sizes)

First Aid Kit



Oil Lamps

Wicks & Oil




Lighter Fluid

Cook Stove

Propane Pump

Coleman Fuel

Sterno Cans

Gas Cans




Fire Extinguisher

Emergency Radio






Garbage Cans

Thermal Undies

Jeans & Flannel


Grain Mill


Mop Bucket with Ringer

Clothes Line & Pins

Canvases & Tarps

Potable Toilet


I think that it is pretty thorough and would work for just about any situation. I started at the top and worked my way through staples and household goods. Hardware is more expenssive and not quite as important so it is happening a little slower.


This website will get you started: http://beprepared.com/article.asp?ai=6&c2a=ln&name=InsightArticles&bhcd2=1241070644

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Gatorade and potassium chloride (Nu Salt) for dehydration - I never understood why you would need Gatorade.



Gatorade replaces electrolytes, and sugars lost to diarreah or sweating, etc. A nutritionist told me that Gatorade was better for me than water after I had surgery that would cause me to lose electrolytes at a faster rate than normal. An alternative to Gatorade would be Pedialyte. (Check with your doctor before substituting Gatorade for Pedialyte for ill dc)


Memory's failing me on the details, but later a nurse told me that she was taught that Gatorade closely matches the chemistry of some bodily fluid.

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Gatorade replaces electrolytes, and sugars lost to diarreah or sweating, etc. A nutritionist told me that Gatorade was better for me than water after I had surgery that would cause me to lose electrolytes at a faster rate than normal. An alternative to Gatorade would be Pedialyte. (Check with your doctor before substituting Gatorade for Pedialyte for ill dc)


Memory's failing me on the details, but later a nurse told me that she was taught that Gatorade closely matches the chemistry of some bodily fluid.


Unfortunately, all gatorade has HFC and coloring agents. Mineral water, natural spring water, and soup broths with some sodium content with do the same thing. If you are mostly trying to replace salts, regular water with a little salt or baking soda added will also work. Of course, it may not be as tolerable especially for children. I haven't researched this in awhile so my memory is also a little foggy on the subject. Maybe I will try to look into it more later today.

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Already got some stuff two days ago....getting more today. Just the usual - Kleenex, ibuprofen, chicken soup, ginger ale, etc. Just in case we do get it and both adults get it at once. Oh - and lots of kitty litter/cat food - if we ruin out of THAT it could get ugly here! ;) (4 indoor cats and no kitty litter...!!!)

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I liked that Simply Living Blog (just peeked at it), however as much as she talks about preparedness I didn't see any other lists besides the one for the flu preparedness. Does anyone else have a link to a concise list that I can use to start preparing my pantry? I pretty much shop week to week and it would be a disaster for my family if something happened.


If you go to this site: http://www.simplylivingsmart.com/


and click on the Welcome tab, they have several lists for preparedness supplies, stocking up, etc. They also have over 70 free online videos that show you how to use the stuff. They also have links to food calculators that help you determine how much you should get depending on the ages and gender of your family members. What I like best about their philosophy is that they feel that you should only stock the things you actually eat and that you should continually eat from your stocks and replace as needed so as to keep everything fresh.


I really like being prepared. I don't do it out of fear, I do it so that I don't have to fear. And being prepared covers so many situations, everything from natural disasters, pandemic illness quarrantines, to even the loss of a job or death of a family provider. It is a great relief not to have to worry whether there is anything to eat, but also to know that we have some breathing room in that area. Plus, it saves money! Buying ahead allows me to shop for sales and buying in bulk usually results in lower per unit prices. Not to mention the savings in gas money, wear and tear on the car, and my time. For me it is a win-win situation.

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