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BJU DVD's with TOG would this be too difficult?


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Sorry for doing a new thread but I thought if I changed the title I might get more of a response. Thanks for reading.



Here is what I was thinking of doing with my 3 kids and wanted to get peoples feedback or suggestions to make it better:


ds 6



Singapore Math

Spelling Workout A]

TOG Anciets

Science books, books, books



BJU dvd for everything except bible and history 5

TOG Ancients UG and some dialetic



BJU dvd for everything except bible and history 7

TOG Ancients for D

First Form Latin

Vocab. from Classical roots


What is everyone's general concensus on BJU's grammar and math? My children have done Singapore Math and Rod and Staff grammar as well as FLL. Will this be an ok transisition? I need a break from teaching and quite frankly I am struggleing with the higher level of learning in math, science and grammar. I wasn't an accademic and think I will benefit from the teaching from BJU. I do however feel a little apprehensive turning it over and that is why I am hanging onto history. I just didn't know if TOG would be a bit ambitious. I love it and want to do and don't feel compelled to do it all. Thanks for reading and any advice ahead of time.

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I love BJU's DVD program, but I have to warn you that the day gets LONG. That's not to say you can't do it. We use HomeSat, and we use all sorts of other stuff. But IMO the videos are too long, and that is the biggest disadvantage of HomeSat (even though we love it). It's too long, and it makes it difficult to get to other good stuff.

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For the 7th grade subjects I will be taking the teaching time is 1 and 1/2 hrs so what takes up so much time? Is it the assignments? Did you find you had to do more teaching on top of what they taught? Thanks again for your help.

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We use the BJU DVDs and are always completely finished with everything (including the written work,) before lunch. We use 4th grade, so maybe the lessons are longer for the upper grades?




Edited to add: The running times of all of the lessons are listed somewhere on the BJU website, or you could call customer service and they will give you all of the information you need.

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I am a happy TOG/BJU user, but as you can see from my sig...I don't use a lot of BJU. I only want to give up the teaching for the subjects I am just not good at...Math, English, and Science. The rest I can handle. Personally, I think all BJU DVDs would make for a long day, but since I have not used them all in any given year, I really cannot say one way or another. I have used all Abeka in the past and it was definitely a loooooong day.


I have used several of the 5th grade BJU courses, and plan to use some of the 7th this year. Here are the class times that I know:


Grade 5:

Bible: 15 min

Spelling 15 min

English: 15 min

Reading: 30 min

Science: 30 min

History: 30 min


Grade 7:

Bible: ? (not sure...but I think it's 15 min.)

English: 30 min (1st semester)

Literature: 30 min (2nd semester)

Math: 30 min

Science: 30 min

History: 30 min


Now keep in mind that some classes will take longer than the class time to complete. Reading, for instance, will take 45 min to an hour due to pausing the DVD when told and reading passages. The same with math if you want your dc to participate in all of the class problems with the teacher. Worse case scenario is to double each DVD class time.


As for math, science and grammar....I like BJU. After looking at other subject courses such as CLE's, that many say are difficult to jump into, I am finding BJU right on level. I believe I would be able to transfer my 6th grade BJU student to any of the 7th grade CLE courses next year with little difficulty. There would be some transition issues with different wording and such, but BJU seems pretty on par with most curriculum. I do not know this for sure, of course, but from the online samples I have seen it looks quite possible. As for R&S, yes, I think BJU is just as good, just as thorough. Singapore is a whole other monster though. I know from others that Singapore's Scope & Sequence is different from most math curricula, so I couldn't say how your dc would do with BJU. I do have a niece who moved from several years of Singapore with her dc to BJU this year and I have yet to hear anything negative. I am assuming she'll be using BJU next year since she hasn't said differently.


BJU's Science with DVDs is top notch and I personally don't feel that anyone has anything even remotely better on the market. My son loved the 5th grade science and we too will be using the 7th grade this year. We took a science break in 6th to cover the human body in detail, and now we are doing a bit of physics and fun stuff to finish out the year. From here on out though, we plan to use BJU's Science all the way. :D


By the way...have you taken a look at BJU's vocabulary? I believe they, too, teach the roots. My boys didn't have great success with Vocab from Classical Roots. Not sure why. :confused: I probably would have tried BJU had I known about it back then. I'm not trying to talk you out of Vocab. from Classical roots, but here is a sample of the BJU text if you are at all interested: http://www.bjupress.com/product/249474?path=2017&samplePage=7#lookInside

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Thank you for that Melissa! That was just what I wanted to know. I plan on using Math, Science,and Grammar mainly. We will see how it goes for the 5th grade. I will just cut out anything that is too much. Thanks again and I will look at their vocab. Jeana

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