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Just compared samples of TL & IL...


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TL was absolute Greek to me. I had no idea what in the world it was talking about. Keep in mind, that logic is new to me.


I kept reading about how IL is "mathy" and not as easy to understand. I am not exactly "mathy". Yet, I understood it MUCH better than TL.


I was all set to decide on TL, until reading the samples...One thing to consider is that the online sample of TL was for Chapter 8 and what I read in IL was the Introduction and Chs. 1 & 2. Was I comparing apples to apples? I have no clue...all I know is that I at least understood what IL was talking about.


I'm a little concerned about how boring the DVD's for TL are said to be. The sample DVD of IL was pretty good, I thought.



Is that strange at all???? :) Am I way off with my opinion? or is this one of those subjects where everyone just thinks differently? I guess I expected to understand TL better, based on the different posts I have read. It may be the kind of thing you can't tell until you get into it.

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I had both TL in IL and prefered TL--but that doesn't mean everyone will have the same reaction. When I sat down and did the chapters with TL, I had no problem following them, but I had to study and do the lessons. I would NEVER, EVER have been able to make heads or tails out of TL chapter 8 if I had not done 1-7 1st. So yes, you are comparing apples and oranges, but it does not mean your likes and dislikes are wrong.


Now that really helps you a log, doesn't it. LOL!



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TL was absolute Greek to me. I had no idea what in the world it was talking about. Keep in mind, that logic is new to me.


I kept reading about how IL is "mathy" and not as easy to understand. I am not exactly "mathy". Yet, I understood it MUCH better than TL.


I was all set to decide on TL, until reading the samples...One thing to consider is that the online sample of TL was for Chapter 8 and what I read in IL was the Introduction and Chs. 1 & 2. Was I comparing apples to apples? I have no clue...all I know is that I at least understood what IL was talking about.


I'm a little concerned about how boring the DVD's for TL are said to be. The sample DVD of IL was pretty good, I thought.



Is that strange at all???? :) Am I way off with my opinion? or is this one of those subjects where everyone just thinks differently? I guess I expected to understand TL better, based on the different posts I have read. It may be the kind of thing you can't tell until you get into it.


I taught TL II in co-op and there is no way I would have understood any of the interior chapters on their own. The skills build like in mathematics. And chp 8 of TL I is a difficult chapter like Jean mentioned. So, I do think you were comparing apples and oranges because of the difference in assumed knowledge for TL chp. 8.


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I've been reading your logic threads because I will have a 7th grader too. It looks like you're doing a great job researching and compiling comments!


(BTW, :lurk5: means that the person is "lurking" & reading because they are interested too. :bigear: means "I'm all ears.")


I just wanted to say that, besides following threads like this one, I am also waiting to read the recommendations in the new WTM.


The 2nd edition recommends:


7th: Introductory Logic (Wilson)

8th: Intermediate Logic (Nance)


In this edition at least, she suggests waiting until 9th grade to use Traditional Logic I and 10th for TLII, if you want to use these.

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I'm curious. I doubt that the DVD's of either are spectacularly interesting. Last summer, SWB said her dc call the Intro DVD's "The Guy in the Tie" videos - and that they were boring. I tend to agree. My ds ended up not even using the DVD's because all the info on the DVD was in the book. So, I'm wondering where you heard that the Traditional were boring. I'm not saying that they *aren't* - I'm just sayin' I've heard the same thing about the Intro DVD's. (And, I'm wondering myself if I will even bother with the Traditional Logic DVD's next year.)


BTW, she also said last summer that she was/is now recommending the Traditional Logic starting in 7th grade, if that matters.

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I've been reading your logic threads because I will have a 7th grader too. It looks like you're doing a great job researching and compiling comments!


(BTW, :lurk5: means that the person is "lurking" & reading because they are interested too. :bigear: means "I'm all ears.")


I just wanted to say that, besides following threads like this one, I am also waiting to read the recommendations in the new WTM.


The 2nd edition recommends:


7th: Introductory Logic (Wilson)

8th: Intermediate Logic (Nance)


In this edition at least, she suggests waiting until 9th grade to use Traditional Logic I and 10th for TLII, if you want to use these.


My only hesitation with waiting for 9th/10th is that you end up running out of time when you have older students completing heavy classes like Biology and Chemistry (extra-curricular, SAT practice, foreign language etc.). For our family the high school sciences take such a huge investment of time, compared to the middle school years, that there is absolutely no extra time for a course like logic. My advice would be, if your child is able to complete logic in middle school, do it.


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