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Funny - yet truthful - kid "mispronunciations"

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Before my brother needed his frenectomy (where they snip that peice of skin under your tongue) he used to always mispronounce "Fire Truck"---just remove the "tr" and add an "f"... ;)


Spaghetti was spaletti

Banana was balana

baseball was bastball



I'm a big fan of made up words. I'm always doing it too when I just can't say a word I mean, I'll throw several together and "rememberizing" is one of them.

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My dd from India has auditory processing disorder, so she often hears words differently than they are said. She's also my somewhat clue-challenged kid who needs a LOT of explanations. Recently, dd said, "Mom, can I have some context?" I was startled, b/c she does in fact need some context, but I didn't think she knew that word. She followed up by saying, "I just HATE my glasses!" After a moment, I realized that she meant "contacts" (for eyes), not "context," but both are true! ;-)


DMIL gets "Mammeograms" instead of Mamograms (do they "xerox" booKs? ;-) and her mom used to say that the kids played "Intendo." You know "Intendo." It's the video game you always *meant* to play...


Loopy Lisa

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All four of my children refer to multiple garments as "clothes" and a single garment as a "clo." It is the last holdover from my oldest daughter's toddlerhood. She was great at those. People look at the kids funny, so I will have to correct them some day, but it still makes me smile every time. :)

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My dd at 2-3 couldn't say her s's. She used f's instead. One day she got her sock wet and would tell us "Sock off", but of course with a f for the s instead. In fact she would ask us to sock off PLEASE! We got it on video because I've never heard anyone tell someone to f-off so kindly!:eek:


My son for the Lord's prayer used to say "deliver us from "eagle", for thine be the power, the "Lori", for ever Amen"

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We are having a hard time not laughing in Demark. So many words here have different meanings:


Fart control - Speed checking area on the motorway

I fart - the button to press when you want to go up in a lift

Tourist fart - a coach for tourists

Sprog center - a language school

Slut spurt - final reduactions in a sale

Guff - children's word for candy




Really it is quite awful sometimes.

The other problem is that the don't quite understand the serious nature of swear words in English, despite being so fluent they sound either American or English. Our seventy-three year old Danish teacher, very respectable lady, said the F-word in front of the children. Luckily the children have never heard it and didn't notice. Our jaws just dropped to the floor!:eek:


When our children were little we used to buy own brand 'Ready Break'. It had a picture of three bears on it. Our daughter called it 'hot bears'. We then moved house and started shopping in a different supermarket. Their own brand porridge had penguins on it. Only, dd couldn't say penguin so ...

Ready Break porridge was called...'Ping-goom Hot Bears'. You can imagine the confusion of visitors to our house. :D

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We are having a hard time not laughing in Demark. So many words here have different meanings:


Fart control - Speed checking area on the motorway

I fart - the button to press when you want to go up in a lift

Tourist fart - a coach for tourists

Sprog center - a language school

Slut spurt - final reduactions in a sale

Guff - children's word for candy




That is a riot. :)


My neighbor say's Mammeograms too.:rolleyes: (lisa)

My kids say piss-sketi.

When their is a bible verse with thee in it, they say me

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I used to take Sunday School class and my next door neighbour's five year old dd always began The Lord's Prayer with 'Our Father, Who art in heaven, Harold be Thy name...

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My dd8 at the time and I along with another mom and her ds5 went to a buffet. I guess they didn't get out much. When my dd got fudge for dessert, he came running to his mom and asked for a big bowl of sludge. I couldn't explain it to her since I was laughing so hard. My dd came and also started laughing. I finally got out that he wanted fudge. In his defense, my daughter had also piled chocolate pudding and chocolate syrup in the bowl. It did look like sludge!


I also remember one time after a party. My dd didn't eat because she was too busy socializing. I think she was three at the time. Her aunt (very proper church going woman) came up behind her just as my dd asked to go to Kentucky Fried Chicken. Only, my dd replaced the T in Kentucky with an F. I thought her aunt would get whiplash since her head whipped around so fast! I had to explain that she wanted to go to KFC. We have ALWAYS used the initials since that day!:eek:

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My dd, now 15, used to say "Be-tend" (pretend), and the opposite? Be-real, of course :)


The famous line from Our Country Tis of Thee - "Our Father, God, to Thee, Arthur of Liberty"


When I was teaching music in elementary school -


Mrs. H, can we sing "Whistle Man?" "Which song?" You know - "Whistle man, he played one, he played knick-knack on his thumb!"




"Who built the ark? No-one! No-one!" (of course, public school, who knows?)


Thanks for the laughs, everyone. Tough week, good to smile :D One of these days, I'll post an introduction. . .

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...when she was small. So she would point to FLAGS and miss the "L" sound. Just to add to it, we live in a neighborhood famous for its gay population (it's known as "Boys' Town" in Chicago)


So we would go out for a walk, a straight couple and their kid, with the kid saying, "look at the ..... (fill in the blank)....."


Must. Not. Laugh. :D

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All four of my children refer to multiple garments as "clothes" and a single garment as a "clo." It is the last holdover from my oldest daughter's toddlerhood. She was great at those. People look at the kids funny, so I will have to correct them some day, but it still makes me smile every time. :)


Similarly, my ds #4 calls a large quantity of cheese "cheese". But a single piece is a "chee".

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Well...it's not my kiddo but my dh and love it on Spongebob when he uses the word "phosisticated" instead of sophisticated. :D


My eldest son when he was listening to Beauty and the Beast cd, when they say "hideous" beast for the longest time my little Sherlock would say "shadeous" -- it always gave dh and I a giggle.

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Oh! So *that's* what my 2 yo is saying~! :D I have to translate sometimes, but I was wondering why she always asks for "chee".


Hee hee! I have another one...




When my 5 yo was a toddler he was wanted to make sure that he didn't have a "whack" in his ear.

You know, cuz then we'd have to clean out the "whacks". ;)

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When my son was about 3, he used to love singing in the bath.


We were treated to loud renditions of "Baa-baa, Black Sheep" which ended with "one for the master, one for the dame, one for the little boy who lived down the drain" (instead of lane)


We also heard "Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul...Thank you, Lord, for making me cold..." (instead of whole)



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I just posted on my blog about what my ds said the other night. He had been watching an Our Gang dvd in which Alfalfa sang The Barber of Seville. My ds went around the house singing at the top of his lungs, "I'm the barber of the field."


My dd8 still says fravorite instead of favorite. She even spelled it fravorite on a recent spelling test. You can add her to the list of children who used clo as a singular for clothes. She also used to think that socks and shoes were one word, socksandshoes, referring only to the shoes.


One of my big brothers called the title of a songbook from church 101 Scared Hymns. I always wondered what was so frightening about those songs.

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