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Day 2 of staring at the boards and waiting.

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Oh, Pam - its ok. Let your children do what they can, do what you feel like doing and let it go. When it happened to me, I did a lot of crying, my kids did a lot of cuddling. We would pray that Jesus would give our baby a kiss - we were in the boat together. You and your family are in it together, though you do get the brunt of things. Take it easy on you and them. Their education will not suffer and their character will grow as you walk this as a family. Love to you -

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Oh, Pam - its ok. Let your children do what they can, do what you feel like doing and let it go. When it happened to me, I did a lot of crying, my kids did a lot of cuddling. We would pray that Jesus would give our baby a kiss - we were in the boat together. You and your family are in it together, though you do get the brunt of things. Take it easy on you and them. Their education will not suffer and their character will grow as you walk this as a family. Love to you -



Oh what a beautiful post. I cannot agree more. It is so sad what you are going through, but the children too are experiencing a loss. If not directly, they can see what you are suffering and because they love you it effects them too. I think definitely this is a time for healing and like the other posters have said there is nothing academically that you can't make up later. This experience in itself is teaching them about loss and how one copes and gets through grief. That in itself is a valuable life lesson. I think math and language arts can take a back seat to that for awhile. My heart truly is breaking for you. I am praying for you. :grouphug::grouphug:



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I think it would be worse if you pretended nothing has happened. They know they have lost a sibling even though it's more abstract to them.

I would emphasize that this is a time of recovery, physically and emotionally for you and emotionally for them.


Of course you know this already but there is nothing academically that cannot be caught up later.

Grieve and take your time.

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