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Audio Memory: States & Capitals and Geography Songs CDs?


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I have the geography songs one. My dd listened to the first song, and I guess it wasn't her cup of tea (*I* thought it was cute!). I quizzed her on a few things and I'm ok with her knowledge of geography right now.


So, if you'd like one that's barely used (no writing--still has the map) shoot me an e-mail.

Edited by darlasowders
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but I will say that I think they did it backwards. They sing the capital and then the state. (Austin, Texas for example) It still takes my girls a couple of seconds to process backwards to get the capital if you just say the state. If you say the capital, they can tell you the state no problem.


They enjoy the tunes and have memorized them. We still review it on rare occasions in the car. One nice feature is the outside boundry states are sung in their physical order.

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My ds, 11, rolls his eyes whenever I put them on in the car (he thinks he's too cool; however, he learns the songs very quickly and I catch him singing along sometimes - of course, I never let him know this!!!). My dds, 7 & 4, love it. The 4 yr old embarrased me a little in Target one day as she sang the continents and oceans song over and over and over again....:tongue_smilie: I'm not very consistent with it - we've had it two years and have only learned three songs.


To keep them actually liking the CD, I decided to just focus on one or two songs at a time and then add on as they learn, rather than play the whole CD (plus I would probably go crazy if I had to listen to the whole thing at one time).


If your child likes to sing and talk a lot, try them out.

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I have the geography songs cd that I've been using with my 6yo & 5yo. The 6yo really likes it and they dance around to the music. The 6yo has memorized a few of the songs, but she'd probably have gotten more if I were more consistent with it.

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I'm thinking of purchasing these 2 CDs (Audio Memory's States & Capitals and Geography Songs). Does anyone have them? Are they worth the money?


My 4.5yr old ds actually requests to listen to the States & Capitals Songs CD and attempts to sing along... he likes the Geography songs as well. Both come with poster-size maps and the Geography Songs CD comes with a workbook. I think they are worth the money.


That said and although you may not have asked, my ds doesn't particularly care for their Math CDs for memory work (addition, subtraction, and multiplication songs), so I'm considering selling them. I mention this because I was fearful that he'd feel the same way about the the States & Capitals and Geography Songs after I'd already purchased them, but apparently not.


Another option could be the Elementary State Facts Geography Book & CD from Logos Press which are geared towards 3rd graders & up.



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