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Opinions of the writer Ted Dekker???

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I am always trying to find books for my 14 to read. It can be challenging. Well I found an adio book of Skin by Ted Dekker. My son was surprised that I allowed him to listen to it. After reading review on Amazon, it appears that he is becoming more secular in his writing. This is a book that is suspenseful but I am not sure the Christain message is as clear.


If you like this writer, what are your favorit books?




Helen in OH

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My favorite of his books is the Circle Trilogy: Black, Red, and White. He also has new books related to those: The Lost Book. The Circle Trilogy paints a beautiful picture of God's plan.

Other good ones are Blink, Heaven's Wager, and Thunder of Heaven.

The Circle ones are the very best, though.

I don't like his newer ones as much.



~Sabrina in NY

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I agree - his Black, Red and White are my favorites. I didn't like Skin and Showdown anywhere near as well - the message isn't as clear. But he has a way of showing God's love for us in a different perspective that I hadn't really seen before, and I'm looking forward to reading Chosen and the other new ones related to the Circle Trilogy.

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My ds love Dekker. I have not heard of "Skin" and we didn't like Showdown either. I love When Heaven Weeps (although I did not let him read that one), Thunder of Heaven, and all others. For some reason I could not get into the color books, but ds loved them.


He also loves the Joel Rosenberg books, The Last Jihad and others in that series. There is another Joel Rosenberg that seems rather "wierd" to me; these are political/end times in nature.

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The premises of most of his books are very good, but he can't quite get the delivery, IMO. I thought Black/Red/White were too obvious and sappy. Lots of eye-rolling going on here. LOL Just not my style and I believe his writing isn't consistent--he is still developing his writing maturity. His other books are OK, but some are darker and I'd probably preread for a teen under 16.


I really feel that he *has* made a big impact on and upped the ante for the Christian fiction community, which until this past decade has been pretty slim pickings for me. I'd love to have more options for clean but exciting thrillers, mysteries and even popular fiction type books!

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My son started reading these about 4 years ago. I was fine with it then, but I have since had misgivings about going down this path. I am not getting the whole "Christian Horror" thing. An oxymoron in my view. He seems a little obsessed with serial killers. In his last interview on Laura Ingraham, he sounded emergent/lefty leaning. Dekker's fave authors are Stephen King and Koontz. Just not feeling good about the guy's influence anymore.

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Guest reneemom

I was a Dekker fan too, like "happykids" I liked the ones she mentioned. I dont like his newer works, too horror and no spirtiual insight to speak of.


Ive found a new christian author tho' only has two almost three books out now; "Mike Dellosso" he is on amazon.

Im assuming your son has read Frank peretti ?

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I really enjoyed The Circle Trilogy. However, some of his work is very dark. The Paradise book series (which follows the Circle Trilogy) were my least favorite. But, I read the books anyway. I just bought Green and am very anxious to read it.


FYI... I also enjoy reading Frank Peretti and Robert Liparulo. Maybe I have a little bit of a dark side. :blush:

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