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My dad may have a broken hip and needs prayer.

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My dad was volunteering at his church's warehouse today when he slipped and fell. He hit his head and hurt his hip. Paramedics took him to the hospital. Last I heard they think he broke his hip and will need surgery.


My dad has Parkinsons. It isn't easy for him to recover from things like this. I am feeling so far away and unable to help him and my mom. They are about 3 hours away. No other family members live near them. Thankfully they have a strong church family, but I still wish they weren't so far away.


We just had a great visit with my dad for Easter. It was hard enough seeing the Parkinsons advancing. Now to picture him hurt like this is really making me sad. Then of course there is the question of why he fell. Was it related to the Parkinsons? Will this be happening more often?


Please pray for my family today.

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I wish I could see him before surgery, but I am a single mom of four. The only person who could watch them in IN is my mom who is sick with bronchitis. Since my son receives chemo for his sickle cell, it would be a bad idea to expose them. I hear he is in good spirits though and is joking with the nurses. He has had 4 visitors from his church last I heard.


the one thing I wwould like to do is find someone who could tend to his garden while he recovers. It's always been important to him, but now he won't be able to work it.

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