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what is your favorite parenting books for girls?

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Dd is only 11(just turned), already has an attitude.

She can be the sweetest child out there, very thoughtful to others(outside the home). BUT, she has a mouth on her---she just doesn't know how to shut it when she needs to. She ends up in trouble 99.99% of the time due to running her mouth.

She is very sensitive and cries at the drop of a hat. When we get onto her about it, she ask why we are upset with her. She doesn't realize what she is doing.

Dh says, she will eventually figure it out. I don't think she will! I think it is going to get worse, if we don't get it under control now.



Also, I really need to learn how to handle myself when she starts running her mouth.


Any book suggestions?


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We're going through the Bright Lights book with our 2 oldest dds and I see some good results. It's very biblical and conservative (if that's what you are looking for). Aside from that we just pray a lot with our oldest (who sounds like your dd) and do a lot of stopping her, pointing out how she said something, and having her try again...and again...and again...

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Dd is only 11(just turned), already has an attitude.

She can be the sweetest child out there, very thoughtful to others(outside the home). BUT, she has a mouth on her---she just doesn't know how to shut it when she needs to. She ends up in trouble 99.99% of the time due to running her mouth.

She is very sensitive and cries at the drop of a hat. When we get onto her about it, she ask why we are upset with her. She doesn't realize what she is doing.

Dh says, she will eventually figure it out. I don't think she will! I think it is going to get worse, if we don't get it under control now.



Also, I really need to learn how to handle myself when she starts running her mouth.


Any book suggestions?



I got my daughter that book Body Talk from Nancy Rue. It isn't a parenting book, but it is written for girls who are either prepubescent, starting into puberty or already in full puberty and menstruating. My daughter really got alot out of that book because it explained to her alot about her emotions and her hormones that were really affecting her behavior. There were things changing in her body but she was too embarrassed to talk to me about it. The book really helped in that regard because she was able to get answers without having to share with me things that she found embarrassing.


As for parenting, I love the books written by Dr. Bob Barnes. He has helped me so much in my own relationships with my children. My own parents were horrible and I had no good role models to model my own home after when I became a mom, but Bob Barnes books helped me tremendously in that respect. "Who's in Charge Here" is a good one for dealing with strong willed children and how to establish a plan for discipline in the home. Amazon has it where you can look inside and read the table of contents and excerpts from the book. It's not specific to girls, but it will work for all children. I have used this method with my own children (a boy and a girl) and I am so glad I found it when they were young. I hope this helps you. :) Oh PS, these books are written by Christian authors and have a God centered approach just so you know. :)




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...if so, James Dobson was on Hannity the other night and he's been writing a new book called "Bringing Up Girls". He wrote "Bringing Up Boys" a few years ago. He didn't mention a release date. You might be able to look it up on his website or google it. Also, I've had Karen Andreola's (I believe she's the author) book suggested to me called "Beautiful Girlhood" for when my dd gets older. Several people have highly recommended that book. You can go through it together. I don't know if either of these fit the bill for your situation or life, but I hope that I helped. Best wishes and hang in there! :grouphug:


ETA: Scott Turansky has good parenting books. I'm reading one right now called "Good and Angry- Exchanging Frustration for Character in You and Your Child" (might not be the exact title, but close). He has several others that interest me too. HTH

Edited by Dianne-TX
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This is going to sound strange...but the book I always recommend is "She Calls Me Daddy." I bought this book for my DH when our DD12 was first born. This (and the Bible) has been our "go to" book ever since. Even though it is written for Dads, I got a lot out of it as well.


Our girls receive compliments almost every where we go, and I give this book a lot of the credit!



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I have a parenting suggestion to help with kids who run their mouths. This would be for kids who are usually good kids, but they occasionally let their mouths get ahead of their brains. I get face to face (neutral facial expression) and hold up my hand as in: "look at the STOP hand." Then I offer, "Would you like to say that over again in a nicer way?" Most of the time, kids will adjust. And if they don't adjust, it becomes a much clearer case of defiance which can be dealt with in other discipline arrangements. Our household philosophy is that there is nothing that cannot be discussed or expressed as long as it is done in a respectful way. My favorite parenting book for boys and girls is Raising Self-Reliant Children in a Self-Indulgent World by Stephen Glenn.

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