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Math Suggestions for 8th Grade


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My dd is currently working through the BJU DVD PreAlgebra. She is doing well, although she gets frustrated at times. She will watch the lesson and then sit down at the table and tells me she needs some help with the day's lesson-every single problem rather than just a few hard ones. This didn't happen much in the beginning of the year but as we head into the homestretch, she is looking for more hand-holding than usual. My son is currently working through the Algebra I course and doing well but even he has struggled and he's strong in math. I'm concerned that although she tests well at the end of chapters, that the concepts alone in Algebra I may be just too much for her to navigate just yet and am looking for some ideas for the coming year to keep her growing in her math skills and some challenge but not to make her hate math and get overly discouraged (challenge is fine in doses but I don't want to spend the entire school year arguing over math, if you kwim?). Thoughts? Ideas? I was looking at Singapore, MathUSee (this looks like a lot of problems/drill and is not her) or is there something out there that she could use to just further practice her skills (and learn how to write out the problems, step by step and use formulas)? Help.....

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She does well on every chapter test? I might stop at this point and redo the chapter tests. If she does poorly on one, I'd spend the time going over that info again until she really knows it, then move on to the next chapter test. I did that when dd started struggling with Englihs/Grammar. It helped me pinpoint the problem areas, and it helped her figure out why she was getting stuck.


OR, you could go through the first to LoF books ("Decimals & Percents" and "Fractions"), to help cement the facts in a more fun way. I'm not sure I'd continue to push her through as is, though, if she's struggling so much each problem. She may just need a break, and something easier/more fun to do for awhile.


Best wishes!

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I can't go too far out on a limb here since we're a couple of grades behind you. If she seems uncertain but does well on the tests, it may be that she doesn't fully understand the concept (or isn't completely sure that she understands the concept which is almost the same thing.) I struggled in math and and when tutors tried to help me with "problem areas" they were puzzled because I could do 20 targeted problems without any trouble. But once these kinds of problems were mixed with those types of problems on a unit test, I couldn't remember which way to solve the different types.


Perhaps a change of pace would help your daughter. If she's not on a definite schedule, you might back up several lessons. But I would also recommend something like Life of Fred. We're supplementing Saxon with LOF this year (Fractions last fall, Decimals and Percents this spring.) It is an entirely different approach and DS really enjoys the stories. He will work through several lessons cheerfully and I must say that NEVER happened with the other math programs or practice workbooks we've used before.

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we just went to local convention and my dd 8th grade has gone through 3 algebra programs now. we started with MUS and then LOF and then went to Key to series to try to shore up and then back to MUS.


She has got to lesson 10 of ALgebra 1 MUS. SHe spent a lot of tiem this weekend with me and dh trying to make best decision on what to do. She is bothered now as she feels behind a year.


Agfter much consdieration our last choices were TT, staying with MUS thru summer and Videotext. She talked with Tom Clark (videotext) and she chose that. There are 176 lessons and is all the algebra in the universe so it covers pre-alg/alg 1 and 2. They can take their time or go faster. I figure she will start now and perhaps we will break and do geometry at some point we willl see.


There are 6 modules so I figure 2 per course, she will start at beginning but she can go quicker-lessons are short, but extras included if you want more.



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