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Would you want this teacher for your 5yo?

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Would you look at the note sent home and a bag of :ohmy:


I read the comment section. The childs grandmother posted. The boy had difficulty cleaning himself but never had accidents. She also mentioned that he has special needs.


This teacher should be fired.

Edited by Cafelattee
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wtf is wrong with people? Sorry to cuss but it is all that I come up with. I have a 5 yr old with encopresis, as a result when he went to pre-k for about 6 weeks he had frequent accidents he couldn't control, if his teacher had handled it like that assuming that fecal matter found belonged to him, OR even if it was his sent it home like that I would be livid. Part of the reason I hs ds5 is because of his bowel issues, I can not believe a teacher would do such a thing. It doesn't matter if it was his or not, wtf went through her mind to think this was even a little bit okay.

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We live in a town not far from where this incident occurred. I can tell you that there are many very fine, very qualified individuals waiting for openings to teach in this school district. It's time (and probably past time) to replace Mrs. Graham with one of these individuals.

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That poor child. Imagine! If she did this what did she do or say in class to this poor boy in front of the other children? This could follow this child around for years. That is just horrible! Don't people think before they do these things. Run it through your head before doing something and ask yourself:


1. Would I like it if someone did this to my child?

2. How might people react?

3. Is there a better way to handle this?

4. Will I regret it later?


I can understand making a mistake in the heat of the moment, but this type of mistake shouldn't even be made then. And she surely had time to think it thru if she went to the trouble of putting it in a baggy, writing a not, pinning them together and stuffing it in the bag. Plus whatever time was left befre school let out. People should have to have a psychialtric evaluation before they are allowed to work with other people's children.


:auto:Got to go pick my jaw up off the floor



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