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Why I love the classical method...

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There is sooo much about the classical education method that attracts me, and I'm only just starting out (my daughters are only ages 5 and 3 months!)


The methodology is so systematic. I don't find that in any of the other theories I've been reading about and researching.


I started my daughter's official kindergarten year with the idea of just "winging" in and pulling pieces together from different curriculum, but with no true end result in mind, which is just chaos, especially when a child's mind is so FRESH and READY for KNOWLEDGE.

You know?

So I wrote a whole post about this at demetriazinga.com, thanking Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise for writing this book (The Well Trained Mind), which is giving me a fresh perspective on an age-old view of education...

something we young mothers are desperately in need of in today's "do it your way" generation.


Enjoy the post! :) - www.demetriazinga.com

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something we young mothers are desperately in need of in today's "do it your way" generation.


Wow, this and your other post were enjoyable reading for me! I echo everything you said. Esp. your quote I included here. I was SOOOO glad when I found WTM several years ago and saw that education had a PATTERN to it!!

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Jean and Colleen, thanks for the welcome and for your kind words.

Yep! I'm really excited about being part of this awesome community and look forward to learning more and connecting.


This education method has got to have the best support out there. The message boards here are ExTREMELY helpful and full of great advice from a community of people that are so excited about helping one another.


this is great!

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It definitely flipped a switch for me too. I had gotten a stack of books from the library to look into homeschooling. And then I got kind of freaked out and overwhelmed by it all. When I got to WTM, it was the "oh, THIS is what I was looking for!" moment. It was the only book I ran out and bought so that I could write all over the pages. And I suggest it to absolutely everybody who even whispers an interest in homeschooling.

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